Agism or chicanery?
By jxmartin
- 698 reads
We are all guilty of normal human aging
Several media organizations and a few candidates are enjoying making fun of people who are getting older. This is a head scratcher for me. Reliable information from scientists indicates that every single one of us gets older every day. Certainly, at 75 years of age, I am in that range. I occasionally forget a name or a place while relating stories. I even get a little confused when complicated directions are run by me in rapid fire manner.
Even so, I don’t think myself a doddering, old fool. I haven’t lost any of the intellectual acuity that I have acquired. In short, I still think I can manage challenging situations as well as anyone several years younger. And I KNOW that my powers of deduction and cognitive abilities place me on a par with most people in elective office.
Over the course of years, I have helped elect several of these “less than enabled” officials. A good staff usually helps carry on business when the “challenged one” drops the ball. It is like this everywhere, even in the private sector.
The recent attacks on the President of the United States are, in my opinion, made by self-serving and manipulative political operatives who have something to gain by taking President Biden down. Despite their “who me?,” angelic countenance, me thinks there is treachery afoot.
Biden’s opponent is only a few years younger. Should he not be tarred with the same agism smears? His protestations of “acing cognitive tests” are laughable. Everyone on Medicare age has to remember three words from the beginning of their annual interview until the end. In addition, they have to draw a clock face with hands pointed to an indicated time. This is a difficult cognitive test? I think even referring to it a a calculator of intellectual ability is somewhat telling. “whaddya ya stupid or something?”
In an extensive interview with George Stephanopolus, President Biden said “The race for President is all about Character.” I believe that as well. “Character will out” is an oft repeated adage, that people of real ability and merit will demonstrate their qualities over and over again, because that is who they are. Other, less talented individuals show their mettle, or lack of it, as well.
An old-time democratic leader, James A. Farley had a pithy saying relating to comparing candidates. “Let’s look at the record,” he often said. So, “let’s look.”
Biden, despite a few dropped balls, has been a pretty decent President. He still has to get inflation down more and address that whole southern border problem, an issue that several presidents, he included, has kicked the can down the road on. Otherwise, his list of accomplishments, including resurrecting and economy on the verge of collapse, getting a massive infrastructure Bill through Congress, and shoring up the NATO Alliance in laudable.
Former President Trump has one claim to fame. He got a trillion -dollar tax cut passed, so that all of his wealthy friends love him. He also, through his SCOTUS appointments, got Roe Vs. Wade repealed. Otherwise, most of his agenda was self-aggrandizing reality television appearances, at his golf courses and luxury residences. And of late, his adjudication for sexual assault, his convictions on 34 felonies of financial fraud, his pending trials on another several dozen felonies and his long delayed trial that he organized and carried out a treasonous attempt to overthrow the U.S. Government, should give all Americans pause in considering him for any elective office.
Trump’s verbal threats of retribution on his political foes, and other repressive ideas that he and his followers freely endorse, should scare the hell out of everyone that believes in a free and participatory democratic form of government.
Ladies and Gentlemen, this race isn’t about the vagaries of aging. This race is not just about “character.” It is about the continuing survival of a democracy in these Unites States of America. Every one who honors our flag and swears allegiance to America, should get involved in this process to prevent some really bad actors from attaining power over al of us.
If the esteemed Mr. Farley is correct, this race should not even be a contest. Why Trump is doing as well as he is in the polls is a puzzler to me. What I do know is that I will no longer sit back and watch these latter-day Vandals sack the U.S. Capitol and cast us all back into the philosophical mores and practices of the 18th century.
Organize those around you. Get involved. It is the future of your children and grandchildren that is at stake here. Those who take a different tack of these ideas, that is your priviledge, but please delete me from your “friend’s list.” I am not going to be silent anymore.
(812 words)
Joseph Xavier Martin
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Trump is 78 years old, I
Trump is 78 years old, I believe. That is two old candidates by anyone's standards running for president. My understanding is that Biden has countered his advancing years by having a strong team around him. I guess it's not all about one person...unless you are Donald Trump. Some good points in here. Let's see if Biden sees it through or another candidate replaces him.
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This was interesting to read.
This was interesting to read. Even here there seems to be a chunk of News each day devoted to how many leading Democrats want someone else to run. As though that is more important than the contest itself
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I loved your final rallying
I loved your final rallying cry, and indeed the prospect of a Trump presidency horrifies a lot of us outside the US as well. I suppose the horror of it is what motivates a lot of the people wanting to replace Biden, as they don't feel they can give any ammunition, true or false, to Trump's campaign?
Here's hoping that common sense/decency/sanity prevails and Trump is very firmly given the boot. It befuddles me how this loathsome individual can get the support he has.
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yes! The idea of a spell is
yes! The idea of a spell is so interesting - it is as if, because of deep fakes, people are willing to believe all sorts of unreal things to be true, or true things to be false, as in the times when fairy tales were written. So as technology has leaped "forward" making a new kind of reality, people have started finding the world to be as unfathomable as in centuries before. Magicians, influencers, Spells and conspiracies, trolls and impossibly rich giants of tech. And all the while we spend more and more time looking at Life through screens, like rose tinted spectacles or maybe whatever tints encourage fear, or envy?
Here, there is the Reform party, and I cannot at all understand why it is so popular,as if I missed being sprinkled with their magic dust
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