Garden bindweed, again

By Rhiannonw
- 765 reads
Insidiously quickly it binds, spirallingly winds
entangling. strangling, entwining around
grasping support from the stronger stems;
poking through, it flaunts shrouding heart-shaped leaves
and bulging buds which crack open – large gape:
‘Whiter than white’ – “look at me” insolent
silent shriek ,
flamboyant shout atop the bushes.
This is the nuisance-weed in gardens and along roadsides (Calysegia sepium), not the beautiful little field bindweed which I love
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Insolent twisting things
As beautiful as the bindweed flowers are, Rhiannon, I feel your pain.
This plant is undefeatable. I can't understand why it hasn't, by now, covered the entire planet. It's such a pity it's not edible.
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oh yes, there's nothing more
oh yes, there's nothing more satisfying than untwisting a whole string of bindweed ! the flowers are beautiful, but if you let them go mad, they really do cover the whole garden and drown all the other plants. It was everywhere in my garden when I moved here, but I'm down to one or two shoots now, which I pull out whenever I spot them. I will admire your flowers from distance in this lovely poem!
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Hi Rhiannon, Like insert when
Hi Rhiannon, Like insert when we first moved into our present house, the garden was heaving with the bindweed flowers like you show in the photo. Over about ten years we managed to get rid of most of it, by deep digging the roots out...I'm glad we did, because there's no way either of us could dig like that now.
Your poem describes exactly what happened in our garden, all that entwining around and grasping support from the stonger stems. It's such a shame, but necessary to get rid of it.
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"Whiter than white’ – “look
"Whiter than white’ – “look at me” insolent
silent shriek.."
Such drama in your vignette, Rhiannon.
The ever evolving struggle between flora.
We intervene where we can, of course.
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These flower poems are so
These flower poems are so good, "flaunts...insolent...flamboyant" you always think of the perfect words!
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