A garden is …

By Rhiannonw
- 791 reads
… a haven,
giving rest of mind:
beauty and utility,
flowers or veg,
cultivated or wild,
fence or hedge –
and for a child
a place for imagination
to take wing:
a table – flower-shop?
a slide or swing,
to fly in the sky
or sail the sea,
a wigwam or sheet –
baking, serving sticks and stones
for pretended guests to eat,
water play
to paddle, or splash
or water the plants today,
bat and ball …
a garden
big or small
by your house or down the road
in the park –
a special place,
a treasured space
for young or old
or ancient.
[IP: gardens]
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A perfect example of how we
A perfect example of how we use a garden, for all ages Rhiannon.
Love the lines:-
a place for imagination
to take wing.
That's how I feel.
Also those last four lines sum up your poem for me.
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Brilliant, Rhiannon! Really
Brilliant, Rhiannon! Really loved this!
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really enjoyed this Rhiannon
really enjoyed this Rhiannon - what a great IP it is. It reminds me how lucky I am to have a garden - life would be smaller without
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"..a special place,
"..a special place,
a treasured space
for young or old
or ancient."
Beautifully done, Rhiannon.
Generations pass in time via our gardens.
I know I love mine and it's so important for people's spirits. Not everyone has one, of course.
We are the lucky ones.
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Yes, a garden is an ideal
Yes, a garden is an ideal place for children, adults and 'ancients' like me in need of relaxation. You painted a perfect picture with this enjoyable poem.
Luigi x
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