
By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 552 reads
Years ago, my brother who I looked after, he gave me some money. It was enough for me to buy a brand new laptop. I went with my Husband Paul, who had done his homework before we went. We didn't want to spend too much, but the sales assistant was fantastic.
The laptop was chosen, then it came to the word, she said to me, "Do you want it for one year?" For one year, she went on, "It will be £75, or for life it will be £99.00." Now £99 is a lot of money, when you don't have a lot, and with the change from £75, that would be good, a saving.
We discussed it for a short time, and told her, "I will have word for life please." It was all set up. Later on I told someone at work and he said, "I wished I knew that, my Mum bought my laptop for my studies, and she paid for the year, of my three year course." He went on, "That was very good value."
Word serverd me well for years, and when my laptop broke, my brother got me another one, my life long word, was tranfered to my new laptop, with all of my Stories from ABC Tales.
Recently, my word has been playing up, and I was unable to put anything on ABC Tales,
I was beyone sad, it was very frustrating. I couldn't even reply to comments, I let the Boss of ABC Tales know.
If this story, which is not on word does not publish, then this week Paul and I will contact Micosoft. For I have paid for word, for Life.
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Glad you've managed to post
Glad you've managed to post this one Maxine. I'm sorry you've had problems for the past week or so
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word's life
Have you thought of in, "the word for life" it refers to the word's life, not yours? Could explain it. I also know how frustrating it can get battling on with old and damaged unreliable stuff, The story of my "life'.
Nolan &
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Yes, I too bought 'word for
Yes, I too bought 'word for life' and have had it transferred over to a new laptop - it does get quirky now and again and once I had to ask microsoft to help update it, but that was several years ago. I hope you have luck with your call to microsoft and get your word updated and working soon.
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