February Variety

By Rhiannonw
- 247 reads
Damp and soggy,
drab and weary,
chilly cheerless,
but sometimes
Frosty, clear,
blue, blue day-sky
sparkling night:
warm clothing,
chapped cheeks!
hoar frost glitter,
snowfall smothering,
but glad for rising temperature soon –
even if
damp and soggy,
drab and weary,
chilly, cheerless … !
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Hi Rhiannon,
Hi Rhiannon,
you capture this February weather with your poem. Love the idea of:
Frosty clear,
blue, blue day - sky
Sparkling night:
warm clothing,
That gives me a hospitable feeling, with my love of the cold.
Love the photo too.
P. S. Me and my partner went for a lovely walk up on the ridgeway yesterday. The weather was perfect, just loved the cloudy sky and cold windy conditions which suit me fine. Even saw about six sparrow hawks flying around overhead looking for food, tried to take a photo, but they came out as black specks, but never mind, it was a perfect day.
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When the sun does come out,
When the sun does come out, it makes such a difference, even when it's cold! Thank you for this Rhiannon. I wish I could share your enthusiasm for the chilly cheerless days!
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I like very much how your
I like very much how your poem explains your gorgeous photo! This time of year somehow (maybe wishful thinking) even dreary days seem luminous and there is that excitement from all the buds waking up, but you are so right, the grey skies seem like a weight falling back down, when really wanting the comfort of gentle warmth to be able to move freely, not all stiff and bundled up in coats etc
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"..hoar frost glitter,
"..hoar frost glitter,
snowfall smothering.."
A poem full of animation. Felt like I was there.
Perfect for February. Skilfully done, as always.
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