Angola 3

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Angola 3

The Angola 3 - who are now 2 - have been incarcerated in solitary confinement in a Louisiana prison for 34 years for a crime they almost certainly did not commit.

Gordon and Anita Roddick have been campaigning for their release and Anita has just sent me this missive - take a look at it, do what you can and follow the story:

Check out this fantastic music video - - AND ' PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE bring everyone you know to this issue - send them the link to the music video and to the Angola 3 website ( ' we need to get Herman and Albert freed! Help us spread the word!!

Angola3 website wouldn't load for me. Is there any reason why they are still held? Surely there must be SOME reasoning?? There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennett

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

The reason is that they're black and in Louisiana. 'Nuff said. No amount of legal wrangling will overcome very deeply-held prejudices in certain parts of the States, especially in the judicial system, especially from 30 years ago.
Actually, that's not entirely true all the time; a guy was just released in Texas after 25 years, cleared by the lovely science of DNA. So there *is* hope!
Anonymous's picture
Never thought I'd see this topic turn up here - this is one of those stains on my home state that can't be cleaned, even if they're freed, but freeing them is the right thing to do. I also can't get the link to load, so here's another that will give some background information: It's an older post, but little has changed. Sadly, there are still some places where being black is crime enough, and Louisiana is one of them - AG is absolutely right.
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