Happy Beer Fug

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Happy Beer Fug

Forgive me for starting the third topic of the day, but I've just had a lovely strong organic beer and the effects of it are just starting to kick in.

I am in a...

Happy Beer Fug

Anyone else read "How to be Idle" by Tom Hodgkinson? Most enjoyable and delightfully poignant.

Had a nice brie'n'bacon sanger for lunch.

I love cheese!

:-) :-) :-)

~ PEPS ~

How do the 'ads for google' know what we're talking about? Anyone? There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennett

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

They have Special Powers. ~PEPS~ You can’t finish a man till he’s finished his Texan Bar

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Will someone stop talking about cheese. Who's talking about cheese? I know you (that's you peps) you talked about cheese on sunday and it didn't even feature as the hotpoint of your topic. Hotpoint of topic, eh...like that? eh!? But that shouldn't mean that we should be plagued by google ads BECKONING us - hypnotising us - with it's cheese ads...unless someone else is talking about cheese and I don't know about it. But - for example, if every member of this forum wrote the word 'bugger' in a thread tomorrow, what ads would google place up there...to the right...at the top Do they have some invisible but visible as in, software, version of a little spy who...or what....or that....spies on us and collects our keywords and then sends ads to us? ? Or am I simply imagining the whole thing....putting cheese I saw yesterday with the ads for cheese from google? Or is it...ah! Wait....there was a lot of 'cheese' in the sexiest music topic. It was all cheese this and cheese that....hmm....I'm going to dwell on this... There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennett

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

No, they have Special Powers. (cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese ) (and more cheese) ~PEPS~ You can’t finish a man till he’s finished his Texan Bar

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

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