How do you rate stories or see your own ratingd

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How do you rate stories or see your own ratingd

I saw a thread disussing ratings and it was mentioned that rating wasn't proving to be as popular as it could be. Well it's no wonder! How do you do it? There is nowhere that I can see which invites you to rate a story or poem. Also where would you see ratings for your own work?
Can someone enlighten me?

Hi Groundhog. I've just done a site search on the word "rating" and can find references to it back in 2001. Must have been something they did back then to annoy each other, and probably stopped doing it when things turned ugly.
You are right - we used to have ratings although they were abused at times! I think we've all grown up a bit now and I'll get them switched back on - and allow comments at the bottom of stories as well to improve feedback ratio - but they will go if people are idiots about it! I have written to Fingers today on this matter.
Thanks for the info Tony. Looking forward to it!
Sounds good - as 4g said the other day the one downside to this site is the lack of feedback people offer. Something of which I am as guilty of as many others I should point out!
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