Inspiration point (IP)

Inspiration Point for this week is "Carried on the Wind". I hope this stirs your imagination, and look forward very much to reading what you post

Inspiration point

Gold cherry

Beavers Fag Break (they mostly come at night, mostly)

‘Otter, wait for me!’ Otter strode ahead on her sturdy boots, thick rubber soles absorbing the uneven surface of the graveyard, half-sunken stone...

Ins and outs of politics

Flawed voters want flawless leaders faultless, biddable no apologies acceptable; our voting makes you disposable, expendable, riddable – you are rejected – a new hero will be projected – …

Poking James MacGuigan’s Pig

There have been many doors in my life, some real and some metaphorical, but on a quiet little farm in one of Ireland's beautiful Glens of Antrim, one in particular stood out and the memory of it will stay with me forever.
