Inspiration point (IP)

Inspiration Point for this week is "Carried on the Wind". I hope this stirs your imagination, and look forward very much to reading what you post

Inspiration point


The anger, the hate, confusion, injustice, the, “Why? The, “How?” The “Why now?” “I did this for you, I gave you that, I cleaned, and tied up, for...

No Evening Twilight in Acapulco

Dark and light; umbra and penumbra.- Image: GNU Free Documentation License , Author: Vallezatri

It Being December

Dulled A mind follows a rainbow Seven shades of jet In hope to find A faerie shoemaker In wee black jacket and cap Tap-tapping at the soles Of...
Gold cherry

The Pollarded Willows

I look out every day onto a row of four very old willows, which probably grew next to a drainage ditch before it was piped and built over to make the road I live on. ++++ Rachel's trees series inspired me to write about them, but I felt it a bit cheeky to post a poem until they became a subject for the IP ++++ Photo of two of them taken with my iPhone
