Inspiration point (IP)

Inspiration Point for this week is "Carried on the Wind". I hope this stirs your imagination, and look forward very much to reading what you post

Inspiration point


Jenny's Pies

When the going gets rough, I can always count on Jenny to invite me over for one of her pies. Nobody bakes pies like Jenny does. She has more than a...

Star Wars

Fame breeds jealousies … tongues claw and fight.

In a Rush

A lifetime of rushing food and eating 'on the go' has left me wondeiing why, now I am retired do I STILL rush my food.
Gold cherry


You couldn’t blame us. We couldn’t help ourselves. Days and nights out in the desert, tramping through a wilderness of rocks and dirt, heat and sand...

Macrobiotic Mayhem

She’s only been here for three weeks. I regret every minute. Doing someone a favour. “Somewhere to stay while things are sorted out.” My kitchen is...
