Inspiration point (IP)

Inspiration Point for this week is "Carried on the Wind". I hope this stirs your imagination, and look forward very much to reading what you post

Inspiration point


Yin And Yang Of Autumn Forest

Night puts natures colours to bed, only moon and stars share their splendour, chill winds commune with October's coming ambiance ushering Autumn...

Night Time Stalker

As a child I often awake from a fading nightmare to peer at the shapes barely visible in the gloom. I my first career on the footplate I trundled across North London on lumbering freight trains at all hours of the night. It's truly scary what the mind can see until replaced by the cold light of dawn.

There's something beautiful in the clouds

There's something beautiful in the clouds , on a rainy day or on a mildly cloudy one.One thing is for sure it always prewarns us of something that's...

I See Something Special

Like the snowflakes they sometines form, clouds are unique.

Crucial Moves of Fantasy

Sit back and watch the sea above Where images of waves and whales and fish and ships Collide and slide and get mixed up Until it is a sea no more But...
