Inspiration point (IP)

The season is shifting, so this week's Inspiration Point is 'a change in the air'. Interpret it as you will, and look forward to seeing the results! 

Inspiration point


Man Mountain

Image from Wikimedia Common in the public domain. Source El Grafico del 17 de Noviembre de 1934. Edition 801

Dangers in the dark

[Continuing the hymn-for-Sundays series] What dangers when confusion reigns, and argument concerning what is good and right, rebellious claims that...

Malta. Part Three.

The only country that I have ever wanted to go to in the world, was Malta. As a surprise, my daughter Meghan, surprised me, a holiday for the both of...

Heavy. Ip

Man and woman stand arms reaching upward Through water flowing from the cliffs above as it cleanses the dust from their newly molded bodies. They...
