Inspiration point (IP)

As the nights lengthen, we could probably all do with a bit of cheering up. So this week's Inspiration Point comes straight from Monty Python: Always Look On The Bright Side. I look forward to having life brightened during the coming week! 

Inspiration point


Pure Sounds

Her hands poised over the keyboard Her posture properly straight Her eyes focused on the notes Awaiting maestros cue The violin was crying...

Pieces of Healing

Jodie slogged home through the rain. Pelting down, and icy cold. She tugged her coat around herself, trying to snuggle into the furry rim of her hood...


My wife and I often say 'I hate you, now I'm singing it....(evil grin ensues )

Reconciled, then fostering peace

[Continuing the hymn-for-Sundays series] So vast the chasm, huge the rift …What could he do? …to foster peace they’d now been freed!
