Austin Sust-4
By prozacdolls
- 910 reads
Introducer: "Now, wazn't that abzolutely fab-u-louze? That girl iz
gonna get zomewhere in life. Audience, pleaze another round for our
firzt pre-zenter....Ah, that'z it. Now, huzz, huzz, we have a zhow to
do. For our Zecond pre-zenter, we have a regular here. He is Auztin
Zuzt, commonly known az the "boo boy". But we'll zee if thiz time, he
haz zomething better for uz. Come, come."
(Austin shuffles slowly up onto the stage. He's 19 years old, average
height, average build, blond hair, green eyes. He is wearing an all
black outfit, and his eyes are highly decorated with make-up of the
same color. He looks almost bored, disinterested.)
"Hello, my fine, fine
I'm back,
with something..
new this time.
You may or may not
like it.
It's up to you
Just boo me off
sit there silently
and give
me no smacking
of hands together,
or applaud.
Like I said,
it's up to you anyway.
Ok, now then.
By Austin Sust
I stared at the man
his deathly cold eyes
his violently warm breath
this man I despise
he makes me feel sick
his horribly worn face
his ratty old clothes
he's nothing but disgrace
but then my vision became a little clearer
and then, my friend, I stepped 'way from the mirror."
The Audience Reaction
Two audience members clapped politely as he took his seat in the
far-right back corner. None of the applause that Beta received was
anywhere in site. It seems that the audience didn't like his poem very
He pulled his legs up to his chest, and glared at anyone that turned to
look at him during the silence.
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