Time, the Universe and other dimensions of love
By will2
- 729 reads
First off, I'm not writing this to be believed, O.K.? There's
certain things which happen in life, and quite rightly too, that you
can only understand if seen or experienced by yourself. One thing I
would say to you though, is keep an open mind. Not for my benefit. For
See, that's one of the first things I remember she said to me, when I
asked 'Why me?' she just said I had an open mind. That's all. How she
knew this I have no idea, but that's what's she said. So I'm kind of
hoping you'll be of the same persuasion and give me the benefit of your
doubt and time.
Anyway, my names William by the way, Will if you prefer. I live in
Scotland. See, a few years ago, in May 1994 actually, me and my
girlfriend at the time, my best mate and his girlfriend decided to go
for a trip up north. So the four of us took the car from Glasgow and
drove up to the Highlands, went all over the joint. We had no real plan
but ended up in the port of Ullapool and from there took the four hour
car ferry to the Isle of Lewis.
Anyway, we just did the usual things. Camped out, went drinking in the
local pubs, went fishing, there's some great salmon rivers up there, in
case you're interested. Anyway, we were having a great time. Even the
weather wasn't too bad.
So finally we ended up camping near the standing stones at Callanish.
Thousands of years old. Don't know if you've been there but they're
magnificent. A wee bit eerie as well by the way.
At night, we cooked the salmon my mate had caught over the open fire,
and then we do the usual thing, start telling spooky stories and
suchlike, childish I know, trying to scare each other, all in the
shadow of the standing stones. You know, but we were just having a
Well, eventually we headed back into our tents, must have been around
about half two in the morning, I think. A wee while later I get up to
have a pee, so I'm standing there watering the heather and I look up at
the sky. As you do, right?
The stars seemed so bright, clear. I guess coming from the city it was
quite an impressive and unusual sight. To have the 'Universe' laid out
before me in every direction. And naturally, as you do, I started
wondering about stuff. You know, the meaning of life and all that. I
also wondered if anything was out there, like I guess, humans had done
since the beginning of time.
Anyway, one star in particular caught my attention. It appeared to
move. Seriously. Then again! Without warning it just shot off to the
left. And then to the right. It started to get bigger. It was moving
towards me. Excuse my language but I was so distracted I started peeing
on my foot. I mean the thing was getting bigger, closer all the time. I
turned to shout something to my friends but before I could open my
mouth I found myself standing in this room.
I know, and I know you don't know me or anything and you're probably
thinking I'm making this up, but I'm not, I swear. Anyway, this may
sound stupid but my first thought was that I had died!
You see the room was so bright. I had to shield my eyes. Everything was
white. Brilliant silvery white. And something else. I just didn't feel
fear. All I felt was this overwhelming feeling of love.
I know, I know, but I swear to you, and I immediately thought about
these stories, about you know when people die and all that, you know
how they say they die for a minute and there's bright light and stuff,
and there's this feeling of overwhelming love? Well, it was just like
that, I swear. But then my eyes started to become accustomed to the
light and as they do, I could make out someone standing in front of
At first I thought it was a human. As you do. But as I looked more
closely, I then thought it was someone dressed up in a rubber suit.
Seriously. I know it sounds funny now, but anyway it was human in form,
two arms, two legs, etc, two eyes, small mouth, everything we have
except her skin was like this scaly brown rubber. I realised it was a
real life alien. That's all I can say. One minute I'm doing a pee and
the next, I'm an extra in Alien IV.
You know, looking back I should have been petrified but I wasn't. I
just wasn't. It seemed female in nature. The being in front of me, I
mean. Don't ask me why, it just did. Then it spoke. In this quite high
pitched voice. Perfect English. I couldn't believe it. Brains as well
as beauty. It had a Scottish accent!(Later she told me they always take
on the accent of the people they 'meet', to make them feel welcome, no
I wasn't the first, or the last) It said it's name was Mary.
Now you've got to bear with me here because what I'm now going to say
is going to sound really ridiculous. I was completely in love with her!
Just like that. I had never felt such love in my life. I mean she was
small, about five foot so maybe that was it, see I guess I've always
liked 'petite' woman, I don't know, but anyway she seemed, so,
well...beautiful. Listen I mean, I'm not into rubber or anything, all
right? But I'm telling ye, I'm just saying she was one sexy lady,
that's all. Just the texture of her skin seemed so damned
So as I was saying, she says her name is Mary, pleased to meet you, etc
as if we had just bumped into each other at the supermarket or
something. So naturally I say I'm William, Will if you prefer etc as I
do, and she starts to lead me out the door into this corridor.
So like naturally, as we're walking along this corridor I start to ask
questions. Where am I and such like. As you do, right? Quite frankly I
don't want to go into too many details here, because well, we'll be
here all night and I know you're busy. Besides you wouldn't believe me,
The thing is though, it was just as you see on some crappy T. V. show.
I mean I'm sorry to disappoint you here but I just prefer to tell you
the truth. It was just like you see on Star Trek and what have you. All
silver and sliding doors. The whole works.
Anyway, the whole time we're walking I was captivated by this 'Mary'
person.(I hoped it wasn't a bloke) She had the most beautiful blue eyes
I had ever seen. Just these deep hypnotising blue eyes.
She took me to a room and told me to sit down. Told me to take my
clothes off. I thought, aye, aye, you've struck lucky here boy, but
unfortunately she just wanted me to have a shower and change into this
kind of silky robe thing.
After I'd showered she gave me this food to eat. Weird stuff. I know, I
know, when in Rome and all that but seriously I just wasn't hungry. But
she insisted. So I ate. Absolutely no flavour at all. It was like
eating water.
Now you're really going to think I'm crazy but I swear I still felt
such emotion towards Mary. Anyway, I tried to ignore it and we get to
talking, as you do, right? and she starts explaining things. I'm
telling ye, in no time Me and Mary were getting on like a house on
fire! She explains about the spacecraft and such and where they came
from and what have you(I'm sorry, for reasons I can't go into, I just
can't say too much at the moment, I'm still not sure what I can say and
So I start asking her about this and that. I'm fascinated. As you would
be right? I just want to let you know some of the things she told me.
It might interest you. Maybe. For instance I asked about religion.
Actually my exact words were..... "Is there a God?" I know, how corny
can you get?
Anyway she takes me to her room. Sits me down at a table and gets out
all these diagrams and charts and things. (One curious thing was there
was absolutely no computer screens anywhere on the craft)
She took my question about religion very seriously. I think she liked
being a teacher. Mary said that there was indeed a God but no-one had
never 'met it'. (Her words). That it was impossible to meet God because
God was outside the Universe. And we ourselves could not exist outside
the Universe, therefore could not meet God. Although we could
communicate with him through meditation, prayer if you like, since he
was the one who created us, there was always a part of him inside
She said that contrary to popular belief there was a clear connection
between science and religion. Listen, I'll try and explain more clearly
what she said. Right. First off, she said that our 'Big Bang' theory
was indeed correct.
That it was God who had set off this Big bang. Which resulted in our
Universe. But that since the Big Bang, God can't change anything which
has happened as a result of that Big Bang. It's that everything, how
can I put this, aye, it's like 'everything' is inside our Universe, and
he's outside.
See our universe is like this bubble, a huge transparent but finite
bubble. By finite, I mean it's closed. It has what you would call
edges. Just like a balloon, if you like. And well, the way she
explained it was that God looks in on this ever expanding, ever
changing bubble, our world included, but can't change anything inside
In fact she said a phrase which she repeated a lot while I was there.
"What's done is done". Apparently even God can't change the past. He
can only look on, looking into this clear bubble, with all the
different evolving world's and life configurations inside and
I mean he can influence the general direction of events, but individual
events, for instance in your personal life and mine can only be
directly changed by the individuals themselves, namely you and
She said there is only one Universe. There is only one God. Mary knew
all about Earth so I said to her, 'but what about all the different
religions and stuff'? You know Catholics Jews, Muslims, Hindu's, I mean
who's right? Which one should I join?' First of all she repeated there
is only one God. That each religion was in its own way 'right ' that
each religion was the truth for each of its believers.
To put it simply at the end of the day, the spiritual presence each
religion prayed to was indeed the same spiritual presence that others
prayed to, it was the same God. It was just that, each religion was a
different interpretation of that one God. It was just that quite
naturally over time each religion had evolved it's own way of
communicating with that one God. Each had developed it's own rituals
and suchlike, whether it was drinking wine and eating bread, or facing
East, or getting circumcised.
But she said that nevertheless God hears every prayer from no matter
what religion someone belongs to and although like I said 'he'(my word)
can't change each individual event in someone's life(this would render
self determination redundant) he can in certain cases make the
'conditions' preferable to one outcome or the other. (For instance if
two people were destined to meet, he could point them in the right
direction) But again, she insisted, at the end of the day it's the
individuals who make the final choice.
I asked 'What do you mean if two people were destined to meet?' She
said 'You know like you say, 'falling in Love'. I was delighted to hear
her mention the word Love because like I said I had felt it ever since
I had come onboard the ship. I told her how I felt. It was the first
time I saw the semblance of a smile on her face. I told her to explain
She said that was difficult. That Love was the simplest and yet the
most complicated emotion of all. First of all she said I had to
understand that there were many, many dimensions in the Universe that
Humans had not yet discovered.
She said for example that there were dimensions which were solely
concerned with emotion, feeling, thought. Dimensions which existed only
in the spiritual world. She added that so far, we on Earth knew only
one aspect of each dimension in relation to thought, feeling and
As she put it, that was like touching only one side of a cube, when it
has in fact six sides. Nevertheless she said when we humans felt,
'completely in love with someone' on Earth, we were literally touching
the edge of another dimension. It was always a completely new
experience for us. That's why it felt so good. So extraordinary.
But once we learned to experience every side of that dimension, every
aspect of love, to take that 'cube' in our hands and feel the full
force of it's power, we would begin to realise just how incredible and
special love could really be.
She also said that, hang on, I want to remember this correctly.... yeah
she said 'that the greatest change which would happen to mankind in the
future would be once we learned to completely 'go through' (her words)
those dimension's of love and experience it completely'.
Once we did that she said, Mankind would be a lot closer to noticing
and understanding the other dimensions which made up the totality of
the Universe.
She herself and her species had discovered long ago the other
dimensions of Love. That was why I felt it so strong ever since I had
come on board the ship. I just wasn't used to it being so strong, so
near, in the air as it were. She said I wasn't to worry, all humans had
the same reaction. You know at first I was embarrassed about my
feelings for her but after she explained I didn't feel too bad. Ach,
it's just science I thought, I'll get over it.
So I just sat and listened to her. She seemed so happy for me to learn.
I began to ask her some more 'obvious' questions. Like 'Is it possible
to live forever?'. She said no. There were people from her own star
system who could live for millions of years, others, only a few hours,
but eventually everyone, everything had to die.
She said the most important thing was to understand that all of us
inside the Universe had a common bond. That God was the ultimate goal.
To know and understand God. That we could only do this by living a good
life, by being a 'good' person. By understanding and learning about the
importance of Love.
She said we on Earth were still far too young to understand, but at the
same time we slowly had to learn. That was why now and then they,
Mary's people, would take a human onboard and tell them certain secrets
so that slowly, little by little, man would evolve and learn. They did
this because although Mankind could learn by himself, sometimes he had
to be given a little nudge now and then.
She said they had done this ever since Prehistoric times. Through The
Stone age, through the time of the Egyptians, and the Greeks, to
Medieval times, right through to the present day and myself. That's
when she said to me about having an open mind.
It seemed so peaceful, sitting there, listening to her. I wanted to ask
her so many questions. Some were a bit silly, I have to admit. but she
didn't seem to mind. Like I asked 'So why do people have to die?'
She said (and it was the same for every species in the Universe) we
lived an re-lived the same life over and over again until we found out
eventually about the importance of love and therefore could understand
that it was God who created us. That with each life we were given the
chance to learn from our mistakes in previous lives, until we grew over
time to be what we were destined to become.
In other parts of the Universe, even for those who lived for a million
years, it was the same. Even though it was a deeply painful process for
everyone concerned, it was a necessary process since simply, dying was
the only way to become re-born.
You know I began to wonder about my own life. That on earth if I was
lucky, I would only be alive for eighty, ninety years or something, I
felt a little aggrieved! I mean if some can live a million years, why
not me? I wondered how some species could live for a million years and
others, not.
She said it simply had to do with the nature of time. She herself, she
said was thousands of years old. She seemed reluctant to go on at this
point. I got the impression she had already told me too much, but I
pressed her. I couldn't help thinking it would be a great thing to
know. Eventually she continued.
She said that time was 'elastic'. And that it's elastic nature in
certain circumstances could be changed. Apparently this was already
known by scientists on Earth, Einstein (she was a big fan) was the
first to really understand it she said. That gravity affects time, even
on Earth, although only by miniscule amounts. (I didn't know
The thing is though, what Mary said is in extreme conditions, in
certain parts of the Universe you can actually, stretch or shorten time
by huge amounts so as to how it suits your needs! Mould it to whatever
intensity, depth you want.
That's what they did, her species, when they needed to 'fill up with
time' they would travel to a particular part of the Universe where time
was longer 'stretched' and mould their own time to the same dimensions.
This way, they said they could live for thousands, even millions of
Naturally I was really curious about this. I couldn't help thinking it
would be pretty useful to be able to change time back on Earth. If I
ever got back to earth that is. I mean I could make a fortune! So I
asked her if it would be possible in some way, to control or stretch
time on Earth?
Alas, she said it wasn't possible. For numerous reasons, one being for
instance that gravity would have to be at least eight thousand times(I
think that's what she said) the strength of what it was on Earth, and
if that was the case life wouldn't exist in the first place.
She said in time, after we learned viable long distance space travel we
could eventually lengthen our life span as long as we wished. But that
a long life didn't necessarily bring happiness.
What she did say though, and this may be of interest to you, this being
a writing site n'all is apparently you can simply influence time on
Earth in a small way by being creative. That simply with the mind, with
thought you can lengthen or shorten time. What Mary said was, that
well, let me try and explain this, everything in the universe is
basically going towards chaos. I've looked it up since, I think she
means Entropy.
That's basically the thing where like if you leave a cup of tea on the
sideboard, it goes cold. Doesn't get hot. Goes cold. Or if you don't
clean a room, it gets dirty, with dust and what have you. Bacteria
forms. Or more simply, people get old and die, right?
Everything naturally goes towards a certain direction of
'disorganisation'. Do you get what I'm saying? Right.
Now the only way to combat this 'direction' is of course by
interference. By organisation. By introducing some other energy into
the equation. You put the tea in the microwave for example or you clean
the room right? Still with me? You have to do something. Create. So
apparently it's the same with time.
These aliens (These aliens! Boy oh boy, it still sounds so crazy) go to
places in the universe which act on time like a microwave oven does on
a cup of tea, places which can affect the nature of time, stretch it.
We on Earth of course can't do that yet, but by way of experiment if
you like, in a small way we can counteract the natural direction of
time towards disorganisation by being creative. By creating.
For instance, like you know when you're writing a story , and you
really get into it? You start at midday, scribble away, then you look
back at the clock thinking it's about one hour later and it's actually
about four? You know what I'm talking about? Time flies? Well, that's
just because with creation, you're literally pulling time back from the
direction of disorganisation . Reorganising the disorganisation, if you
like. In the case of writing you're putting letters, words into order.
Creating order out of chaos.
Because when you're creating something, well, Mary said you mentally
descend into this other dimension apparently (one of those dimensions
we're on the brink of acknowledging) which deals with thought. In that
semi trance state you can get in, be it with art, or work, or whatever,
you are counterbalancing the natural opposing force of time. You're
creating something which fills the void of something just destroyed at
the other end of time, if you see what I mean.
The girl I was talking to, I mean the extra -terrestrial, I mean Mary
who I was talking to, said that on Earth there's already many examples
in works of Human creation which exemplify the result of that trance
state, which include the manipulation of time.
The Renaissance painters, for example or the great classical composers,
or the great writers. Apparently they're all not just examples of
creative genius, but also of utilising, Time, and the basis of another
dimension dealing with thought for the end result of creative
Anyway, enough. Mary was a great guide. She told me so much. I'll spare
you everything because I know you've got stuff to do but there's one
thing you should know about.
She said many civilisations, species in the Universe know about Earth.
Luckily, we're looked upon with affection apparently. Like a kid
brother or something. The ones around us, living in the galaxies
nearest to us, are friendly beings. But Mary hinted there's others who
are not friendly at all. She wouldn't go into details. She seemed
frightened. I didn't press her. But she said 'we should be prepared for
any future hostilities'. This was important she said.
Whatever, in any case, luckily we're surrounded by friendly aliens who
for the most part seem happy to let us humans get on with our own
lives. They're even ready to protect us if we ever come under attack,
which is nice to know. Ironically, she said to me, that our nearest
neighbours are almost always never seen.
She said that only around 0.5\% of U. F. O. sightings so far on Earth
are actually genuine extra-terrestrial sightings. And the half \%
includes me of course, and the others who have been taken onboard
throughout the ages. Even those other ones who genuinely are
extra-terrestrials are apparently only passing visitors 'tourists' from
Galaxies and star clusters far, far away, who don't know the, you know,
'Highway code' surrounding Earth.
That's all I want to say right now. I'm not crazy. Mary told me a lot
of other things I can't really go into just yet. Soon, but not yet.
Suffice to say it was very hard to say goodbye to her.
Later I found myself standing back outside that tent still watering the
heather. Completely freaked me out. As you can imagine. My friends
thought I'd just gone nuts. I was ranting and raving. I haven't seen
them since that holiday actually. Which is a pity. I'm not nuts.
Although I did lose my mind for a wee while, I have to admit.
For about five years, left my job, ended up on the streets. The classic
story, asking for change and trying to make people believe my story
about Aliens! Yeah, that was me! But slowly I've got my life back
together. Everything's back to normal. Just about. The main side effect
is, belief it or not, I still have these feelings for Mary. I've never
loved since. After all this time she's the one thing I still can't get
And to be honest, it still hurts a little when nobody believes me. I
mean you have no idea what it's like. When people don't believe you. Of
course I don't blame them, in a way. But nevertheless. Actually, I know
this will sound corny but you know what it's like?
Remember that film, what was it, aye, Miracle on Thirty fourth street?
Where like Santa Claus really is Santa Claus and nobody believes him?
They all think he's mad? It's just like that.
See, all I can say to people like yourself is ' Yeah, I was actually on
a spaceship once and talked to aliens...' 'Oh yeah?' they reply. I gave
up long ago.
I know there's nothing I can do at the moment. I like being creative
though. Playing around with time.
One of the first things I started doing after I got my life back
together is start writing. Although I rarely write about Mary and
suchlike. Don't see the point. Have no real desire to spend Christmas
in a mental hospital.
Besides you'll know yourselves soon enough. I mean, Mary said we'd know
soon. That she'd be back. She promised.
I visit Callanish often, whenever I can. To be truthful I personally
haven't seen anything since. But it's nice to look at the stars and
think that's Mary's out there. In fact, it was interesting to read last
month that Scotland has become top of the list for UFO sightings in the
last year. I guess my wee friends are preparing to make a move very
soon indeed. I know I should be pretty excited but actually all I'm
hoping is, I get the chance to meet Mary again. That's all that
matters. I think I may have got too close to that other dimension! Far
too close. Seriously. That's all I want to say for now. Thanks for
listening by the way. Thanks even more for not branding me a nutter! At
least I hope not. It means a lot. Seriously. All the best, Will
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