Daniels Dare
By candyfloss
- 716 reads
Daniel had decided to go to the biggest party of the year! He
usually hated these stupid parties where mostly all the people got
He knew that they weren't even people more like teenagers.
But he went anyway beacuse of 2 reasons..
Reason number 1. His mother had told him to go, because he doesn't get
out much and reason number 2, He was going with Penelope.
She had asked him that day if he would like to go with her to the
He had said said yes before she had stopped talking.
Now both of them were walking up the drive way of Robert Talberts
house, Robert was the richest kid on the block so he had parties every
year when he's parents were away.
Penelope and Daniel entered the house.
All he could see was people dancing, drinking (alcohol) and having fun.
So at that moment he promised himself to have fun tonight!
Penelope wanted to dance so he agreed. They went onto the dance floor
(wich was Roberts huge lounge) and danced, he realised that Penelope
was a great dancer with the way she moved her feet and hips. He danced
but couldn't take his eyes off her for the whole time they were on the
dance floor.
After a few songs Penelope was tired and needed a drink, Daniel
nothiced he was also thirsty so he went to get some drinks.
While he was in the kitchen fetching some Cokes he heard the music
stop. He took the cokes and went to see what made the music stop.
When he entered the room, he nearly dropped the coke cans.
They were about to play the worst game ever to him.
Truth or Dare.
He hated that game since he always had the worst dares.
Robert called him to join in, he was about to say no thanx but Penelope
asked him to join in to and said that it would be fun.
So he decided to sit next to her and hope that he wouldn't be
He couldn't stop thinking of all the other times he had placed this
horrible game.
Like the time he was dared to pull down his pants AND his boxers, and
when he had to try french kiss a tree.
He cringed at the memory.
So the game started and Robert chose Sally.
Sally was a real tart at school and rumors were around the school that
she had spent the night at a teachers house once. So Daniel didnt know
what to expect.
Robert asked her Truth or Dare.
She looked around very nervous and Daniel knew how she felt. She chose
Robert grinned while he was thinking. And then asked a question that
made everyones eyes grow 2 cm wider! He had asked Sally if it was true
that she wasn't a virgin?
She looked at everyone and Daniel expected to say that it wasn't true
but that she was a virgin. But she looked at Robert in the eye and said
yes it was true. Everyone gasped but Robert just laughed then it was
Sally's turn. Daniel tried to hide his face but it was no use.
Sally called out his name and asked him for a truth or dare? He looked
at her with daggers in his eyes. He hated this game, and he couldn't
even imagine what Sally would ask him to do!
So he decided a dare. She smiled softly and started to think.
He waited silently hoping that it would not be to bad.
She looked at him and said that she had the perfect dare.
She told Daniel to French kiss Penelope for 1 minute.
Everyone moaned saying that it was a very lame dare.
But Daniel had forgotten that Sally was Penelope's best friend so
something was up because he could have sworn that he saw Penelope wink
at Sally.
So Robert got inpatient and said that we might as well get it over and
done with.
So Daniel looked at Penelope and she looked at him with a smile. They
leaned in and he had never had such a soft wanderful kiss ever.
He did not know how long they had been kissing but he felt someone pull
him back.
It was Robert.
He said that they were supposed to kiss for 1 minute not 5.
Penelope blushed and so did Daniel.
After that a few people got a few dares but Daniel was not paying
attention and niether was Penelope.
After a while people were getting bored so they put on the music. But
Daniel and Penelope didnt want to dance so he took her to his car and
they spent they whole night until the early hours of the morning in the
Just laying in eachpthers arms and kissing.
After that Daniel never cursed that game again. Ever since he and
Penelope were going out. Truth or dare was his favourite game.
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