Seeing the light in the world
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ME = the day-to-day me, the one who shops, works and pays her bills.
MYSELF = is that point of consciousness outside of me, my personality if you like, that takes a more objective view of my life.
I = my link with spirit which comes on the heels of meditation, or in the throes of a meditative state when I am on the computer.
(For more explanation read 'Me, myself and I' in this collection.)
ME: It is Monday, the sun is shining and I have my oomph back, amazing what a few heart-to-hearts with myself, and a few meditations can clear. Feels difficult this morning to imagine that my thoughts are going to flow because there is no crisis to examine. I remember my son saying that he wished he had had a more tormented childhood, then he's be a good songwriter. Is that the case, that reflection and examination are spurred on by problems?
I: You will recall yesterday we asked you to think about what a dialogue with spirit, not just on these pages but throughout the last few years has added to your life.
ME: You did I know and the meditation this morning was about the light that is everywhere in the world and that it was out attitude of mind that blocks our ability to see the light.
OK, so what has my dialogue with spirit brought to me?
It has brought a certain peace and feeling of being tethered when life has felt like a boat on rough seas. It has made me examine my tendency to criticise and to judge others, against my own standards and my ability to judge myself for failing without appreciating my successes.
It has given me a place to go within myself to restore my fractured energy and to restore my compassion for the human struggle (mine included).
My belief in life after death, the continuation of the soul and the realms of learning have made me realise the importance of this life, but also have made me see death as part of progression. That has assisted me hugely when people I have known have died, or when I am looking for meaning in seemingly meaningless tragedies. But that more than anything else has separated me from my friends and those I would want to help in their grief, because trite words about death not being the end may seem offensive at the time they are most needed.
MYSELF: It has also lost you lots of friends, people who now consider you too weird to have dinner with.
ME: True, weird, or boring. Not drinking doesn't help you get along with drinkers, and getting up really early does make for sparkling conversation long into the evening.
But sometimes that is about timing. There are turning points in many people's lives where they suddenly ask the question about the meaning of life, life after death or complementary healing. But when the focus is on the material, bringing up a family and coping with the sheer physical demands of computing and working long hours I think it can seem like an unwelcome intrusion to even expect them to stop and think.
I: Things are changing the Millennium did bring about energetic changes that means life is slowly becoming less frenetic, but we are talking over the next few hundred years. Look at the planet thins will have to slow down. You cannot afford the pollution of air travel and blocked up motorways. Already you are seeing the spilt between the poorest countries and the richest beginning to equalise, again slowly and too slowly for many. But the imbalance within the world cannot be allowed to continue.
There are children being born now, the Children of Light (Indigo Children) who know all this and slowly they will start to challenge the authorities to take better care of the planet and to find sustainable ways of living your lives. But living at the rate you are living at now is not sustainable, even with different means of generating power, because in order for this world to survive the balance across the world has to be restored. Partly through natural disasters, you have seen the impact of the Tsunami, like floods and earthquakes.
MYSELF: Hold on a minute I thought we were talking about the light within the world, not more death and destruction.
I: Indeed but the light shines brightest in the darkest moments. In the acts of courage and compassion when disaster strikes. In the fact that young people are prepared to challenge the established ways of doing things and create a better society, even such simple things are giving your school children healthy food. You cannot forge evil out of good, but you can good out of evil and that is where the light shines. Around the edges of simple interactions between people, in the smiles, in the unity that can come from an act that seeks to divide.
The world is changing, the land masses are decreasing and many souls that came to experience the Millennium will be seeking to return, so large scale natural disasters will be part of this cleansing pattern. But that does not wipe out the light, the light of understanding and compassion burns more brightly when people are reaching out for answers, are opening their minds and their hearts to ask, "Why us? How have we managed to evoke such hatred? How can we compensate for the suffering that has followed in the wake of wars ' that have been carried out in our name?
ME: I find it too overwhelming to contemplate making a difference when so many are suffering, so many are alone and fearful. It is so much easier to conserve what I have and shut the door.
I: At least you have a door to shut! So many don't, they are living on the street and have nothing to conserve. Feeling inadequate is really not an answer when you have spiritual depth and a means to communicate the lessons of life. Look back to the start of this entry and consider your blessings, which include never being alone, and then tell me you cannot make a difference.
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