Under or Over?
By pepsoid
- 1932 reads
Am I the only person in the world who prefers to have his toilet rolls served over-arm, rather than under-arm? I know what you're thinking... Who is this crazyperson, that he likes to play cricket with his toilet rolls?! Okay, first of all, let me explain that that's not what I meant. What I meant was... I like the sheets to be delivered over the top of the roll, rather than underneath. I like that when I pull out the requisite quantity of such, the roll turns easily, the sheets do not tear prematurely and I do not have to delve beneath the roll occasionally in order to retrieve any sheets at all. Said retrieval issues are especially heightened when the roll is new and there is a degree of stiffness with regard to the rotation thereof.
Am I alone in this? There must be someone out there who feels the same way as I do... My experience thus far, however, suggests not. Even my girlfriend is an Under-Arm Deliverer! I may need to start a support group... Who's with me?
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