Fight Sounds - A Masterclass
By brighteyes
- 1209 reads
The Ks alone
will take us weeks to compile
into some coherent mash
of lashing consonants and tart
vowel licks. But, to begin,
KAPOW! A classic in
spiky bubbles, obscuring kicks,
usually the prefix to KABLAM!
which signals a chair
about to land,
with the delicate swoop
of a kite
tied to an anvil,
on the head of a quick-sinking hero
or foe. KABOOM!
and red clouds explode.
Watch the dust. It's a veil
for a lethally impossible
turn your back
after a faultless kill, or
KERTHWACK! will be
the only warning for
an onomatopoeic drubbing,
usually diamond-tipped-
Enough for today.
Please read from KERRACK!
(Russian for keying an enemy's car)