Refelections on Life

Poems about living

The Unbearable Sadness of Ruins

First sighted cresting a northern sea swell, it emerges from the haze of a radiant May morning, banded silver and white, striped green and gold; a semi-mythical Misty Isle hung between sea and sky.

20th Century Love Song

Shall I sing to you of my desire, the need for loving,


Waking in the night's deep darkness,

Angels’ Wings (In memory of Ivo Andrić)

When Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful, created this world, It was a perfect sphere, as smooth and unblemished as its ideal. But, while the earth was still damp and soft


Soon, as the sun rises from the sea on the dawn of my birth day, I will visit my father's grave again.


Unbidden you fill my secret dreams recalling all those painful scenes.

Brief Encounter

She slid into the corner of my eye

Card Zero

I'm standing within what I need to find with eyes bound with blindness.

Childhood's End

I drown these days in memories of lives I have never lived.

Day of Reckoning

Slow grown from a fiery birth to become a cradle of life amidst endless empty worlds

Death Dreaming

Two and a half score years into my allotted span.


Don’t you just despair of those echoes of some long-forgotten love,


Slow and secret it slides down moonlight

Virgin Dreams of Vampire

A shadow from the shadows, he steps into the neon light, but casts no shadow.

Weekend Party People

Sweet child in time I watch you drowning in the subtle poisons of your generation, trapped in your desperate dance to paradise.


Such sights to see with so blind eyes; So many sounds to hear through these shrunken ears;

The Meaning of Life

Perhaps we are but short, single notes in the great symphony of evolution;


What dark tales arise in the midnight hour; stories to raise the hair on the bravest head.

Libran Lament

Hanging, as ever, between the hammer and the anvil.

The Quantum Mechanic Blues

If I am here and not here, now and not now, where and when am I?

Eye Slavery

Gorgeous in Green and Gold in the candle’s warm glow,

Lost Keys

Tonight, beneath a roofless sky, I will have the time to teach myself the lessons I should have learned long before this sorry plight.

Storm Rider

Falling asleep on a Sunday night, drowned in the sounds of an incessant eighteen hour rain, I dream of a great flood.

The Fractured Man

Fractured from conception; fallen from Singularity into this illusion of loneliness; how could I be anything other than a man of many parts?

Fear of Flying

Stop to think and you wake to the nightmare; trapped in a narrow, neon-lit tube, wrapped in vibration and tortured air

Everlasting Love

They stepped from the shadowed alley onto the rain grayed cobbles of the square as the sun danced through a rent in the lowering cloud.

Summer Breeze - In loving memory of Mike

Born with a bit of the blarney stone between your teeth, the jester in your genes; you charmed the world with laughter. Disarmed it with your love of life,

Endgame I

Not for me the long slow romantic drama of the guttering candle. The genteel fade into darkness. Nor the painful slavery to machines and medicines. I would go out like a light.

The Uncertainty of Being

Life as light bends to the will of gravity, the ever-expanding wave of being warping the weft of existence. While the interfering particles children...