Nigel Goes to the Moon - chapter 3: cramped
By pepsoid
- 1444 reads
McGinty woke up in a very small space. He was surrounded by corrugated iron, Lego, chocolate bar wrappers, bits of fluff, elastic bands, toilet roll tubes, empty washing up liquid bottles, randomly attached parts from videogame consoles and the faint smell of tuna. There was a low rumbling beneath him.
'Wh--?' said McGinty (like you do).
'Yippee!' said Nigel, who was leaning over some kind of control panel, gripping it very tightly and staring through a tiny little window into...
'Space!' said McGinty. He sat up very suddenly and banged his head (like you do).
'Yes I know, it's very cramped back there, sorry about that,' said Nigel. 'But look!' - he pointed - 'we're in sp--'
'Don't say it!' said McGinty. He leaned forward, squinted and looked through the tiniest of tiny windows.
Yep, no doubt about it... There was definitely a deep, fathomless void of nothingness out there...
'Oh,' said McGinty. 'My,' he continued. 'God.'
'I know!' said Nigel. 'Isn't it awesome?'
'I think I'm going to be sick,' said McGinty (like you do (but he didn't, because that would be just yucky)).
Nigel said, 'Well I did advise you to eat that plate of dead flies I gave you before take-off.'
'Firstly,' said McGinty, 'I'm a lizard, not a frog. And secondly... I didn't think we would actually take off!'
'Well duh!' explained Nigel, as he gestured towards the window (which seemed to be getting smaller by the minute, and increasingly less likely to fend off the airless vacuum outside).
McGinty groaned.
'Well never mind all that now,' said Nigel. 'Strap yourself in, we're nearly there!'
'Strap?' said McGinty. 'What str--'
Nigel pressed some buttons on the control panel and pulled what looked like one of those emergency stop cords you get on trains. The spaceship lurched to the left.
'Gaaaghhh!' said McGinty, as he was flung towards a piece of sticky-out corrugated iron.
He banged his head once more.
He fell unconscious for the second time that day.
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