Storm Ghosts
By achristop
- 696 reads
Rat-a-tat tap...scritch and scratch, upon the window pane and latch,
The night is dark! My candle gone! My waxen friend no longer on!
Rising wind! Moaning eaves, timbered fingers, slapping leaves,
Hail...a clattering drumming shower, make me 'neath the covers cower!
What's a'moving in my room? A ghostly shadow in the room!
'Tis nothing but the Elm outside! I tremble!..Want to run and hide!!!
A rattle! A crash! I jump in fright!! Something's out there in the night!!!
I cling on tight! I start to weep!! What monsters 'cross my bedroom creep?
A grumbling..trembling, roaring sound, fills my ears, and shakes the ground!
I feel my quaking fingers creep, towards my friend, with whom I sleep,
A sudden flash!...electric blue!!...I scream!..a ghost leaps into view!!!
'Tis just the clock against the wall!!...Standing human-faced and tall!
Draughty gaps the curtains billow, I press my face down in my pillow,
Peeping through fingers o'er covered eyes...I try to move..I fail to rise!
Another BOOM! ...A ripping roar, pounds my ears, shakes the floor!
The jagged, forking, speeding light, makes day, of sopping ragged night!
I grasp my friend, and in his ear, tell of dread!..Tell of fear!!!
We need to flee! I urge him "Go"!!! My trembling voice, betrays me so!!
Can we make it to the door?? With silken feet, I touch the floor,
I grip my friend, and bid him "Run!"...It's now or never! All... or none!!!
On feathered toes, I tiptoe out....behind us evil monsters shout!!!
I click the latch...the door swings wide!! Nowhere left to cower!...To hide!!
We run together, holding tight!..Another door upon our right!!
Gasping sobs I can't contain, tears fall down my cheeks like rain!
I fling the haven's entrance only steps..inside!
We slam it shut, and click the catch! Our sobbing breath we now can snatch,
We creep on tiptoes 'cross the room...comfort lies here in this room!
I stroke my friend! My TEDDY'S head!....and lift the sheet on Mummy's Bed!!!
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