"A New Commission. (Part one)
By achristop
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"A NEW COMMISSION" (part one)
(Remember! We have the first female Admiral)
A New Commission!!.....1st of December 1804!
I had taken up lodgings in my old haunt of the Pirate Inn, it was a
Guinea per week, for a room that was both squalid and noisy. My view
of the sea was non-existent, my sleep even more so!...however, with
my marriage to Rosie over, there was no alternative, other than to
rough it here until the next coach and four, this was due today
Tuesday at 1100. I had had plenty of time to think things over
whilst I had resided at the Inn, I had mulled over what had
happened, my thoughts continuously returning to events in Malta! My
marriage over, my chattels passed to Rosie, there was now nothing to
prevent me from rejoining the Royal Navy as a volunteer enlistee,
the life had become second nature to me in the four years that I had
been part of the Service! Regrets were for the memory, I had none!
My only misgivings were the thoughts I had of the crew that I had
been part of, and had lost to the French and Spanish! Lofty Mann,
Cosgrove, Furnivall, Buchannan, David G, Derry,...they had all gone,
a huge sacrifice to the gods of ineptitude! Fodder for the
misbegotten politicians who decided that this war was the only
answer! No war is the answer! I felt sad that so many young (and
older) lives had been wasted!
I paid my dues at the bar, said goodbye to the Innkeeper, kissed the
serving wench (of whom I had become a favourite) and picked up my
valise, I now walked with some difficulty upon starting out, so
carried a walking cane to assist me in the hilly parts of town! My
left side had healed quite badly, I still suffered from occasional
weepings from the wound as the infection gradually diminished. My
broken collar-bone was healed, it was still painful, and, had not
been properly mended! The splint that had been applied was of no
use, and quickly dropped below the fracture, therefore I abandoned
it completely. I now had a collar-bone that had a huge lump in its
centre, the healing taking place around the break was turning to
calloused bone! My body had recovered also from the Smallpox virus
that had ravaged our ship! Medical opinion was, that because I had
survived the fever, and would probably never be completely free of
it.....I had become a Carrier!!
My thoughts of the sea, had prompted me to send a post via the post
stage, to The Admiral! I wondered if my correspondence had arrived?
The Admiral had assured me, upon my departure for the West Country,
that I would have no problems in signing-on in the Service, even
though I had been badly injured! I think maybe she was going to use
some influence on my behalf? I wondered also which ship I would
eventually arrive at, I would have liked it to have been a sloop or
a schooner, even a frigate would be quite a new experience!
Something small, something that would give me a little
individualism! I didn't really want to be part of a huge machine,
just a number! I wanted to be, as I was on the Talkalot, an Officer,
but also a colleague!
The stage arrived an hour late!!!..I was aggrieved at the long wait,
having taken refuge in an old barn near the turnpike! When at last
it did arrive, I berated the driver for his tardiness, upon enduring
my wrath for a few minutes, he turned his back and walked away!
Anglo-Saxon language, thrown over his shoulder, fell on my purposely
deaf ears! After a lifetime, the horses were changed, and my new
found antagonist was relieved by a portly fellow, who looked as
though he might just be sober enough by the time we reached Exeter!!
I clambered aboard, threw my bags in the seat opposite, and prayed I
would have no borish companion for the journey! The coach rattled
into life, amid much cursing from me....my side hurt like the
dickens, and I wondered if I would endure the long trek to the
Admiralty? It was a 2 day trip, changing horses several times
en-route. The horses had to be fed and watered every couple of
hours, so our progress was slow and, in my case, extremely painful!
The rutted tracks that served as a highway, jolted, and threw the
carriage around, until I wondered if we would remain in an upright
position sometimes. There were highway-men to consider also, many
stories abounded of travellers, stripped naked and left to walk,
without shoes, to the next habitation, minus their worldly
possessions!..I had prepared myself for this eventuality, I had
purchased a pair of pistols, which were duelling pistols really, but
would suffice in times of need, and my cane was also a hidden sword!
The rain fell in sheets!...our progress was slow in the extreme, my
driver cursing in his Dorsetshire accent, denied all and sundry had
parents, blasphemed vehemently, interspersed with "OOOH ARRRRGH's"!
I fell to dozing as best I could in the corner of the coach. This
was rather a forlorn exercise, my head banging against the panelling
at each lurch of the body! With a cry of "Whoa there! Whooooh!!
Whoah I say!"...the stage came to a juddering halt!!...I lowered the
leather strapped window, stuck my head out..."What's amiss man?"
"There's a fallen tree Sir!" "It's right across our path!"
My first thoughts were to get out, give the man some assistance to
drag it clear of the highway...then caution made me hesitate!....I
reached into my valise, took out the pistols, cocked them, and
placed them on the seat behind my bag! "Where are we driver?" ..."On
the Moorland Sir...just before Warleggan!"....My neck hairs raised
in trepidation! Warleggan!...A well know trouble spot for the
I alighted, the muddy road squelching over my boots, my EXPENSIVE
boots! For what seemed and age we held our breaths, the only sound,
the snickering of the horses, the only movement, the steam from
their nostrils!...We waited, and we waited, felling a tree, laying
it across the path of the coach, was a well known ploy for the
robbers!....We waited for 15 or 20 minutes...Nothing!!!! "Let's get
to it man!" I said, "We'll have to shift it!"...."How sir? It's a
big tree!" He was right, it 's girth, at it's widest, was as thick
as my waist!! "We'll have to un-harness the horses and pull it clear
using them!" I replied....."Very risky sir! What if they're waiting
for us to unhitch, then attack?"...We had no choice, and I told him
so! "But...if it makes you feel safer, we'll turn the coach, and
leave two horses still hitched, just in case! How's that sound?"
"Mighty worrying Sir....Mighty Worrying!!!" was his reply!!
So....We unbridled two of the horses after turning the coach around,
facing back the way we had come..I had retrieved both pistols from
the carriage and tucked them into my waistband! All this was done in
the pouring rain, it was a real deluge..."Looks as though we're
alone after all don't it Sir?" the coachman was finishing locking
the coach wheels..."Aye! But only a fool would be out in weather
like this eh?" This of course, applied to us as well as others I
informed him....A sudden whinney from the horse attached to the
shafts, made me draw my pistol, I pointed it down the highway
towards the fallen tree, I waited, holding my breath!...Not a
sound!....Then...as fast as a bolt of lightning, a dog fox darted
across the road in front of us!...We collectively gave issue with a
sigh of relief....We were jumpy! But with good reason!!!
We unhitched the ropes from the trunks, and cases, that were the
carriage freight, these had been lashed safely behind the drivers
seat..They were very short, but stout nonetheless...between us we
fashioned a rope long enough to go around the "V" notch in the
tree's bole...we moved the horses together, backed them up, and tied
on!..."I'll go behind the tree and add some weight!" I called..."Ok
Sir!" replied the driver..."Ok...Walk on there! Walk on I
say!"...The horses strained, slipping in the wet mud, I heaved and
panted....suddenly...the tree started to move..."Giddup there!
Yaaahhhh!" Slowly the tree came around, giving us enough room to
The job done, we re-hitched the horses, turned the coach around,
and, with inches to spare, passed the obstacle, and went on our way!
Sitting inside the coach, in my sodden clothes, my muddied boots
leaving prints all over the floor, I had time for
recollection....Were we just being too jumpy? We had heard tales
about robbery on the King's Highway often, some that would curdle
the blood! I was just thankful our experience was a benign one!
The wind rose, buffeting our frail carriage...The driver was sunken
in his seat no doubt...How could he see through this murk! I lowered
the window sash, enough to shout to him...."Where are we going to
stop for a rest good fellow?"....."I am hoping to make Tavistock on
Dartmoor before bedding and changing horses Sire!"...."We can stay
at the Highwayman Inn there?" I asked...."Aye sir...then, if we've
made good time, we could be on our way at first light!"....God! If
this weather kept up, we would be a week reaching the Admiralty in
A few minutes remained to midnight by my fobbed timepiece, when out
of the darkness and driving rain, we saw the lights of Tavistock,
very few in number, but lights nevertheless! I ached from sitting, I
would be glad to stretch my legs for a short while...partake of a
beverage...and get warm! As the steel-rimmed wheels clattered over
the cobbles on the entrance to the town, I was reminded of the
staccatto drum roll that accompanied Naval Punishment Warrants...It
had the same rhythm!!
"Whoa! Whooooh! Whao! I say!"....the horses clipped and clopped to a
trot, then slowed to a stop!...An ostler holding a lantern peered
out of the stable doors....the warm lights of the hanging lanterns
casting ghostly shadows around him!..."Evenin' Sir!"...Will you be
wantin' a change of mounts?..."Aye! We will indeed, and these to be
fed and watered before being bedded!"...."Thankee Sir! Twil' be no
trouble at all!"...."If you enter via yon banded door, twil' takee
to the parlour Sir! There you can partake of some
refreshment!".."Twil' cost only a shillin'...a bed will cost
I looked askance at the coachman...."Shall we stay?..or do you want
to go on tonight in this weather?"...."Beggin' yer pardon Sire...but
I think we must go on across the Moor tonight...to make London by
Thursday evenin'..!"..."We have forfeited much time!"..... "So be it
then!"..."We'll partake of a glass...then with your kind services
dispensed...we will carry on!"....I had severe misgivings about
crossing the Moor!!!!...in the dark!!!!...in the howling wind and
rain!!!...no compass or starlight to give us direction!!!....I
We had refreshments..We partook of the local Devonshire beer, by the
taste of it, brewed from potato skins!!!!...We also indulged in a
bowl of hot beef stew and some home made bread...We were both
feeling at peace with the world, both with eyes closing as we took
in the warmth of the fire, both almost oblivious to the general
hubbub in the bar!...I came awake with a start after feeling my head
bang against the side of the wooden settle!...This was no good!!
"Rise and shine my good man!".."We have many miles to cover
tonight!"..."Aye Aye Sir!"...."I'll go see if the Ostler is ready
with our mounts!"...he rose and went out the door, leaving me alone
by the fire...I really didn't want to go out into the night...but
needs must!!
Our mounts had been changed, in the four now was a tall grey,
skitterishly pawing the ground, and shaking it's head...impatient to
be gone! The others were dun coloured, not having a great affection
for horses, meant I knew little about them! The Coachman took his
seat, waited until I had embarked...I tapped on the roof with my
cane, and, amid shouted "Walk on!"..we lurched on our way! Here the
cobbles extended for quite some way before we hit the dirt road
again..The rain had stopped now, and the moon had come through the
clouds to light our way! Dartmoor is a forbidding place at night in
moonlight, shadows are cast from rocky tors across the barren
landscape, making the whole Moor take on an ethereal mood!!..Thieves
and murderers were rumoured to abound on this desolate plain, but
nothing challenged our motion, as we rattled and swayed on our
Asburton was eventually reached at about 4 am....the driver reining
in the horses, braking the coach, and climbing down to stretch his
legs!...It was quite cold in the moonlight, our lamps on the stage,
the only comforting glow! On our way once more,but only for a short
distance into the town, this time we would stop and rest properly!!
We pulled into the entrance gate of "The Fox" Inn at 5am and
disembarked, the Coachman rattled upon the doors! After and age, a
withered crone appeared at the lower window, put her head around the
casement, and demanded we go away, "Did we know what time it
was??"..."Raising God fearing folk from their slumbers!!"..."What
manner of business had we??" We begged leave to have shelter and a
bed for a few hours!! Upon hearing we had money to pay for these
services, the crone reluctantly opened the doors and let us enter!!
A warm bed for a couple of hours seemed like a heavenly
invitation!..We paid for our horses to be fed and watered, ensuring
they could be bedded down for a few hours also!
We slept until an hour before noon, rose, washed in the small hand
basins in the room, dressed, and, after a light meal of bread and
cheese, again resumed our journey! Would we be in London by tomorrow
night? I thought not!! However, we made good time to Honiton, and
good time also to Yeovil!! Here we would rest for the night!....It
was a heaven sent respite, when we were able to pull into "The
Turnpike" Inn, the driver could climb down from his freezing perch,
I could alight from my claustrophobic enclave, and we could both
relax!..We entered the warmth of the inn, and a jolly faced
innkeeper greeted us, asking if we would like beds for the night?
did we want some food? hot gruel was available!! We bade him bring
it on, and we settled in for the night!...Leastways, I thought we
were settled in!...when the door opened, allowing a terrific gust of
wind to enter, which drew the flames out of the fire, and smoke
billowed all around the hearth!!..."Shut the door Larkin willya??"
shouted the innkeeper, "You'll have us all catchin' our
deaths!!"....Larkin??....Larkin was the Ostler, taking care of our
horses!....he approached, doffing his cap as he did so!...."Begging
your pardon Sire!"..."But I must inform you that you have a broken
wheel on the coach!"...."Broken wheel?" "Yessir!! Broken wheel rim
sir!..If you care to take a look sir?"...I didn't!!!...but bade the
coachman do so!...He returned after a few minutes, to inform me that
the rear, offside wheel rim was indeed loose in it's mounting, and
would no doubt break free as soon as we set off!..."There's nowt we
can do sir! We'll have to get a wheelwright to have a look on the
morrow!"....At this rate I would never reach London! My new
commission would sail without me!!!!!
The next day dawned with bright sunshine!...I awaited the
Wheelwright, who came at about 9am!...Within 10 minutes he had the
old wheel off and a new one ( of the right size!!!) back in it's
place! We partook of breakfast, some oats with bread, and a
beverage...our horses were harnessed, and we were on our way by
We had an uneventful drive, with the horses at quite a gallop on the
well surfaced highway, between Yeovil and Salisbury...we arrived at
the "Black dog" Inn at 3.pm...stopped for a refreshing glass of
mead, and some cheese and bread loaf, the innkeeper was a pleasant
man, who came immediately to our table to ask us our names, and
where we had travelled from....upon my telling him what he required,
he asked "Would that be Lieutenant Commander Allen I would be
talking to Sire?"....Taken aback I replied in the
affirmative..."There has been a message left for you Sir by
yesterdays Post-coach!"...."What manner of message?" I asked..."I
don't rightly know Sire! It be sealed Sir!"...."Fetch it if you
please then!" I replied, and he bustled away, to return a few
moments later with a packet, wrapped in waxed paper, and sealed with
a wax seal! The seal bore the insignia of the Admiralty upon the
back, and had Tuesday's date written on the reverse!...Intrigued, I
hastened to break the seal and read the contents! In perfect
copper-plate script, it was a letter from.... Admiral Her Ladyship
Christine! My old Commanding Officer no less!! Enthralled now, I
read the contents over and over again, just to be sure of the
content and it's implications!....I was to travel no further towards
London and The Admiralty, but to take the next stage to Portsmouth,
to Gosport to be exact, there I would be met by Sub Lieutenant
Firbank, at the stage turnpike, and he would escort me to my new
"Commission"....It was to be!!!!!.....A newly built 64 gun, 630 tons
deadweight, First Rate Ship-of-the-Line....triple gun decks, 3
masted, with a crew of 510!!! It was unbelievable!! I was in shock!
A brand, spanking, new ship, not just any ship....but a Man-'o-War
of the highest rating!! I was to join her as "Second"....The Second
Officer's job was next down from the most important job on the ship,
the latter being the First Lieutenant's!! God!!! I was agog! What a
chance....the Admiral had obviously "put in a good word"...but would
I be able to hold the post down? Would my injury and my fitness pass
muster?....Questions only time would answer!!!
There was no time to lose..."COACHMAN!" I hollered...He came running
at pace..."Aye Sir??"..."I have to change my plans, and will not be
needing your services further!..When is the next stage for
Portsmouth likely to be?"...."Well Sire!...I can't be sure of
that".... "Maybe I can take you there?...but I need to leave a
message for a relief driver coming in for change of horses!"
Assuring him I would make it well worth his while...I would pay him
to drive all night if necessary!!!! "That would cost a little more!"
he replied.."But...we can leave right away
Sir?"...."Certainly!...The sooner the better!".....We could make
several miles before dark!!! I proceeded to pick up my valise and
pay the Innkeeper 2/6d and we could be on our way!!! 64 Guns!!!!
What a ship!!! And.....very aptly....she was called "H.M.S
Revenge"....I just hoped Revenge would be sweet!!!!
We gathered our things apace...I stepped into the coach, sat with my
package held preciously under my arm! The "Revenge"...It was a ship
I had not heard of!...The Admiral must have been very persuasive to
get me this draft!...."Ready to be off Sir!" the coachman shouted
from his perch, high on the top of the stage!.."Very good my man!
How long will it be to Gosport?"...."Twil be 9 hours or thereabouts
Sire!...It depends on the state of the highway after all the
rain!"....."Very well!...I will pay you double if you take me
through the night, so we are able to be in Portsmouth by
morning!"....."But Sire!...That will cost a pretty penny...A Gold
Sovereign Sire!!"...."No matter! I say!...No matter!"..."I will pay
you 2 gold sovereigns to be in Gosport by morning!!"...."So! What
say you??"....."Fine Sire!...'Tis fine!" "GERRUPP!!! HOHHHH!..Walk
on damn you!"...The horses started with a walk, then cantered, then
before a hundred yards, broke into a gallop! Inside, the coach was
like a tree in a gale!...I was thrown back in my seat, then nearly
onto my knees, my tricorn hat dislodged and fell at my feet! I
cursed in no uncertain manner! The driver, the weather, the darkness
approaching, the highways, but in my heart of hearts, I was
ecstatic!! A posting! I had expectd the Admiralty to insist I had a
medical inspection, with regard to my injuries! Now that was in the
past! I had my berth! And a good one to boot!...My wandering mind
settled on one thing, would we be in the Theatre of War in the
Mediterranean?...Would we go again to Malta?...Would I see the
lovely Petra?....the coach lurched on it's way into the darkness and
murky rain!..How could these coachmen see in this appalling weather?
We had on a glimmer of light from our lanterns fixed to the
stage!...I felt that the horses must know these highways like
At the midnight hour, I tapped my cane on the roof of the coach, and
bade the driver, in a loud voice to "Pull over!" We came to a stop,
I climbed out, and went to the front foot plate, passed the coachman
a lump of bread and cheese, returned to the back, and fetched a
flagon of mead purchased from the Innkeeper of the "Black Dog"
before we left! "Thank ye Sire! Very much!....'Tis much appreciated
'tis!"....As he ate and drank, I peered into the gloom, trying to
penetrate the foggy night with my vision!..My vision for night-time
was excellent, at sea, I could spot a ship's lights at 20 miles,
could differentiate between the colours, and also tell which way the
vessel was heading! Here, I was as a soul lost! Try as I might, I
could not see further than a few hundred yards at best!! This man
was going to earn his Sovereign alright!!!
Suitably refreshed, we resumed our rattling, lurching journey,
uneventful in the extreme...several times I slumbered in my uneasy
cradle, hardly able to keep my eyes open!...And still the coach
carried on it's way, unnerringly getting closer to Gosport, and my
new Commission!
The break of dawn saw us about an hour outside of Gosport (according
to the driver)..."We shall arrive at about 8 to 8.30 of the clock
Sir!...These horses are about all in!"...."They're not the only ones
my good man!" I replied...I suddenly had visions of the meeting with
Sub Lt Firbank....would I be required for duty right away?? I
sincerely hoped not!! I would need some rest before any duties were
assigned!...The rain was falling in sheets!...It hammered on the
wooden roof of the coach, drumming in time with the clatter of the
steel-rimmed wheels!
We came to the outskirts of the little town of Gosport....Oil lamps
adorned several houses, cocks crowed with the breaking
daylight....an odd dog here and there joined in the chorus! All was
right with the world for Lt Cdr Allen!.....At 8.10 we rumbled into
the cobbled area of the stage halt.....pulled around in a circle...
and ground to a noisy stop! I climbed stiffly, and sorely, from my
padded seat (very lucky indeed, some were hard wooden benches!) and
opened the outside handle of the door...and...stepped out into the
drizzle!...The coachman was also dismounting stiffly! When he came
off the last step onto the muddy cobbles, I could see his blood-shot
eyes, his tired, drawn features, his sodden clothes, he wore a
leather long-coat, but it too had become soaked!...He took off his
hat, made an ostentatious bow, smiled and said"Your servant
Sire!"....I laughed and reached into my money belt, extracted 3 gold
sovereigns, and, with a sweep of my tri-corn hat across my midriff,
returned the bow, genuflecting, and said" My servant indeed! You
have done very well my good man! I am indebted to you!"..."I trust
you will be satisfied with this payment?"...."Truly
Sir...Truly"...." shall wait with you Sire until your rendezvous is
kept! then I will find the coaching Inn and rest for the day, for
tomorrow, I shall have to be on my way to London!
We stood beside the sweating horses, their flanks white with frothy
steam, their nostrils wide, sucking in air to their starved lungs!
Faithful beasts indeed, what manner of animal would serve it's
master so faithfully??
We waited about three quarters of an hour, then faintly, we could
hear the clatter of approaching hooves and wheels....with a
rattling, clattering and flurry of movement, a stage hove into
sight, circled the compound and lurched to a halt! The sweating
horses heaving in their urgent need of breath!!.....the door to the
coach, crimson trimmed, opened, and.....to my absolute shock and
delight.......There, resplendent in her uniform of Rear Admiral, was
the ADmiral Lady Christine!...Shock!...How? Why?.....Where was Sub
Lt Firbank?.....Her quick dismissal of my puzzlement, allowed me to
return her disarming smile!..." Good day to you Lt Cdr!...I trust
you had a fair journey?......"Your Ladyship!...Ma'am!....It's with
immense pleasure that I do your bidding!"...."Tsk Tsk!...Nobody
knows I replaced Firbank but the three of us!"....."I have come to
take you to your.....OUR....new ship!"....."Revenge awaits
us!!".....I bowed from the waist, and most unmilitarily, took her
proferred hand and kissed it!..."I thank you from the bottom of my
heart, for this chance Ma'am!"....."The pleasure is mine Lt Cdr,
it's also my duty!"....."Let's away then and gaze upon our new
We climbed aboard the stage....The Admiral looked really magnificent
in her newest uniform!...She must have purchased a new one, as her
other was blasted off in the big explosion that destroyed the
"Talkalot" along with her crew!...I felt a little inferior, as my
uniform was quite well worn, it fitted me like a second skin, but
the braid was not as splendid as it was when new, there was also
some wear around the seat and on the cuffs...this was disguised
amply by my frilled shirt!
"It's so good to see you Ma'am!"...."I really must thankyou for
fixing this berth for me!..I felt I was washed up, and would have to
"Swallow the anchor"!....."Nonsense!!....This gold braid has it's
uses Allen!"..."You did a fine piece of work as Third on the
Talkalot!!"..."You deserve this break!....Make it snappy
Driver!!!"....this latter was accompanied by banging my cane on the
roof!..The Admiral was no slouch when it came to pressing an
Half an hour and we were at the gates to the Dock where the
"Revenge" was berthed....I gazed through the open carriage window,
ignoring the driving drizzle, I could see no sign as yet of
her!..."Have patience Lt Cdr!...We have a few minutes to go
yet!".....I returned to my seat, impatiently picking at my finger
nails!.I was eager to get my first sighting!...The Admiral had
already told me, she had seen her new commission yesterday!..."She's
a fine craft!!" were her words to me upon our meeting!!......We
clattered behind a storage shed, along a short granite wall, through
another gate...and "We have arrived Cdr!"....The use of the
retirement ranking was her attempt at humouring me!!....As the
carriage swung into a half-circle...I could see countless ships in
the straits, warships, merchantmen, sailing craft of all
denominations!.....The Admiral rose from her seat, peered through
the window....and pointing, bade me join her!...."There you have
her!" And....I have had our figurehead from the Talkalot copied...As
a tribute to the many men who lost their lives in her!!....she said
kind of Sotto Voce, her voice tinged with reverence!!..."You see her
Allen??? There she is in all her glory!!!"....I looked to the right
hand side where she was pointing.....GOD!!!!....A beautiful ship
indeed...three masted, resplendent in her black and tan colours,
standing 50ft above the quayside, 2 gangways were giving access and
exit for a gang of stevedores busily storing ship!.....Men clambered
over her decks everywhere!!....We clattered to a stop....The driver
dismounted, came to the door, opened it, and took the Admiral's hand
to assist her disembark!...I followed quickly...and stood in awe of
the beauty of this ship, her graceful lines giving the impression of
being built for speed!....Then a quick glance at the 3 gun decks,
effaced with gun ports, closed in harbour...but no doubt hiding some
menacing hardware behind their elegant facade! ...I looked aloft to
the top of the main...which I estimated to be 130/150 feet from the
decks!....God she would carry a vast amount of canvas, I wondered
how she would handle in a following sea...running
free!....Beautiful!!! Awe inspiring!.....I turned to walk toward the
stern, some 60/70 feet away...The Admiral smiled knowingly, her
charge was enthralled to see how big her living quarters would be??
I would soon know!!!....I reached the stern...and there among a
multitude of gold painted cherubs and cherabims, dolphins and
porpoises, in huge black/gold and red lettering was the name
"REVENGE"...the leaded windows high on the stern, split into two
sections, by her huge oak rudder, as thick as a man was
tall...!!!.....I looked to the Admiral, she was smiling
benevolently, like a mother with a young child exploring it's new
world!.......PHEEEEEUW!..."Attention on the upper decks...face aft
and salute!"....."Well!!! Somebody's awake at last eh? That took
them long enough!!"...The Admiral strode purposefully to the after
gangway, me tripping over my sword in my haste to join her!...She
swung nimbly onto the raised companionway, taking the staired struts
two at a time!!...I followed as quickly as I dared!.....We breasted
the brow, throwing the Duty Officer into a panic as he beheld the
thunderous face of the Admiral!....."Welcome aboard ma'am!....Lt
Jenkins Officer of the Day!"....."So Jenkins what took you so
long?"..."Were you still abed man?"....Jenkins stuttered, looking
for a reply...."No matter!...You're here now!..This is Lt Cdr Allen,
who is to join us as Second Lieutenant!"....."Welcome aboard
Sir!...I will have someone fetch your cases Ma'am!"....."No
Jenkins!!! For your tardiness...YOU!...can fetch the cases!!...Allen
here will man the gangway for a short time!"..."Then you can show us
both to our quarters!!"...."Aye Ma'am!" he replied sourly, and
quickly doubled down the gangway to the Coach..."And pay him off
whilst you're there Jenkins!!"....The Admiral turned towards me, a
secret smile shared between us!...."Now Lt Cdr!!...I have to take
leave of you!...This is the Royal Navy...and I am your senior
officer!"....."I wish you great success with your new
commission!"...."My cabin if you have any worries, remembering you
have to go through the proper channels!!..Alright?".....I stammered
my thanks and bowed low, removing my tricorn hat in a sweeping
gesture!..."Your humble servant Ma'am!"....A small smile plucked at
the corners of her mouth!...."Carry on!!!"....."And stand the upper
decks at ease won't you? Before they faint from the
exertions!!!"....Looking aghast....I turned to the bosun's
mate..."Pipe the carry-on!!".....Pheeeeuw! "Carry on on the upper
decks!!!".....I looked to where the Admiral was strolling aft....a
sweating, red faced, muttering Jenkins broached the head of the
gangway, stumbled down the steps, dropped the 3 lots of luggage, and
half walked, half ran, to the Admiral's side!!!...."This way if you
please Ma'am!"......"I DO please! And thankyou Jenkins!!"...I smiled
to myself!!! This was going to be a good ship....I could feel the
bones of her, every strake, every elbow, smile with me!!!....She was
OUR..."New Commission"!!!!!!
I waited on the bustling upper decks amidst a throng of men,
stevedores, riggers, caulkers, chandlers...and workmen of all
trades, the deck was a labyrinth of cordage, some cheesed-down, some
being cut and spliced to size...some being fed through
running-blocks...some of these blocks and sheeves were being "Rove-
to- advantage", resulting in many runs of ropeage skeined along the
upper decks in all directions...ropes run 4 or 5 times through the
same blocks meant greater leverage on the load.....so the riggers
were busy laying the coils of hemp and manilla in the correct order,
to facilitate ease of fitting!...I looked aloft whilst I waited, men
were busy on the yards, from the knee to the truck, a mass of
cordage hung in loops, men, stripped to the waist in belted white
duck-canvas trousers, swung easily from yard footing to yard
footing....all done with the ease of much practice!!!....This was a
ship with an experienced crew no doubt! There would appear to be few
men who were new to a seafaring life amongst the crew I had seen so
far! No doubt, there were new seamen, who had yet to taste the salt
in the spray, among them, but all, at present, seemed very
Lt Jenkins stepped through the after door which led from the
Admiral's quarters, and strode purposefully toward me, as I
anticipated, he wanted to malign someone for the ineptitude so
firmly placed upon his shoulders by the Admiral!..."She's a bit of a
Harridan don't you think? Probably been behind a desk in the
Admiralty for years!...Now having her last chance for sea-time I'd
wager!"...."Lt Jenkins!!!!...The Lady Christine is your senior
office and your Commanding Officer!!...Mine also!!!...I will hear no
more of this idle chit-chat! I have, for your information, served
with the Admiral within the past year, I have also been shipwrecked
with her, and, with her knowledge, lucky enough to have
survived!!!"...."So!!!..I want no gossip within my hearing
understood?"......Springing to attention, Jenkins uttered a quick
"Aye Aye Sir!"...."Fine!...Then help with my valise, and show me to
my quarters if you please!"...."Aye Sir!...Follow me please!"....As
we trooped for'ard, I thought, maybe I had made an enemy
already!..So be it!!!...I would not be party to Lower-Rank criticism
of senior officers! Especially to our beloved Admiral!!!
We climbed to the foc'sle head...and beside a windlass, the pawlings
of which were being greased with whale grease, was a sliding
hatchway, open at the moment, but, when at sea, could be slid shut
and closed to the sea....This area of a ship was prone to the
weather, rollers very often breaking over the foc'sle in a heavy
sea! We went below, my hands slid easily on polished wooden hand
rails, the risers beneath my feet were of polished oak....A fine
ship indeed!...If this was a sign of what the accommodation was
like...well!!.....We walked among oaken tables, fastened to the deck
with wooden pegs....not going to move far in a gale!!... already
some wag had carved initials, JC on the top....There would be no-one
with those initials on board I would bet a sovereign!!! Merely some
bored wit, purloining God's help, and salvation, for the commission
At last we came to a small area, with a low cabin door!.....Below
the wooden lintel was the legend "No2 Store room"!...My heart sank!
Was this to be my prison???...Jenkins dropped my baggage, turned the
handle and pushed the door open, the interior was spartan to say the
least!!....There were two wooden-planked bunks, at least, that would
be a generous description, on each was a horse-hair pallaise and
head rest!.....the basics!!....3 inches thick at most...it would be
most uncomfortable in heavy weather, when ships tended to throw one
about willy-nilly!!!...The bulkheads were of dark stained oak,
polished planking on the deck, and from the centre of the deck-head,
hung an oil lamp...I asked Jenkins who my cabin mate would be?...He
replied "Lt Garrity Sir! Gunnery Officer! Not here
yet!!"....Excellent!!! This meant that, not only could I pick the
top bunk, but rank entitled me too without cause for
complaint!!!..."Thankyou Jenkins! That will be all!"...."Ahem!..Sir?
Will I show you to the Wardroom???"...Wardroom??? A
Wardroom???...This was unheard of except in the very best and
largest ships...an Officer's dining and recreation
room.....somewhere that even the Captain and the Admiral had to be
invited to enter!!! "Very good Jenkins! Lead on!"....we meandered
through another maze of timbered corridors until we came to a
curtained-off square area, the curtains being segregated by
stanchions from deck to deck-head....Knocking on the right hand one
of these, we were bade enter by a deep resonant voice, I detected a
Scottish timbre to the voice!....."Well!!! For God's sake man! Don't
just stand there!! Cat got you're tongue??".....We stepped through
the curtaining to be confronted by a florid faced, heavy set
individual, with the ranking of only a Lieutenant!...."Sorry Sir! I
thought it was just Jenkins!" The lieutenant sprang out of the
leather seat upon espying my senior rank upon my
sleeve!...."Lieutenant Carstairs....Stores Officer Sir!....May I
welcome you aboard?"...."You can indeed Carstairs!..You can
indeed!....And after you have found me a beverage...you can fill me
in on the rest of the Officers we will be serving with if you
please!......"Aye Aye Sir!...'Tis my pleasure Sir!"....His beaming,
sweating features indeed confirmed the latter statement!..."Not all
Officers have joined yet Sir!"...."We are still waiting for the
First lieutenant, I think it's a Lt Cdr Baker if I remember
correctly!...And the Captain Sir!! His name is Captain
Bellingham-Smythe!".....Bellingham-Smythe!!...There was an Admiral
Bellingham-Smythe, recently moved to a shore job, a man of great
renown!!..he had been Commander-in-Chief Western
Approaches!!.....Was it the same family? A son perhaps?....Let's
hope it was a "Chip off the old block"!!!!
We climbed aboard the stage....The Admiral looked really magnificent
in her newest uniform!...She must have purchased a new one, as her
other was blasted off in the big explosion that destroyed the
"Talkalot" along with her crew!...I felt a little inferior, as my
uniform was quite well worn, it fitted me like a second skin, but
the braid was not as splendid as it was when new, there was also
some wear around the seat and on the cuffs...this was disguised
amply by my frilled shirt!
"It's so good to see you Ma'am!"...."I really must thankyou for
fixing this berth for me!..I felt I was washed up, and would have to
"Swallow the anchor"!....."Nonsense!!....This gold braid has it's
uses Allen!"..."You did a fine piece of work as Third on the
Talkalot!!"..."You deserve this break!....Make it snappy
Driver!!!"....this latter was accompanied by banging my cane on the
roof!..The Admiral was no slouch when it came to pressing an
Half an hour and we were at the gates to the Dock where the
"Revenge" was berthed....I gazed through the open carriage window,
ignoring the driving drizzle, I could see no sign as yet of
her!..."Have patience Lt Cdr!...We have a few minutes to go
yet!".....I returned to my seat, impatiently picking at my finger
nails!.I was eager to get my first sighting!...The Admiral had
already told me, she had seen her new commission yesterday!..."She's
a fine craft!!" were her words to me upon our meeting!!......We
clattered behind a storage shed, along a short granite wall, through
another gate...and "We have arrived Cdr!"....The use of the
retirement ranking was her attempt at humouring me!!....As the
carriage swung into a half-circle...I could see countless ships in
the straits, warships, merchantmen, sailing craft of all
denominations!.....The Admiral rose from her seat, peered through
the window....and pointing, bade me join her!...."There you have
her!" And....I have had our figurehead from the Talkalot copied...As
a tribute to the many men who lost their lives in her!!....she said
kind of Sotto Voce, her voice tinged with reverence!!..."You see her
Allen??? There she is in all her glory!!!"....I looked to the right
hand side where she was pointing.....GOD!!!!....A beautiful ship
indeed...three masted, resplendent in her black and tan colours,
standing 50ft above the quayside, 2 gangways were giving access and
exit for a gang of stevedores busily storing ship!.....Men clambered
over her decks everywhere!!....We clattered to a stop....The driver
dismounted, came to the door, opened it, and took the Admiral's hand
to assist her disembark!...I followed quickly...and stood in awe of
the beauty of this ship, her graceful lines giving the impression of
being built for speed!....Then a quick glance at the 3 gun decks,
effaced with gun ports, closed in harbour...but no doubt hiding some
menacing hardware behind their elegant facade! ...I looked aloft to
the top of the main...which I estimated to be 130/150 feet from the
decks!....God she would carry a vast amount of canvas, I wondered
how she would handle in a following sea...running
free!....Beautiful!!! Awe inspiring!.....I turned to walk toward the
stern, some 60/70 feet away...The Admiral smiled knowingly, her
charge was enthralled to see how big her living quarters would be??
I would soon know!!!....I reached the stern...and there among a
multitude of gold painted cherubs and cherabims, dolphins and
porpoises, in huge black/gold and red lettering was the name
"REVENGE"...the leaded windows high on the stern, split into two
sections, by her huge oak rudder, as thick as a man was
tall...!!!.....I looked to the Admiral, she was smiling
benevolently, like a mother with a young child exploring it's new
world!.......PHEEEEEUW!..."Attention on the upper decks...face aft
and salute!"....."Well!!! Somebody's awake at last eh? That took
them long enough!!"...The Admiral strode purposefully to the after
gangway, me tripping over my sword in my haste to join her!...She
swung nimbly onto the raised companionway, taking the staired struts
two at a time!!...I followed as quickly as I dared!.....We breasted
the brow, throwing the Duty Officer into a panic as he beheld the
thunderous face of the Admiral!....."Welcome aboard ma'am!....Lt
Jenkins Officer of the Day!"....."So Jenkins what took you so
long?"..."Were you still abed man?"....Jenkins stuttered, looking
for a reply...."No matter!...You're here now!..This is Lt Cdr Allen,
who is to join us as Second Lieutenant!"....."Welcome aboard
Sir!...I will have someone fetch your cases Ma'am!"....."No
Jenkins!!! For your tardiness...YOU!...can fetch the cases!!...Allen
here will man the gangway for a short time!"..."Then you can show us
both to our quarters!!"...."Aye Ma'am!" he replied sourly, and
quickly doubled down the gangway to the Coach..."And pay him off
whilst you're there Jenkins!!"....The Admiral turned towards me, a
secret smile shared between us!...."Now Lt Cdr!!...I have to take
leave of you!...This is the Royal Navy...and I am your senior
officer!"....."I wish you great success with your new
commission!"...."My cabin if you have any worries, remembering you
have to go through the proper channels!!..Alright?".....I stammered
my thanks and bowed low, removing my tricorn hat in a sweeping
gesture!..."Your humble servant Ma'am!"....A small smile plucked at
the corners of her mouth!...."Carry on!!!"....."And stand the upper
decks at ease won't you? Before they faint from the
exertions!!!"....Looking aghast....I turned to the bosun's
mate..."Pipe the carry-on!!".....Pheeeeuw! "Carry on on the upper
decks!!!".....I looked to where the Admiral was strolling aft....a
sweating, red faced, muttering Jenkins broached the head of the
gangway, stumbled down the steps, dropped the 3 lots of luggage, and
half walked, half ran, to the Admiral's side!!!...."This way if you
please Ma'am!"......"I DO please! And thankyou Jenkins!!"...I smiled
to myself!!! This was going to be a good ship....I could feel the
bones of her, every strake, every elbow, smile with me!!!....She was
OUR..."New Commission"!!!!!!
I waited on the bustling upper decks amidst a throng of men,
stevedores, riggers, caulkers, chandlers...and workmen of all
trades, the deck was a labyrinth of cordage, some cheesed-down, some
being cut and spliced to size...some being fed through
running-blocks...some of these blocks and sheeves were being "Rove-
to- advantage", resulting in many runs of ropeage skeined along the
upper decks in all directions...ropes run 4 or 5 times through the
same blocks meant greater leverage on the load.....so the riggers
were busy laying the coils of hemp and manilla in the correct order,
to facilitate ease of fitting!...I looked aloft whilst I waited, men
were busy on the yards, from the knee to the truck, a mass of
cordage hung in loops, men, stripped to the waist in belted white
duck-canvas trousers, swung easily from yard footing to yard
footing....all done with the ease of much practice!!!....This was a
ship with an experienced crew no doubt! There would appear to be few
men who were new to a seafaring life amongst the crew I had seen so
far! No doubt, there were new seamen, who had yet to taste the salt
in the spray, among them, but all, at present, seemed very
Lt Jenkins stepped through the after door which led from the
Admiral's quarters, and strode purposefully toward me, as I
anticipated, he wanted to malign someone for the ineptitude so
firmly placed upon his shoulders by the Admiral!..."She's a bit of a
Harridan don't you think? Probably been behind a desk in the
Admiralty for years!...Now having her last chance for sea-time I'd
wager!"...."Lt Jenkins!!!!...The Lady Christine is your senior
office and your Commanding Officer!!...Mine also!!!...I will hear no
more of this idle chit-chat! I have, for your information, served
with the Admiral within the past year, I have also been shipwrecked
with her, and, with her knowledge, lucky enough to have
survived!!!"...."So!!!..I want no gossip within my hearing
understood?"......Springing to attention, Jenkins uttered a quick
"Aye Aye Sir!"...."Fine!...Then help with my valise, and show me to
my quarters if you please!"...."Aye Sir!...Follow me please!"....As
we trooped for'ard, I thought, maybe I had made an enemy
already!..So be it!!!...I would not be party to Lower-Rank criticism
of senior officers! Especially to our beloved Admiral!!!
We climbed to the foc'sle head...and beside a windlass, the pawlings
of which were being greased with whale grease, was a sliding
hatchway, open at the moment, but, when at sea, could be slid shut
and closed to the sea....This area of a ship was prone to the
weather, rollers very often breaking over the foc'sle in a heavy
sea! We went below, my hands slid easily on polished wooden hand
rails, the risers beneath my feet were of polished oak....A fine
ship indeed!...If this was a sign of what the accommodation was
like...well!!.....We walked among oaken tables, fastened to the deck
with wooden pegs....not going to move far in a gale!!... already
some wag had carved initials, JC on the top....There would be no-one
with those initials on board I would bet a sovereign!!! Merely some
bored wit, purloining God's help, and salvation, for the commission
At last we came to a small area, with a low cabin door!.....Below
the wooden lintel was the legend "No2 Store room"!...My heart sank!
Was this to be my prison???...Jenkins dropped my baggage, turned the
handle and pushed the door open, the interior was spartan to say the
least!!....There were two wooden-planked bunks, at least, that would
be a generous description, on each was a horse-hair pallaise and
head rest!.....the basics!!....3 inches thick at most...it would be
most uncomfortable in heavy weather, when ships tended to throw one
about willy-nilly!!!...The bulkheads were of dark stained oak,
polished planking on the deck, and from the centre of the deck-head,
hung an oil lamp...I asked Jenkins who my cabin mate would be?...He
replied "Lt Garrity Sir! Gunnery Officer! Not here
yet!!"....Excellent!!! This meant that, not only could I pick the
top bunk, but rank entitled me too without cause for
complaint!!!..."Thankyou Jenkins! That will be all!"...."Ahem!..Sir?
Will I show you to the Wardroom???"...Wardroom??? A
Wardroom???...This was unheard of except in the very best and
largest ships...an Officer's dining and recreation
room.....somewhere that even the Captain and the Admiral had to be
invited to enter!!! "Very good Jenkins! Lead on!"....we meandered
through another maze of timbered corridors until we came to a
curtained-off square area, the curtains being segregated by
stanchions from deck to deck-head....Knocking on the right hand one
of these, we were bade enter by a deep resonant voice, I detected a
Scottish timbre to the voice!....."Well!!! For God's sake man! Don't
just stand there!! Cat got you're tongue??".....We stepped through
the curtaining to be confronted by a florid faced, heavy set
individual, with the ranking of only a Lieutenant!...."Sorry Sir! I
thought it was just Jenkins!" The lieutenant sprang out of the
leather seat upon espying my senior rank upon my
sleeve!...."Lieutenant Carstairs....Stores Officer Sir!....May I
welcome you aboard?"...."You can indeed Carstairs!..You can
indeed!....And after you have found me a beverage...you can fill me
in on the rest of the Officers we will be serving with if you
please!......"Aye Aye Sir!...'Tis my pleasure Sir!"....His beaming,
sweating features indeed confirmed the latter statement!..."Not all
Officers have joined yet Sir!"...."We are still waiting for the
First lieutenant, I think it's a Lt Cdr Baker if I remember
correctly!...And the Captain Sir!! His name is Captain
Bellingham-Smythe!".....Bellingham-Smythe!!...There was an Admiral
Bellingham-Smythe, recently moved to a shore job, a man of great
renown!!..he had been Commander-in-Chief Western
Approaches!!.....Was it the same family? A son perhaps?....Let's
hope it was a "Chip off the old block"!!!!
A New Commission!!.....1st of December 1804!
I had taken up lodgings in my old haunt of the Pirate Inn, it was a
Guinea per week, for a room that was both squalid and noisy. My view
of the sea was non-existent, my sleep even more so!...however, with
my marriage to Rosie over, there was no alternative, other than to
rough it here until the next coach and four, this was due today
Tuesday at 1100. I had had plenty of time to think things over
whilst I had resided at the Inn, I had mulled over what had
happened, my thoughts continuously returning to events in Malta! My
marriage over, my chattels passed to Rosie, there was now nothing to
prevent me from rejoining the Royal Navy as a volunteer enlistee,
the life had become second nature to me in the four years that I had
been part of the Service! Regrets were for the memory, I had none!
My only misgivings were the thoughts I had of the crew that I had
been part of, and had lost to the French and Spanish! Lofty Mann,
Cosgrove, Furnivall, Buchannan, David G, Derry,...they had all gone,
a huge sacrifice to the gods of ineptitude! Fodder for the
misbegotten politicians who decided that this war was the only
answer! No war is the answer! I felt sad that so many young (and
older) lives had been wasted!
I paid my dues at the bar, said goodbye to the Innkeeper, kissed the
serving wench (of whom I had become a favourite) and picked up my
valise, I now walked with some difficulty upon starting out, so
carried a walking cane to assist me in the hilly parts of town! My
left side had healed quite badly, I still suffered from occasional
weepings from the wound as the infection gradually diminished. My
broken collar-bone was healed, it was still painful, and, had not
been properly mended! The splint that had been applied was of no
use, and quickly dropped below the fracture, therefore I abandoned
it completely. I now had a collar-bone that had a huge lump in its
centre, the healing taking place around the break was turning to
calloused bone! My body had recovered also from the Smallpox virus
that had ravaged our ship! Medical opinion was, that because I had
survived the fever, and would probably never be completely free of
it.....I had become a Carrier!!
My thoughts of the sea, had prompted me to send a post via the post
stage, to The Admiral! I wondered if my correspondence had arrived?
The Admiral had assured me, upon my departure for the West Country,
that I would have no problems in signing-on in the Service, even
though I had been badly injured! I think maybe she was going to use
some influence on my behalf? I wondered also which ship I would
eventually arrive at, I would have liked it to have been a sloop or
a schooner, even a frigate would be quite a new experience!
Something small, something that would give me a little
individualism! I didn't really want to be part of a huge machine,
just a number! I wanted to be, as I was on the Talkalot, an Officer,
but also a colleague!
The stage arrived an hour late!!!..I was aggrieved at the long wait,
having taken refuge in an old barn near the turnpike! When at last
it did arrive, I berated the driver for his tardiness, upon enduring
my wrath for a few minutes, he turned his back and walked away!
Anglo-Saxon language, thrown over his shoulder, fell on my purposely
deaf ears! After a lifetime, the horses were changed, and my new
found antagonist was relieved by a portly fellow, who looked as
though he might just be sober enough by the time we reached Exeter!!
I clambered aboard, threw my bags in the seat opposite, and prayed I
would have no borish companion for the journey! The coach rattled
into life, amid much cursing from me....my side hurt like the
dickens, and I wondered if I would endure the long trek to the
Admiralty? It was a 2 day trip, changing horses several times
en-route. The horses had to be fed and watered every couple of
hours, so our progress was slow and, in my case, extremely painful!
The rutted tracks that served as a highway, jolted, and threw the
carriage around, until I wondered if we would remain in an upright
position sometimes. There were highway-men to consider also, many
stories abounded of travellers, stripped naked and left to walk,
without shoes, to the next habitation, minus their worldly
possessions!..I had prepared myself for this eventuality, I had
purchased a pair of pistols, which were duelling pistols really, but
would suffice in times of need, and my cane was also a hidden sword!
The rain fell in sheets!...our progress was slow in the extreme, my
driver cursing in his Dorsetshire accent, denied all and sundry had
parents, blasphemed vehemently, interspersed with "OOOH ARRRRGH's"!
I fell to dozing as best I could in the corner of the coach. This
was rather a forlorn exercise, my head banging against the panelling
at each lurch of the body! With a cry of "Whoa there! Whooooh!!
Whoah I say!"...the stage came to a juddering halt!!...I lowered the
leather strapped window, stuck my head out..."What's amiss man?"
"There's a fallen tree Sir!" "It's right across our path!"
My first thoughts were to get out, give the man some assistance to
drag it clear of the highway...then caution made me hesitate!....I
reached into my valise, took out the pistols, cocked them, and
placed them on the seat behind my bag! "Where are we driver?" ..."On
the Moorland Sir...just before Warleggan!"....My neck hairs raised
in trepidation! Warleggan!...A well know trouble spot for the
I alighted, the muddy road squelching over my boots, my EXPENSIVE
boots! For what seemed and age we held our breaths, the only sound,
the snickering of the horses, the only movement, the steam from
their nostrils!...We waited, and we waited, felling a tree, laying
it across the path of the coach, was a well known ploy for the
robbers!....We waited for 15 or 20 minutes...Nothing!!!! "Let's get
to it man!" I said, "We'll have to shift it!"...."How sir? It's a
big tree!" He was right, it 's girth, at it's widest, was as thick
as my waist!! "We'll have to un-harness the horses and pull it clear
using them!" I replied....."Very risky sir! What if they're waiting
for us to unhitch, then attack?"...We had no choice, and I told him
so! "But...if it makes you feel safer, we'll turn the coach, and
leave two horses still hitched, just in case! How's that sound?"
"Mighty worrying Sir....Mighty Worrying!!!" was his reply!!
So....We unbridled two of the horses after turning the coach around,
facing back the way we had come..I had retrieved both pistols from
the carriage and tucked them into my waistband! All this was done in
the pouring rain, it was a real deluge..."Looks as though we're
alone after all don't it Sir?" the coachman was finishing locking
the coach wheels..."Aye! But only a fool would be out in weather
like this eh?" This of course, applied to us as well as others I
informed him....A sudden whinney from the horse attached to the
shafts, made me draw my pistol, I pointed it down the highway
towards the fallen tree, I waited, holding my breath!...Not a
sound!....Then...as fast as a bolt of lightning, a dog fox darted
across the road in front of us!...We collectively gave issue with a
sigh of relief....We were jumpy! But with good reason!!!
We unhitched the ropes from the trunks, and cases, that were the
carriage freight, these had been lashed safely behind the drivers
seat..They were very short, but stout nonetheless...between us we
fashioned a rope long enough to go around the "V" notch in the
tree's bole...we moved the horses together, backed them up, and tied
on!..."I'll go behind the tree and add some weight!" I called..."Ok
Sir!" replied the driver..."Ok...Walk on there! Walk on I
say!"...The horses strained, slipping in the wet mud, I heaved and
panted....suddenly...the tree started to move..."Giddup there!
Yaaahhhh!" Slowly the tree came around, giving us enough room to
The job done, we re-hitched the horses, turned the coach around,
and, with inches to spare, passed the obstacle, and went on our way!
Sitting inside the coach, in my sodden clothes, my muddied boots
leaving prints all over the floor, I had time for
recollection....Were we just being too jumpy? We had heard tales
about robbery on the King's Highway often, some that would curdle
the blood! I was just thankful our experience was a benign one!
The wind rose, buffeting our frail carriage...The driver was sunken
in his seat no doubt...How could he see through this murk! I lowered
the window sash, enough to shout to him...."Where are we going to
stop for a rest good fellow?"....."I am hoping to make Tavistock on
Dartmoor before bedding and changing horses Sire!"...."We can stay
at the Highwayman Inn there?" I asked...."Aye sir...then, if we've
made good time, we could be on our way at first light!"....God! If
this weather kept up, we would be a week reaching the Admiralty in
A few minutes remained to midnight by my fobbed timepiece, when out
of the darkness and driving rain, we saw the lights of Tavistock,
very few in number, but lights nevertheless! I ached from sitting, I
would be glad to stretch my legs for a short while...partake of a
beverage...and get warm! As the steel-rimmed wheels clattered over
the cobbles on the entrance to the town, I was reminded of the
staccatto drum roll that accompanied Naval Punishment Warrants...It
had the same rhythm!!
"Whoa! Whooooh! Whao! I say!"....the horses clipped and clopped to a
trot, then slowed to a stop!...An ostler holding a lantern peered
out of the stable doors....the warm lights of the hanging lanterns
casting ghostly shadows around him!..."Evenin' Sir!"...Will you be
wantin' a change of mounts?..."Aye! We will indeed, and these to be
fed and watered before being bedded!"...."Thankee Sir! Twil' be no
trouble at all!"...."If you enter via yon banded door, twil' takee
to the parlour Sir! There you can partake of some
refreshment!".."Twil' cost only a shillin'...a bed will cost
I looked askance at the coachman...."Shall we stay?..or do you want
to go on tonight in this weather?"...."Beggin' yer pardon Sire...but
I think we must go on across the Moor tonight...to make London by
Thursday evenin'..!"..."We have forfeited much time!"..... "So be it
then!"..."We'll partake of a glass...then with your kind services
dispensed...we will carry on!"....I had severe misgivings about
crossing the Moor!!!!...in the dark!!!!...in the howling wind and
rain!!!...no compass or starlight to give us direction!!!....I
We had refreshments..We partook of the local Devonshire beer, by the
taste of it, brewed from potato skins!!!!...We also indulged in a
bowl of hot beef stew and some home made bread...We were both
feeling at peace with the world, both with eyes closing as we took
in the warmth of the fire, both almost oblivious to the general
hubbub in the bar!...I came awake with a start after feeling my head
bang against the side of the wooden settle!...This was no good!!
"Rise and shine my good man!".."We have many miles to cover
tonight!"..."Aye Aye Sir!"...."I'll go see if the Ostler is ready
with our mounts!"...he rose and went out the door, leaving me alone
by the fire...I really didn't want to go out into the night...but
needs must!!
Our mounts had been changed, in the four now was a tall grey,
skitterishly pawing the ground, and shaking it's head...impatient to
be gone! The others were dun coloured, not having a great affection
for horses, meant I knew little about them! The Coachman took his
seat, waited until I had embarked...I tapped on the roof with my
cane, and, amid shouted "Walk on!"..we lurched on our way! Here the
cobbles extended for quite some way before we hit the dirt road
again..The rain had stopped now, and the moon had come through the
clouds to light our way! Dartmoor is a forbidding place at night in
moonlight, shadows are cast from rocky tors across the barren
landscape, making the whole Moor take on an ethereal mood!!..Thieves
and murderers were rumoured to abound on this desolate plain, but
nothing challenged our motion, as we rattled and swayed on our
Asburton was eventually reached at about 4 am....the driver reining
in the horses, braking the coach, and climbing down to stretch his
legs!...It was quite cold in the moonlight, our lamps on the stage,
the only comforting glow! On our way once more,but only for a short
distance into the town, this time we would stop and rest properly!!
We pulled into the entrance gate of "The Fox" Inn at 5am and
disembarked, the Coachman rattled upon the doors! After and age, a
withered crone appeared at the lower window, put her head around the
casement, and demanded we go away, "Did we know what time it
was??"..."Raising God fearing folk from their slumbers!!"..."What
manner of business had we??" We begged leave to have shelter and a
bed for a few hours!! Upon hearing we had money to pay for these
services, the crone reluctantly opened the doors and let us enter!!
A warm bed for a couple of hours seemed like a heavenly
invitation!..We paid for our horses to be fed and watered, ensuring
they could be bedded down for a few hours also!
We slept until an hour before noon, rose, washed in the small hand
basins in the room, dressed, and, after a light meal of bread and
cheese, again resumed our journey! Would we be in London by tomorrow
night? I thought not!! However, we made good time to Honiton, and
good time also to Yeovil!! Here we would rest for the night!....It
was a heaven sent respite, when we were able to pull into "The
Turnpike" Inn, the driver could climb down from his freezing perch,
I could alight from my claustrophobic enclave, and we could both
relax!..We entered the warmth of the inn, and a jolly faced
innkeeper greeted us, asking if we would like beds for the night?
did we want some food? hot gruel was available!! We bade him bring
it on, and we settled in for the night!...Leastways, I thought we
were settled in!...when the door opened, allowing a terrific gust of
wind to enter, which drew the flames out of the fire, and smoke
billowed all around the hearth!!..."Shut the door Larkin willya??"
shouted the innkeeper, "You'll have us all catchin' our
deaths!!"....Larkin??....Larkin was the Ostler, taking care of our
horses!....he approached, doffing his cap as he did so!...."Begging
your pardon Sire!"..."But I must inform you that you have a broken
wheel on the coach!"...."Broken wheel?" "Yessir!! Broken wheel rim
sir!..If you care to take a look sir?"...I didn't!!!...but bade the
coachman do so!...He returned after a few minutes, to inform me that
the rear, offside wheel rim was indeed loose in it's mounting, and
would no doubt break free as soon as we set off!..."There's nowt we
can do sir! We'll have to get a wheelwright to have a look on the
morrow!"....At this rate I would never reach London! My new
commission would sail without me!!!!!
The next day dawned with bright sunshine!...I awaited the
Wheelwright, who came at about 9am!...Within 10 minutes he had the
old wheel off and a new one ( of the right size!!!) back in it's
place! We partook of breakfast, some oats with bread, and a
beverage...our horses were harnessed, and we were on our way by
We had an uneventful drive, with the horses at quite a gallop on the
well surfaced highway, between Yeovil and Salisbury...we arrived at
the "Black dog" Inn at 3.pm...stopped for a refreshing glass of
mead, and some cheese and bread loaf, the innkeeper was a pleasant
man, who came immediately to our table to ask us our names, and
where we had travelled from....upon my telling him what he required,
he asked "Would that be Lieutenant Commander Allen I would be
talking to Sire?"....Taken aback I replied in the
affirmative..."There has been a message left for you Sir by
yesterdays Post-coach!"...."What manner of message?" I asked..."I
don't rightly know Sire! It be sealed Sir!"...."Fetch it if you
please then!" I replied, and he bustled away, to return a few
moments later with a packet, wrapped in waxed paper, and sealed with
a wax seal! The seal bore the insignia of the Admiralty upon the
back, and had Tuesday's date written on the reverse!...Intrigued, I
hastened to break the seal and read the contents! In perfect
copper-plate script, it was a letter from.... Admiral Her Ladyship
Christine! My old Commanding Officer no less!! Enthralled now, I
read the contents over and over again, just to be sure of the
content and it's implications!....I was to travel no further towards
London and The Admiralty, but to take the next stage to Portsmouth,
to Gosport to be exact, there I would be met by Sub Lieutenant
Firbank, at the stage turnpike, and he would escort me to my new
"Commission"....It was to be!!!!!.....A newly built 64 gun, 630 tons
deadweight, First Rate Ship-of-the-Line....triple gun decks, 3
masted, with a crew of 510!!! It was unbelievable!! I was in shock!
A brand, spanking, new ship, not just any ship....but a Man-'o-War
of the highest rating!! I was to join her as "Second"....The Second
Officer's job was next down from the most important job on the ship,
the latter being the First Lieutenant's!! God!!! I was agog! What a
chance....the Admiral had obviously "put in a good word"...but would
I be able to hold the post down? Would my injury and my fitness pass
muster?....Questions only time would answer!!!
There was no time to lose..."COACHMAN!" I hollered...He came running
at pace..."Aye Sir??"..."I have to change my plans, and will not be
needing your services further!..When is the next stage for
Portsmouth likely to be?"...."Well Sire!...I can't be sure of
that".... "Maybe I can take you there?...but I need to leave a
message for a relief driver coming in for change of horses!"
Assuring him I would make it well worth his while...I would pay him
to drive all night if necessary!!!! "That would cost a little more!"
he replied.."But...we can leave right away
Sir?"...."Certainly!...The sooner the better!".....We could make
several miles before dark!!! I proceeded to pick up my valise and
pay the Innkeeper 2/6d and we could be on our way!!! 64 Guns!!!!
What a ship!!! And.....very aptly....she was called "H.M.S
Revenge"....I just hoped Revenge would be sweet!!!!
We gathered our things apace...I stepped into the coach, sat with my
package held preciously under my arm! The "Revenge"...It was a ship
I had not heard of!...The Admiral must have been very persuasive to
get me this draft!...."Ready to be off Sir!" the coachman shouted
from his perch, high on the top of the stage!.."Very good my man!
How long will it be to Gosport?"...."Twil be 9 hours or thereabouts
Sire!...It depends on the state of the highway after all the
rain!"....."Very well!...I will pay you double if you take me
through the night, so we are able to be in Portsmouth by
morning!"....."But Sire!...That will cost a pretty penny...A Gold
Sovereign Sire!!"...."No matter! I say!...No matter!"..."I will pay
you 2 gold sovereigns to be in Gosport by morning!!"...."So! What
say you??"....."Fine Sire!...'Tis fine!" "GERRUPP!!! HOHHHH!..Walk
on damn you!"...The horses started with a walk, then cantered, then
before a hundred yards, broke into a gallop! Inside, the coach was
like a tree in a gale!...I was thrown back in my seat, then nearly
onto my knees, my tricorn hat dislodged and fell at my feet! I
cursed in no uncertain manner! The driver, the weather, the darkness
approaching, the highways, but in my heart of hearts, I was
ecstatic!! A posting! I had expectd the Admiralty to insist I had a
medical inspection, with regard to my injuries! Now that was in the
past! I had my berth! And a good one to boot!...My wandering mind
settled on one thing, would we be in the Theatre of War in the
Mediterranean?...Would we go again to Malta?...Would I see the
lovely Petra?....the coach lurched on it's way into the darkness and
murky rain!..How could these coachmen see in this appalling weather?
We had on a glimmer of light from our lanterns fixed to the
stage!...I felt that the horses must know these highways like
At the midnight hour, I tapped my cane on the roof of the coach, and
bade the driver, in a loud voice to "Pull over!" We came to a stop,
I climbed out, and went to the front foot plate, passed the coachman
a lump of bread and cheese, returned to the back, and fetched a
flagon of mead purchased from the Innkeeper of the "Black Dog"
before we left! "Thank ye Sire! Very much!....'Tis much appreciated
'tis!"....As he ate and drank, I peered into the gloom, trying to
penetrate the foggy night with my vision!..My vision for night-time
was excellent, at sea, I could spot a ship's lights at 20 miles,
could differentiate between the colours, and also tell which way the
vessel was heading! Here, I was as a soul lost! Try as I might, I
could not see further than a few hundred yards at best!! This man
was going to earn his Sovereign alright!!!
Suitably refreshed, we resumed our rattling, lurching journey,
uneventful in the extreme...several times I slumbered in my uneasy
cradle, hardly able to keep my eyes open!...And still the coach
carried on it's way, unnerringly getting closer to Gosport, and my
new Commission!
The break of dawn saw us about an hour outside of Gosport (according
to the driver)..."We shall arrive at about 8 to 8.30 of the clock
Sir!...These horses are about all in!"...."They're not the only ones
my good man!" I replied...I suddenly had visions of the meeting with
Sub Lt Firbank....would I be required for duty right away?? I
sincerely hoped not!! I would need some rest before any duties were
assigned!...The rain was falling in sheets!...It hammered on the
wooden roof of the coach, drumming in time with the clatter of the
steel-rimmed wheels!
We came to the outskirts of the little town of Gosport....Oil lamps
adorned several houses, cocks crowed with the breaking
daylight....an odd dog here and there joined in the chorus! All was
right with the world for Lt Cdr Allen!.....At 8.10 we rumbled into
the cobbled area of the stage halt.....pulled around in a circle...
and ground to a noisy stop! I climbed stiffly, and sorely, from my
padded seat (very lucky indeed, some were hard wooden benches!) and
opened the outside handle of the door...and...stepped out into the
drizzle!...The coachman was also dismounting stiffly! When he came
off the last step onto the muddy cobbles, I could see his blood-shot
eyes, his tired, drawn features, his sodden clothes, he wore a
leather long-coat, but it too had become soaked!...He took off his
hat, made an ostentatious bow, smiled and said"Your servant
Sire!"....I laughed and reached into my money belt, extracted 3 gold
sovereigns, and, with a sweep of my tri-corn hat across my midriff,
returned the bow, genuflecting, and said" My servant indeed! You
have done very well my good man! I am indebted to you!"..."I trust
you will be satisfied with this payment?"...."Truly
Sir...Truly"...." shall wait with you Sire until your rendezvous is
kept! then I will find the coaching Inn and rest for the day, for
tomorrow, I shall have to be on my way to London!
We stood beside the sweating horses, their flanks white with frothy
steam, their nostrils wide, sucking in air to their starved lungs!
Faithful beasts indeed, what manner of animal would serve it's
master so faithfully??
We waited about three quarters of an hour, then faintly, we could
hear the clatter of approaching hooves and wheels....with a
rattling, clattering and flurry of movement, a stage hove into
sight, circled the compound and lurched to a halt! The sweating
horses heaving in their urgent need of breath!!.....the door to the
coach, crimson trimmed, opened, and.....to my absolute shock and
delight.......There, resplendent in her uniform of Rear Admiral, was
the ADmiral Lady Christine!...Shock!...How? Why?.....Where was Sub
Lt Firbank?.....Her quick dismissal of my puzzlement, allowed me to
return her disarming smile!..." Good day to you Lt Cdr!...I trust
you had a fair journey?......"Your Ladyship!...Ma'am!....It's with
immense pleasure that I do your bidding!"...."Tsk Tsk!...Nobody
knows I replaced Firbank but the three of us!"....."I have come to
take you to your.....OUR....new ship!"....."Revenge awaits
us!!".....I bowed from the waist, and most unmilitarily, took her
proferred hand and kissed it!..."I thank you from the bottom of my
heart, for this chance Ma'am!"....."The pleasure is mine Lt Cdr,
it's also my duty!"....."Let's away then and gaze upon our new
We climbed aboard the stage....The Admiral looked really magnificent
in her newest uniform!...She must have purchased a new one, as her
other was blasted off in the big explosion that destroyed the
"Talkalot" along with her crew!...I felt a little inferior, as my
uniform was quite well worn, it fitted me like a second skin, but
the braid was not as splendid as it was when new, there was also
some wear around the seat and on the cuffs...this was disguised
amply by my frilled shirt!
"It's so good to see you Ma'am!"...."I really must thankyou for
fixing this berth for me!..I felt I was washed up, and would have to
"Swallow the anchor"!....."Nonsense!!....This gold braid has it's
uses Allen!"..."You did a fine piece of work as Third on the
Talkalot!!"..."You deserve this break!....Make it snappy
Driver!!!"....this latter was accompanied by banging my cane on the
roof!..The Admiral was no slouch when it came to pressing an
Half an hour and we were at the gates to the Dock where the
"Revenge" was berthed....I gazed through the open carriage window,
ignoring the driving drizzle, I could see no sign as yet of
her!..."Have patience Lt Cdr!...We have a few minutes to go
yet!".....I returned to my seat, impatiently picking at my finger
nails!.I was eager to get my first sighting!...The Admiral had
already told me, she had seen her new commission yesterday!..."She's
a fine craft!!" were her words to me upon our meeting!!......We
clattered behind a storage shed, along a short granite wall, through
another gate...and "We have arrived Cdr!"....The use of the
retirement ranking was her attempt at humouring me!!....As the
carriage swung into a half-circle...I could see countless ships in
the straits, warships, merchantmen, sailing craft of all
denominations!.....The Admiral rose from her seat, peered through
the window....and pointing, bade me join her!...."There you have
her!" And....I have had our figurehead from the Talkalot copied...As
a tribute to the many men who lost their lives in her!!....she said
kind of Sotto Voce, her voice tinged with reverence!!..."You see her
Allen??? There she is in all her glory!!!"....I looked to the right
hand side where she was pointing.....GOD!!!!....A beautiful ship
indeed...three masted, resplendent in her black and tan colours,
standing 50ft above the quayside, 2 gangways were giving access and
exit for a gang of stevedores busily storing ship!.....Men clambered
over her decks everywhere!!....We clattered to a stop....The driver
dismounted, came to the door, opened it, and took the Admiral's hand
to assist her disembark!...I followed quickly...and stood in awe of
the beauty of this ship, her graceful lines giving the impression of
being built for speed!....Then a quick glance at the 3 gun decks,
effaced with gun ports, closed in harbour...but no doubt hiding some
menacing hardware behind their elegant facade! ...I looked aloft to
the top of the main...which I estimated to be 130/150 feet from the
decks!....God she would carry a vast amount of canvas, I wondered
how she would handle in a following sea...running
free!....Beautiful!!! Awe inspiring!.....I turned to walk toward the
stern, some 60/70 feet away...The Admiral smiled knowingly, her
charge was enthralled to see how big her living quarters would be??
I would soon know!!!....I reached the stern...and there among a
multitude of gold painted cherubs and cherabims, dolphins and
porpoises, in huge black/gold and red lettering was the name
"REVENGE"...the leaded windows high on the stern, split into two
sections, by her huge oak rudder, as thick as a man was
tall...!!!.....I looked to the Admiral, she was smiling
benevolently, like a mother with a young child exploring it's new
world!.......PHEEEEEUW!..."Attention on the upper decks...face aft
and salute!"....."Well!!! Somebody's awake at last eh? That took
them long enough!!"...The Admiral strode purposefully to the after
gangway, me tripping over my sword in my haste to join her!...She
swung nimbly onto the raised companionway, taking the staired struts
two at a time!!...I followed as quickly as I dared!.....We breasted
the brow, throwing the Duty Officer into a panic as he beheld the
thunderous face of the Admiral!....."Welcome aboard ma'am!....Lt
Jenkins Officer of the Day!"....."So Jenkins what took you so
long?"..."Were you still abed man?"....Jenkins stuttered, looking
for a reply...."No matter!...You're here now!..This is Lt Cdr Allen,
who is to join us as Second Lieutenant!"....."Welcome aboard
Sir!...I will have someone fetch your cases Ma'am!"....."No
Jenkins!!! For your tardiness...YOU!...can fetch the cases!!...Allen
here will man the gangway for a short time!"..."Then you can show us
both to our quarters!!"...."Aye Ma'am!" he replied sourly, and
quickly doubled down the gangway to the Coach..."And pay him off
whilst you're there Jenkins!!"....The Admiral turned towards me, a
secret smile shared between us!...."Now Lt Cdr!!...I have to take
leave of you!...This is the Royal Navy...and I am your senior
officer!"....."I wish you great success with your new
commission!"...."My cabin if you have any worries, remembering you
have to go through the proper channels!!..Alright?".....I stammered
my thanks and bowed low, removing my tricorn hat in a sweeping
gesture!..."Your humble servant Ma'am!"....A small smile plucked at
the corners of her mouth!...."Carry on!!!"....."And stand the upper
decks at ease won't you? Before they faint from the
exertions!!!"....Looking aghast....I turned to the bosun's
mate..."Pipe the carry-on!!".....Pheeeeuw! "Carry on on the upper
decks!!!".....I looked to where the Admiral was strolling aft....a
sweating, red faced, muttering Jenkins broached the head of the
gangway, stumbled down the steps, dropped the 3 lots of luggage, and
half walked, half ran, to the Admiral's side!!!...."This way if you
please Ma'am!"......"I DO please! And thankyou Jenkins!!"...I smiled
to myself!!! This was going to be a good ship....I could feel the
bones of her, every strake, every elbow, smile with me!!!....She was
OUR..."New Commission"!!!!!!
I waited on the bustling upper decks amidst a throng of men,
stevedores, riggers, caulkers, chandlers...and workmen of all
trades, the deck was a labyrinth of cordage, some cheesed-down, some
being cut and spliced to size...some being fed through
running-blocks...some of these blocks and sheeves were being "Rove-
to- advantage", resulting in many runs of ropeage skeined along the
upper decks in all directions...ropes run 4 or 5 times through the
same blocks meant greater leverage on the load.....so the riggers
were busy laying the coils of hemp and manilla in the correct order,
to facilitate ease of fitting!...I looked aloft whilst I waited, men
were busy on the yards, from the knee to the truck, a mass of
cordage hung in loops, men, stripped to the waist in belted white
duck-canvas trousers, swung easily from yard footing to yard
footing....all done with the ease of much practice!!!....This was a
ship with an experienced crew no doubt! There would appear to be few
men who were new to a seafaring life amongst the crew I had seen so
far! No doubt, there were new seamen, who had yet to taste the salt
in the spray, among them, but all, at present, seemed very
Lt Jenkins stepped through the after door which led from the
Admiral's quarters, and strode purposefully toward me, as I
anticipated, he wanted to malign someone for the ineptitude so
firmly placed upon his shoulders by the Admiral!..."She's a bit of a
Harridan don't you think? Probably been behind a desk in the
Admiralty for years!...Now having her last chance for sea-time I'd
wager!"...."Lt Jenkins!!!!...The Lady Christine is your senior
office and your Commanding Officer!!...Mine also!!!...I will hear no
more of this idle chit-chat! I have, for your information, served
with the Admiral within the past year, I have also been shipwrecked
with her, and, with her knowledge, lucky enough to have
survived!!!"...."So!!!..I want no gossip within my hearing
understood?"......Springing to attention, Jenkins uttered a quick
"Aye Aye Sir!"...."Fine!...Then help with my valise, and show me to
my quarters if you please!"...."Aye Sir!...Follow me please!"....As
we trooped for'ard, I thought, maybe I had made an enemy
already!..So be it!!!...I would not be party to Lower-Rank criticism
of senior officers! Especially to our beloved Admiral!!!
We climbed to the foc'sle head...and beside a windlass, the pawlings
of which were being greased with whale grease, was a sliding
hatchway, open at the moment, but, when at sea, could be slid shut
and closed to the sea....This area of a ship was prone to the
weather, rollers very often breaking over the foc'sle in a heavy
sea! We went below, my hands slid easily on polished wooden hand
rails, the risers beneath my feet were of polished oak....A fine
ship indeed!...If this was a sign of what the accommodation was
like...well!!.....We walked among oaken tables, fastened to the deck
with wooden pegs....not going to move far in a gale!!... already
some wag had carved initials, JC on the top....There would be no-one
with those initials on board I would bet a sovereign!!! Merely some
bored wit, purloining God's help, and salvation, for the commission
At last we came to a small area, with a low cabin door!.....Below
the wooden lintel was the legend "No2 Store room"!...My heart sank!
Was this to be my prison???...Jenkins dropped my baggage, turned the
handle and pushed the door open, the interior was spartan to say the
least!!....There were two wooden-planked bunks, at least, that would
be a generous description, on each was a horse-hair pallaise and
head rest!.....the basics!!....3 inches thick at most...it would be
most uncomfortable in heavy weather, when ships tended to throw one
about willy-nilly!!!...The bulkheads were of dark stained oak,
polished planking on the deck, and from the centre of the deck-head,
hung an oil lamp...I asked Jenkins who my cabin mate would be?...He
replied "Lt Garrity Sir! Gunnery Officer! Not here
yet!!"....Excellent!!! This meant that, not only could I pick the
top bunk, but rank entitled me too without cause for
complaint!!!..."Thankyou Jenkins! That will be all!"...."Ahem!..Sir?
Will I show you to the Wardroom???"...Wardroom??? A
Wardroom???...This was unheard of except in the very best and
largest ships...an Officer's dining and recreation
room.....somewhere that even the Captain and the Admiral had to be
invited to enter!!! "Very good Jenkins! Lead on!"....we meandered
through another maze of timbered corridors until we came to a
curtained-off square area, the curtains being segregated by
stanchions from deck to deck-head....Knocking on the right hand one
of these, we were bade enter by a deep resonant voice, I detected a
Scottish timbre to the voice!....."Well!!! For God's sake man! Don't
just stand there!! Cat got you're tongue??".....We stepped through
the curtaining to be confronted by a florid faced, heavy set
individual, with the ranking of only a Lieutenant!...."Sorry Sir! I
thought it was just Jenkins!" The lieutenant sprang out of the
leather seat upon espying my senior rank upon my
sleeve!...."Lieutenant Carstairs....Stores Officer Sir!....May I
welcome you aboard?"...."You can indeed Carstairs!..You can
indeed!....And after you have found me a beverage...you can fill me
in on the rest of the Officers we will be serving with if you
please!......"Aye Aye Sir!...'Tis my pleasure Sir!"....His beaming,
sweating features indeed confirmed the latter statement!..."Not all
Officers have joined yet Sir!"...."We are still waiting for the
First lieutenant, I think it's a Lt Cdr Baker if I remember
correctly!...And the Captain Sir!! His name is Captain
Bellingham-Smythe!".....Bellingham-Smythe!!...There was an Admiral
Bellingham-Smythe, recently moved to a shore job, a man of great
renown!!..he had been Commander-in-Chief Western
Approaches!!.....Was it the same family? A son perhaps?....Let's
hope it was a "Chip off the old block"!!!!
Over a larger than normal glass of grog, Carstairs filled me in on
the rest of the crew, officers that is!...The Admiral I knew
already, the Captain....Algonquin Bellingham-Smythe!! I would have
to find out for myself, no-one had the slightest previous knowledge
about him!!...1st Lt...Baker...a bit of a stickler for awarding
punishments, according to the wardroom gossip!...His reputation had
preceded him from the bars of Portsmouth, probably from someone, a
previous messmate, or colleague!....4th Lt...also Gunnery Officer...
Lt David Garrity....already aboard! A jovial Northcountry man, prone
to comedy, from all accounts, a good laugh...and a good type!...His
expertise in Gunnery, yet to be assessed! Lt
Jenkins....Administration!...a quill-presser of the highest order
according to Carstairs!!!...And....last, but not least, Sub Lt
Firbank....straight from the Naval College....apparently thought a
ship could be made to do exactly as the book said it could!!! Ok!!!
So that was the Wardroom....time would iron-out the wrinkles..no
My first hours were spent fitting out my new accommodation, I drew
my bedding kit from the ship's stores...got my eating utensils, very
important items!!...Unpacked my meagre belongings into the small
redwood cabinet in the far corner of our little "cell"...I was just
a little anxious about my cabin mate....Lt David Garrity!!
Another"DG"...I had had a "DG" in Talkalot...he was a fine fellow, I
still missed his wit and happy demeanour!! I hoped this "DG"
wouldn't be a sour North Yorkshireman or such like...but...I had
been reliably informed that he was a jolly, joke for any occasion,
comedic type...I only hoped the gossips were right!!
The next few hours were a blur of activity, both above, and below
decks!! Early in the evening on my first day, the new 1st Lt
arrived!...Baker!!!...One could hear him before one espied him!!!
His first duty, upon stepping from the brow onto the decks, was to
criticise the stowage, or lack of it, of gear on the upper decks!
The smartness, or lack of it, of ratings manning the brow! The trim,
or lack of it, of canvas!!!...It looked fine to me!.....Furled in
good Bristol fashion!!! I thought I would go up on deck,introduce
myself, take any orders that might be coming my way!!...I strode
smartly onto the deck, paused to get my bearings, spied the new
joiner... verbally dressing-down a member of the gangway crew, for
slackness in calling the upper decks to attention upon his arrival!
I attempted to de-fuse the situation...."Lt Cdr Allen Sir! 3rd!" I
saluted, offered my hand!! A glare of malevolence from the eyes,
told me I had made a big mistake!!..."So!...You were in charge until
I arrived eh?" "You were the one responsible for the lack of respect
shown me by this shambles of a crew!!!"...."This SHIP!!! This ship
is a disgrace....crabby from stem to stern!!!"..."The crew are
insolent and sullen! I can assure both you and them...I will smarten
them up in double quick time...you mark my words well!!!...."I will
not be party to a crabby ship!!! There will be no recreation time,
no "Make 'n Mend" time!..No meals issued!! Until this ship is
spotless from prow to tiller!! Do I make myself clear????.
"Clear as crystal Sir!"...."CLEAR AS CRYSTAL!!!".....As he turned
and strode angrily away, I let out a breathe, and a low
whistle!...God!!! A bully!! That's all a fighting ship needed!!!
..."Bosun's Mate?" ..."Aye Sir?"..."What's your name?"..."Chantry
Sir!"...."Well Chantry! You heard the 1st Lt!!...Clear lower decks!
I will speak to the crew!"..."Very Well Sir!!"
The shrill twitter of the Bosun's call echoed across the deck,
repeated by the other Bosun's mates on decks below! PHEEEEEEUW-OWWW!
"Clear Lower Decks"..."Clear Lower Decks!"....within seconds, men
came tumbling through hatchways and doorways, muttering and cursing
between themselves...I strode to the poop ladder, nimbly skipped
it's length...and strolled across the poop, to come to a position
halfway across the breadth of the beam!..."Stand-easy men! And
gather round!"....I felt somewhat aggrieved to have to impart the
No1's message to them! But!!!..there was nothing for it!! I
certainly wasn't going to malign him...but...neither was I going to
bear the brunt of their displeasure, without acknowledging from
where the order had come! "I have been speaking with the 1st
Lieutenant!....This ship is a Scran Bag of indifference! We need to
smarten her up...and...I mean now!! Instantly!"...."Now! I know you
have been working all of this day! however! I am assured there will
be no recreation time, no Make 'n mend, no food until this ship is
spick and span!! It has been noticed that the crew is slack...the
crew is also insolent and sullen!"...."And that, gentlemen, is
something I will not tolerate!"...." That is all!! Turn aft
Dismiss!!".....A chorus of unintelligible, but easily guessed-at
rhetoric followed, words like "Bastard" "Skate" were almost
deciperable...almost!!!...The crew scattered, some springing into
the shrouds, and monkey-like skipping onto the yards, belaying ropes
and cordage...others gathering up discarded tools, caulking wedges,
chisels, mallets etc.....four of the men came from the foc'sle head
carrying swabbing mops and holystone gear!...Muttering and oathing,
they set about the business of smartening the ship, ready for the
inevitable 1st Lt's return on deck...The bosun's mates that had been
in attendance on the brow, darted below, I presumed to change and
smarten up, don caps etc...Me? I grabbed a polishing cloth and
burnishing paste, and set about cleaning the brightwork on the
maindeck....of which there was quite a lot!!
By 3 bells into the First, it was a different ship!! I had gone to
the Galley, arranged for a clandestine supply of bread and cheese to
be made available...indicating to the cooks, that I had business
astern for a few minutes...whereby..I left and went to the after
end., ostensibly to buff and polish the binnacled compass brightwork
and after steerage gear!....bending low, polishing the footings, I
smiled with satisfaction to see 2 cooks from the Galley, strolling
innocently among the crew, dolling out bitesize pieces of food
concealed beneath their aprons! Already I could see the crew would
work as one!!! The Officers??? Well! That could be another story!!!!
'Twas dark by the time the 1st Lt came on deck again! Not a lot of
the hard work the crew had put in could be seen in the
part-light!...Without as much as a cursory glance, Lt Cdr Baker,
'cos that was his real ranking, strode haughtily across the deck,
cap at a jaunty angle, his gait belying the fact that he was
sober!..."Well! Well! Well! Cleaned her up have they? Made her spick
and span have they?"..Not allowing me any room for comment, he
railed about the crew, about the lack of respect in today's Navy,
about the Navy in general, about his wife! (I thought the dear lady
had a lot to put up with if he was the same at home as he was
here!!).."As for you! Lt Cdr!...Set your cap squarely!! You are
addressing a senior officer!!"....Addressing a senior officer
indeed?...I couldn't get a word in edgeways!!!...."That's more like
it!! I'll smarten this ship up if it's the last thing I
do!".....(Probably will be I thought secretly!!)....He abruptly
strode off before I could raise a salute, intent on causing some
mayhem with the crew members burnishing woodwork near the poop-deck
Just as he was about to set about a junior rating, who's smirk was
growing by the second, there came a clattering of hooves and wheels
on cobbles, the whole upper deck suddenly hushed!!...half a minute
later and a large black and gold painted "carriage and four" rounded
the long storage sheds on the dockside!....It drew to a stop, in a
flurry of "Whoa! "Whoa up!"...."WHOA!" shouted hoarsely by the
driver, who nimbly dismounted from his perch, high on the front of
the coach, ran to the carriage door, flung it wide, and bowed from
the waist! From the dim interior, ill-lit by the side lamps, stepped
a tall figure, of large stature, bright blue uniform, tricorn
hat...and....the epaulettes of a full captain!!! This would be "the"
Captain....Algonquin Bellingham-Smythe!!! Followed by the hapless
cabby, he marched to the gangway, quickly ascended the length of it,
and before anyone had chance to be in attendance on the
brow....shouted for the Officer of the Deck!!! "Officer of the
Watch?"..."Officer of the Decks?"...."Who's in charge here?....I
went to step forward, then realised, I was NOT in charge!!! Lt Cdr
Baker was in charge! Our jovial, lacking in personality, 1st Lt!!!!
Hiding my pleasure, looking in the dim light at members of the crew,
also trying to suppress their delight, I stood my ground and awaited
developments!...."Who is in charge??" our erstwhile Captain enquired
more loudly!!!...I stepped forward smartly! "Lt Cdr Baker Sir...1st
Lt....just gone....!" I got no further!....Baker rounded the
binnacle from his foray aft, his eyes alighted on the scene below,
taking in the dress and ranking of the officer standing at the
brow!!....He ran across the poop, tumbled down the ladder, kept his
feet with great difficulty, and, hat askew....presented himself in
front of the Captain..."Lt Cdr Baker Sir... First Lieutenant out of
Belleraphon Sir!"...."Well MR Baker!...As you're in charge...you can
muster the appropriate assemblage of crew, required by protocol, to
be in attendance when a Senior Officer comes aboard!"..."You can
also, ensure my luggage is taken aft to my quarters!"....."Then MR
Baker...you will await me there!...I expect you to be properly
dressed when you do so! Is that clear?"....All of this altercation
took place, sotto voce, I was the only one able to hear, except of
course, Baker himself!...."Aye Aye sir! At once Sir!....He saluted,
turned away and running across the decks, shouted for the duty
Bosun, Chief Petty Officer Bullen!....Two of a kind I
thought!!....""And your name is???"...."Lt Cdr Allen Sir....I'm the
3rd! Welcome aboard Sir"..."Would you like a beverage after your
long journey Sir...please join me in the wardroom??"...."That would
be excellent Allen! I thank you! Lead on!"....I breasted my right
arm, pointing the way aft, and smiled as I thought of the hapless
1st Lt.....how long could I make him wait at the Captain's pleasure?
Maybe the Captain was really thirsty after his long journey????
The other officers, barring the 1st Lt were gathered in the wardroom
upon our arrival, I introduced our new Captain!....We partook of 2
glasses of rum, introductions all round, past ships etc....Thinking
I could no longer lawfully, or ethically, hold the Captain from his
quarters, I enquired if the Captain would now like to be shown his
cabin, and, assured him that there would always be a welcome in the
wardroom for him!....As I led him aft, I was able to assess him more
clearly, strong character I thought, finely chiseled jawline, blue
eyes....one for the Ladies!!.....It was his demeanour that held me
in a sort of awe!...He had clearly been in action, had suffered
several small wounds, had been present at the routing of 15 French
and Spanish Fleet at Algaciras, or some such place....clearly a man
we could all learn something from!!!....We breached the after
accommodation doorway, entered the corridor, and headed aft to the
Captains Day cabin....just as we turned the corner...there, looking
extremely flustered, and, somewhat angry, was Baker!!...When he saw
us, his immediate reaction was to sport a look of utter
relief!....Then his eyes met mine...and a look of pure hatred passed
between us! I smiled in return, and ignored the malevolent
glare!..."I will leave you in the capable hands of Lt Cdr Baker
Sir!...I bid you goodnight!"....."Goodnight Allen!! And thank the
Wardroom again for their hospitality!"...."Aye Sir! That I
will!!"..I turned and walked away, leaving the two of them heading
The next few days were a pure haze....activity was at a premium! Our
feet barely touched the ground, we were at it from dawn to dusk....I
was returning from a visit to the paint-locker in the fore ends,
directly beneath the cat-head, when DG approached me with breathless
excitement..."Have you seen the notice board Darbs?"....I conceded I
had not!!! My day had been too busy!...."We have our sailing
orders!!"....We are to muster in the wardroom at mid-day...where the
Captain will address us!"...."Wonder where it will be?"...."There's
a book running in the wardroom....the favourite is the
Med!!"....."We shall see!" was all I could think of as a reply.
At mid-day, we all assembled as ordered, the Captain was a few
minutes late, but who was counting!...."Gather round
gentlemen!"...He spread a chart out on the long Mahogany table!...My
heart sank...It revealed, at the top of the header, the legend
disappointed mutterings from around the table!...."The Sailmaker,
CPO Smithers, is about to join us! We shall need his expertise
regarding the fitness of the rig we carry at present!"...."The North
Atlantic is an unforgiving place, especially at this time of
year!"......"However, that is a few weeks in the future! We are
sailing at 0700 on Thursday for Portland!...There we will work the
ship up to a fighting standard before assuming our duties as North
Atlantic guard!"......"Excuse me sir!...But what are we guarding? Is
this just a rear-guard posting?"...."A soft
number?"(Baker!!!!)........"Lt Cdr Baker!...My orders are from the
Admiralty...It is not my duty to question them ....and...yours
neither!"...."So gentlemen! I expect the ship's company will want to
know the truth...and ...not some fictitious lower-deck lawyers
version!"...."So! Whilst I discuss with the Sailmaker, our
requirements in heavy duty canvas...I ask that you inform the crew,
in you different divisions of our tasks
ahead!"..."Gentlemen!...Thank you for your time!"...That was it!!!
Our allotted patrol...the wild North Atlantic! No Frenchman, and
certainly, no Spaniard, would dream of attacking the western
seaboard of the English/Welsh/Scottish coast....A coast of many
shipwrecks! Would they??? 'Twas going to be a long hard winter I
mused!!!!...I walked toward the for'ard hatchway leading to by
berth, as I rounded the fore mast footing leading to the ladder, I
heard the voice, as I smelled the smoke from his clay pipe!!!
"Well!!! If it isn't the Admiral's
favourite!".....(Baker!!!)...."What do you want Baker?"....."I want
your rank Allen!...I will have it too!!....I will ensure you are
busted to Subbie!!!" "Just give me the chance!!"....In his right
hand he held a rope-splicers palm(a leather palm glove that
protected the hand when splicing with a marlin-spike!)...Menacingly
he was fingering a long bone handled blade about 9" long...."I know
what you did earlier!...Give me any chance...and I'll swing for you!
So help me God!!!".........What had I done?....This was a true enemy
within!!!...I would have to be very careful...I would have to watch
my back...others backs too I felt!!!!
After my altercation with Baker..I was very careful to watch HIS
every move, just in case there was anything in his daily routine
that I could use against him! I felt that the whole ship would be
better off without his company!!! However, as any sailor will tell
you, it is not easy to get rid of another shipmate without top
officers being involved, and even then the chances of being
successful in achieving another's transfer or "Draft", were almost
non-existent! So, we had to all be on the lookout for him, and his
sadistic ways!....This was manifest, early on, in the training of
sailors aloft! We had a week in which to get some of the new members
of the "Tops" crew up to standard in their job of rigging the ship
with canvas, de-rigging, clewing, furling, etc...all done at speed,
in bare feet, and, sometimes in bad weather....there are many
instances of men being thrown from aloft, to crash to the deck in
heavy weather....in high winds, sudden squalls etc, canvas had to be
taken in and furled in extreme conditions....the canvas very often
taking charge....the men, mere toys in the struggle!...We were
training them non-stop for the week leading up to our departure,
they had no sooner reefed, clewed and furled...than they were doing
it all again!!!....As the day came for our departure, the pressure
increased! Everyone, myself included, were at full stretch, every
job detailed, was needed to be completed in record time, and with
perfection!!! The working-up period in Portland would be a living
hell for about 3 weeks...it was the only way to get the crew to a
fighting pitch!!....Anyway I digress!....We had been at the
exercises since daybreak on Wednesday morning! Hands aloft....Hands
on deck...running out....clewing up....reefing up....speed runs
aloft and onto the yards! All was improving by the hour....at about
10 of the clock on Wed...or 4 bells into the Forenoon watch...Able
seaman Kinsman....a West Highlander.. a pressed man...was high in
the foretops, splicing a header rope for the mains'l yard....a
Marlin Spike slipped from his grasp (his hands were wet from the dew
he acclaimed) and fell 100ft to the decks below, missing all
personnel, but taking a rather large chunk of timber from the main
footing, and, after bouncing, buried itself in the Starboard
gunwhale , just above the bitts, to a depth of 2 inches!!!...All
would have been well, if, upon a whim, Baker had not then decided to
come on deck for some air! He had just emerged from below, when the
shout of "Under Below" caused him to look aloft...he witnessed the
incident from the poop!!!
"Bosun!!!!...BOSUN!!!!...I want that man brought to me at the
double!!"...."AT the DOUBLE!!!!!"....."Aye Sir!" replied
the Bosun, Chief Petty Officer Buller, another man of the same
sadistic ilk as Baker!!!! Whereupon, Buller, doffing his cap and
passing it to one of his Bosun's mates.... leap onto the gunwhale,
swung into the ratline footings and scrambled aloft.....all the
while shouting "Kinsman!! Kinsman!! On deck now before I throw you
down there!"...The terrified Kinsman realised the peril he was in,
and scurried across the yard to the main, skipped down to the
Devil's Elbow and down the ratlines the other side of the
ship!!...This left Buller with egg on his face, still climbing one
set of rigging, whilst Kinsman scurried down the other....Cursing,
Buller turned and started to descend, when his footing slipped, and
he dropped 10ft before coming to a halt groin first on the lower
falls-stay splicing....this having been pitch treated, it was
hardened to the texture of stone! Howling in pain and rage, the
unfortunate Bosun limped slowly from his precarious perch, and, was
helped to the deck!! Baker had witnessed the whole episode, from
where I was standing, the sadistic gleam in his eye foretold the
events to come!!!!!.... I thought I might pre-empt events by calling
Kinsman to me first, as No3, I was junior, but as it was my deck
crew, disciplining was down to me!...."Kinsman! Come here man!" I
shouted...all the while striding towards Baker on the way down from
the poop, Kinsman, noting the better choice, headed in my
direction....."Oh no you don't! You scum!"....Baker was glaring at
me!......."It's my deck watch! and , fortunately, my deck
crew.....it's also my duty to discipline defaulters Sir!"....I
pointed out!....."Your Duty? YOUR DUTY?...Do you know your duty Lt
Cdr?" he growled, red faced, his anger plain on his face!!!...."I am
officer of the deck Sir, and I will deal with the matter...no need
for you to bother with a trivial discipline incident!" I replied,
our voices kept low so as not to allow the crew to overhear!..."I
don't care Allen!! I don't care!! I will serve punishment! And I
will damn well serve it now!"..."I'm sorry Sir! That is my
perogative as duty officer of the deck! and, mine alone!"...."You
scum!" he hissed under his breath!.."I'll have you flogged alongside
him!"...."Ahem! Mr Baker! A word if you please, regarding our
sailing orders for tomorrow!" Unbeknown to the both of us, the
Admiral had come on deck to ascertain the reason for the rumpus!!!
"Can you come to my Cabin with the North Foreland Chart if you
please!!!"..."Aye Ma'am!...I will just put matters right here a
moment!"...."Right away Mr Baker if you please!"...The look sent my
way was enough to kill!..."200 lashes then Allen and not a cut
less!".....spitting on the deck at my feet...he stomped aft towards
the Admiral's Day Cabin.....The shaking Kinsman was bought before
me, he was chewing on his lower lips, anticipating the hell to
come!!! "Bosun!....take this down on parchment if you please!...Well
what happened lad?"....."The marlin slipped from my grasp Sir!
Honest! It was wet on the yard I was working on, and it
slipped!"...."Well! It could have killed another member of the crew,
or more seriously, an officer!!"....I looked him in the eye as I
utterd the words, and we both knew what I was thinking!!! "I'm sorry
Sir! It won't happen again!"...."I know it won't Kinsman! You will
be served a reminder so that it won't happen
again!!!"....."Bosun!....20 lashes of the cat if you please...clear
lower decks to witness punishment!"...."AYE AYE Sir!!"...The
emphasis on the words indicating his extreme displeasure at the
leniency I was showing!....The after part of the deck was cleard and
the grating rigged....the lower deck was cleared of men, and the
unfortunate Kinsman was lashed to the grating
spreadeagled!....."There will be no salt either Chief!" I
ordered!....Spitting on the deck at Kinsman's feet, the Bosun glared
in my direction, then walked the few paces to the pinioned man,
ripped his shirt off his back, and stood the required 3ft away, Cat
in hand..."Carry on Chief!" I nodded, and with a gleam of
satisfaction in his eye, the Bosun set about issuing the punishment
I had ordered...I couldn't witness it at first hand, knowing that it
had been a first offence, and an accident!!!.. So, accompanied by
the call "One!"....I walked aft to be out of earshot!....Sadly, I
was still able to hear, I counted the 20 lashes, after a dozen or
so, the man Kinsman had fallen silent!....I would go below to see
the Surgeon...Lt Derrin.....There would be no salting on a ship I
was sailing in!!!....I felt very uneasy about Baker! He would seek
revenge on the "REVENGE" I felt sure!!!!
Kinsman had alreay been taken below when I arrived at the sick-bay
doors.......He was lying on the wooden block, used for any occasion,
and was moaning, face down, as the SBA Petty Officer Harrington
tended the dozen or so large wheals and cuts in the flesh of his
back! A large pail full of cloudy water and a rag were the order of
the day! Anything was better than a "Salting" wherein the flesh was
rubbed with salt after a lashing, ostensibly to cure the wounds, but
more likely, to make the punishment even harsher!
I walked to the table upon which the poor unfortunate Kinsman lay,
biting down on a piece of hard-rhind (skin from our slaughtered
pigs, dried and used in the medical trade to "Bite down upon"!)....I
turned to the SBA Harrington and asked if he would leave us a
moment....after he had left, I proceeded to swab the back of the
hapless seaman, whilst doing so, I informed him I was going to
excuse him of all duty for 24 hours!....A grateful "Thankyou Sir!"
came from his bloodied lips, whereupon I called Harrington back into
the room, and asked him to go find the surgeon for me! He hurried
off, and I continued my(highly irregular) ministrations!....A few
minutes later Derrin the Surgeon entered the room....."Derry? I
think this man has had enough punishment for one day!!....I would
like you to give him duty relief for 24 hours!"....."We might have
to find an excuse!"....."Not a problem Darbs!...This man has a fever
and the chills! 'Tis shock I'll wager!"...."No man can work with
feverishness in his blood!...A danger to others I think!"...."Good
thinking Derry! I think we need to make a written report of your
findings for the Admiral?"...."Aye mate...I'll see to it and send it
aft by Harrington!"..."Excellent Derry! And thanks!"...He smiled
.... I tapped him, gratefully on the shoulder as I
left!...BAKER!!!....What was to be done about Baker???
On Thursday at 1600, a little late, we had our head-ropes and
fore-spring cast off, our after stern-rope cast off, and with just
our after spring in place, were being pulled by the bow by four 5
man cutters, as we neatly swung our head to seawards, and, the
cutters pulled out into a fan shape, we felt the old tingle of the
"Call of the sea" course through our veins! At sea, at
last!!....Next stop Portland!
We took full advantage of our trip to work the crew into shape,
exercises continued....this time all crew were involved....guns were
run-out, time and time again!! From the Run-out position, to hauling
block and tackled Base back to full recoil position, sponging out,
reloading charge, ramming, loading shot, and running back out, took
2 minutes and 20 seconds now!!!....that was an improvement on the 7
minutes at the start of training several weeks ago! There was still
some tidying up to be done...charge ladles, hook-outs, water butts
etc, were all still left dangerously close to the Base and
Quoin....this could lead to tragedy, with a 32 pounder in full
recoil, and men in bare feet able to trip or fall, the consequences
of a slippage could lead to death, but more importantly, to a
misfire, fire or explosion of huge proportions!.....The guns crews
were the sole responsibility of Lt David Garrity!...A magnificent
job he was doing too!..Achieving some very impressive
results....running all 60 guns out, and return, for sponging out and
reload, running out again, we could fire another full broadside
within 6 minutes of the last!!! Impressive stuff! However, this was
just exercise!....The real thing would tell a different tale, with
smoke, flame, blood and sand, the smell of powder...acrid in the
nostrils....aware that an enemy was just waiting with musketeers in
the foretops, for unwary gunners to look through the gun port for
their aim!!!
We had a fair wind as we left the Solent, the wind being from the
ENE we could "Run free!"....all sail rigged, running before the
wind! A magnificent sight to be sure, a ship with a bone in her
teeth!!!!.... Something I observed from the anchor
cat-head.....stretching my body along the head just for'ard of the
bitts..I could look down and see the water creaming away from our
stem!!!......Rising to about 3ft as our prow cut the water!....24
hours and we would be into our "Work-up" and inspection by Flag
Officer Nore....the C-in-C's right hand man!....This next 3 weeks
would sort out the men from the boys!.....I had few doubts about the
crew....but I had severe doubts about at least one Officer and one
CPO....by now rumour of what had taken place, the punishment given,
the result of that punishment etc would have done the rounds of the
lower decks, heros and villians would have been pronounced, and, I
felt....... "lower deck law" justice....would soon (accidently) be
As we approached Portland, the wind veered and it became a struggle
to make any headway at all against the wind and tide, our topmen,
mainly due to the increased exercises they had performed, took all
in their stride, as sail patterns were set, then changed, re-set,
and changed again...trying to get a vantage! Tacking, in these
weather conditions, was a skill, an art in it's own right!.....We
were about 70 miles out, the sea was on our starboard, about force
5/6....the tide was running about 5 knots, and we were making
little, if no headway at all...We were making more leeway than
anything else.....Carstairs was Officer of the Deck, being badgered
continuously by Baker, his course was a point off!....His tacking
was appalling!! etc!!.....I was at the after conning position,
having just come out of the Navigator's chartroom.....suddenly I
heard Baker shout.."Goddamit Carstairs!! You're luffing
her!!"...."Bring her another 2 points into the wind! Can you not see
that man?"...Maybe a looseness in the canvas of the main was
flapping a bit, but not to any great extent!...."CARSTAIRS!!!
CARSTAIRS!....Dammit man! Are you deaf?...I said bring her another 2
points into the wind!!!"....I heard Carstairs protest that she would
"gybe" if he came any more into the wind!...."Do as you're told
dammit!!......That's an order!!" screeched Baker....His face
apoplexic, purple with rage!!....."Aye Aye MR Baker......... Sir!"
The latter being left with a long gap after the 1st's
name!!!.....The Helmsman layed on the new course...... suddenly, as
the wind caught the canvas in the wrong position, the ship gybed,
sail that was lashed tight to one pattern, was suddenly free to blow
where it liked, the result, which Carstairs tried to quickly
correct, was a crashing of the yards trying to shift across with the
wind, and, having loosened stays, swung wildly in total confusion,
cracking one second against the stays, then flying back in the other
direction, to cracking of ropes, and groaning of the (6 ton) yard
stay lines!!!!.....Creaking and groaning the ship's head tried to
return to leeward, but the tide was strong, and the helmsman was
fighting the wheel!!... Without warning, the Starboard mains'l stay
parted like a cannon shot, the belayed end striking the helmsman in
the legs.....the 4 sheeve block, along with the other end of the
parted stay, took Baker solidly in the back!!!.....His scream echoed
across the deck, as I looked in horror, the block opened his spine
below the shoulder blades, and like a limp rag, he buckled in the
middle, and collapsed backwards, his head lolling to one side, then,
almost in slow motion he dropped soundlessly to the deck!!! Dear
mother of God!!! "Someone fetch the Surgeon!! On the double!" As I
gave the order, I was racing across the deck toward
Baker....."Carstairs!!! Let her run off! Let her run off!"....."Ease
her helm 5 points!!!! Quickly!!!"......The thrashing of the unruly
yards, and the cracking canvas, eased as we lay off the
wind......."Get 'em aloft, and get that rigging squared away and
repaired!"....I had reached Baker's side....he was mercifully
unconscious....His body bent like a bow!!!...I knew I shouldn't
attempt to move him, so taking off my jacket, I made it into a pad,
and pressed it into the open wound of about 10 or 12 inches, he was
layed open from just below the shoulder blades to just above his
waist, white bone of his spine showed through the bloody mess,and,
from where I knelt beside him, I could see heavy bleeding pumping
with his heartbeat, out onto the white holystoned deck!!! The
Surgeon arrived, breathless, and shaking with the exertion of
running up from down below with all his kit.....He quickly set about
his job....he removed the blood soaked jacket, then swabbed the
wound with water, which enabled him to see some of the
damage!!!.....He squeezed the blood vessel that was pumping Baker's
life out onto the planking, and with great skill tied it off with a
needle and thread....The bleeding eased immediately, he then lifted
the shattered flesh away from the white protruding bone...I could
see immediately that the bone was separated from the others, in fact
two bones were in two pieces and floating free from the
spine!!!...."What do you think Bones???"....."He's a dead man
Darbs!!!....If he survives, he will never walk!!".....God! I thought
Baker was a man of ill temper and ill grace....but to see him like
this!!!.....A groan escaped his lips, he tried to speak, as he did
so blood ran from the corner of his mouth!!!.....The blow had broken
his lung also I felt!.....He was trying to talk...I couldn't make
out his words....."What is it old
surgeon looked at me aghast! Where had the strength come from to
utter the words??? "Lie still Sir!...Lie
still!"....."L..e...t.....me....u...p!!!" Suddenly, without warning,
he tried to move...he screamed in pain, raised his head 2ft off the
deck, glared at me with bloodshot eyes, tried to shout something,
instead, he spouted blood in a gusher!!!....and collapsed, his head
slamming against the timbers!!!! .....The Surgeon turned his face
towards us, he leaned forward and listened for a breath....touched
his fingers to Baker's neck... after a few seconds, he raised his
eyes to me and shook his head!!! "He's gone Darby!! He's bloody
gone!"....I could see the shock in his face....how could someone,
alive and vibrant one second, be dead the next???
I detailed one of the crew to take a message to the Admiral, with
news of Baker's accident, then set about getting witnesses to the
accident to recount what they had seen!!!...We were still struggling
to make headway, against wind and tide, so I walked over to a white
faced Carstairs, and, with as much tact as I could muster, advised
him to take a few minutes to get himself a cup of grog, I would take
the helm...I took over the watch, informed the helmsman that I had,
and immediately ordered the topmen aloft again to reef and
furl.....I altered course to an easier passage...this would take us
away from Portland, but under very little sail, we would not cover a
vast distance, then when the tide moderated, we could return to our
old course, and probably make more headway!!...As canvas was taken
in, our movement became less erratic, our passage less
noisy.......Our first casualty of the new commission!!!!!.....And
not a casualty of war!!!!!....I sighed resignedly.......I was
reminded of a passage from the Bible.....God moves in
mysterious-ways his work on earth to do!!!!
(To be cont.........)
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