A New Commission (Part Four)
By achristop
- 571 reads
A New Commission (Part Four)
I was aware of light...I was aware of sound....I was aware of pain!!
I fought for consciousness, I could hear voices, unintelligible! I
was lying on something hard, wood? Iron?....where was I? I tried to
lift my head...pain shot through from my neck to my eyes!!!
"He's Coming to Sir!!"...The voice was close at hand...the voice I
knew...the voice of???.....HARRINGTON!!! Our Sick Bay Attendant! Our
Surgeon's helper!! I WAS IN THE SICK QUARTERS!!!
"Where...am I?" "Is that you Harrington?"
"Aye Sir it is!....Now lie still!!! You have a severe
concussion!...You may have cracked your skull!!"
"Just help me up... will you??... dammit!"
I felt hands gently probing around by shoulders and back, suddenly
they lifted, and holding me in one position, they adjusted my head
rest....I opened my eyes...then wished I hadn't!!!...It hurt like
the fires of hell!!! I forced myself to keep my eyes open, and
gradually the pain and grittiness subsided, my eyes watered
"What's happening to the ship?"
"She's fine Sir! But Lt Firbank is waiting to tell you all about it!
Shall I send him in? Do you feel up to it?"
"Send him in please Harrington! And where's "Bones"..?"
"Tending to other wounded Sir!...He's looking at the Gunnery
Officer's leg!...We hope we don't have to amputate it!!...Have to
splint it and wait and see!"
"Ah! I see!....Don't disturb him then...send in Lt Firbank if you
would please!"
A few moments passed...I could feel the ship's movements...they were
telling me we were now head onto the oncoming sea!..But "Revenge"
was sluggish in her reactions!! I could hear the sloshing of water
coming from below! Probably all the water we had shipped, now in the
bilges!! The steady clank, clank....clank, clank of the bilges pumps
told it's own story...tons of water must be bailed out of her to
make her more responsive!!
"Ah!! The walking wounded...or perhaps the lying down wounded!"
Firbank joined me, a smile on his face, but his eyes told a
different tale! He looked tired, drawn and worried!
"Right Furry!! What's been going on?? Fill me in! Quickly!"
"Well Sir! When you passed out...we knew we had to transfer some
weight aft, as you had ordered, so all off watch men were told to
muster aft...we then formed a human chain and shifted cannon shot,
cannon...in fact...anything heavy to the farthest sternmost point!!
This has lifted her head by about 2 feet...But we are still down by
the head by about 3 feet....so we need to shift more weight aft...at
present I have the sailmaker and the shipwright helping shift
anything not bolted down.... to aft!!"
"Well done Furry!!! Are the pumps holding it?"
"Job to tell Sir! We've got continuous pumping, with men taking
turns at the pumps! Time will tell, it's only been about half an
hour Sir!!"
Half an hour!!! Half an hour!!! I felt useless, I should have been
"Is she riding better Furry?"
"Aye Sir!! she's better than she was!! But......I wonder, if the
water in the bilge is what we shipped aboard...so I've got Jenkins
checking for'ard for any seepage or leaks in the timbers!"
"Good! How are the escorts faring?"
"Dunno Sir....can't see them in these conditions!"
"Get me up!! I must get on deck and oversee things! The ship is safe
for the moment! But only until the next big one...or the next slip
"But Sir!!...You're not fit to go on deck!...You could collapse
"I shall collapse where, and when I see fit!!! NOW!!!!.... GET ME
"Aye Aye SIR!!!"
The emphasis on the Sir was his way of giving me his opinion! In his
eyes I was an ungateful, stubborn, pig-headed so -and -so....But I
knew that this ship was dangerously overweight with water...and...we
needed to get rid of it! And fast!"
I clambered off the table I had been lying on, and, aided by
Firbank, stood upright....the room swayed..."Help me on deck Furry!"
"But Sir!!! It's foolhardy!"
"Help me on deck Dammit!!! And...Get a bucket chain started...enough
men below....start bailing from the bilges up through to the lower
gun deck!! As many buckets, pails, tubs...whatever you can
find...but get the chain formed...and keep it moving!! Well!! Get on
it man!"
"Aye Sir!"...He left my side and ran to give the required orders...I
held onto the Davenport back!!...A few minutes later and he was
back! Between us we managed to make our way painfully to the
companionway ladder....the climb upwards was pure torture...But we
arrived on deck...stepped out from behind the poop ladder...I
stopped dead! The upper decks were a sight of devastation...broken
timbers lay around, cordage washed across the deck, timber gratings
floated across as the swell lifted the ship, first one way, then the
other....I looked out to our Starboard side....the sea was an angry
black/grey/white moving mountain!! The swell must have been rising
and falling 40 feet!!...Now wonder we couldn't see any sign of the
"Bucket chain is being formed sir!.....we can dump the water over
the leeward side! Hopefully we won't ship any more!!"
"Not if we can keep her head to the weather Furry!!....Who's got the
"The Captain Sir! But he's helping with steerage....'tis taking two
men to man the wheel!"
"My compliments to the Captain Furry! Tell him about the bucket
chain!...Ask if there's a need for any more men to help with the
helm..or....keeping her into the swell?"
"Aye Aye Sir!"
"Furry" stumbled away aft...trying to keep one's feet with "Revenge"
behaving like a soggy biscuit was a difficult manouvre....A new
sound issued from below decks...the rattling of metal pails....the
chain was starting....hopefully it would soon help lower the water
level in the bilges!!! We had better start praying!!! We weren't out
of the woods yet! Not by a long chalk!!!
It seemed like hours before I was able to walk unaided without
feeling as if I might collapse at any moment! I managed to fight my
way to the conning position, and, reported to the Captain!
"Number One! You should be below decks in the sick bay!!! I forbade
them to bring you on deck...knowing the way you would react to our
"Well Sir! I'm fine now!...You have heard I have started a bucket
chain...I've got Jenkins in the forepeak checking for damage there
in the forends...he hasn't reported so far??"
"Yes Number One!!!....He has reported...she's as dry as a bone
for'ard....they're now checking the rest of the ship!...But as the
main thrust of the stress was for'ard...I think we've been bloody
"Aye Sir! That we have! As soon as the weather abates I will get a
damage control party to inspect her thoroughly, from stem to
stern!....Meanwhile Sir...is there anyone in the Foretops?"
"There is! Miller is up there!!!!...I have asked for a sighting
report on the escorts as soon as he spots them...but the light is
fading now! Might be morning before we sight them!"
"Right Sir! then with your permission...I will go below and rustle
Jenkins party to check the depth of the water in the bilges...see if
she's coping!"
"You will go below Number One! But only to your cabin....and.... to
your rest!!! WILKINS!!!"
"Aye Sir!" Wilkins the bosun's mate saluted and looked at the
Captain with a puzzled expression...."Escort the 1st Lieutenant to
his cabin....don't let him talk you out of it!!! And...If he won't
stay put!! Damn well lock him in it!!"
"Very Good Sir!!!!" He smiled a knowing smile, "Right Mr Allen Sir!
To your cabin it is!"
I grudgingly saluted the Captain, and, with ill grace, followed
painfully behind Wilkins as he dropped down the ladder leading to
the messdecks.
All around me I watched as men were mopping up and clearing the
broken crockery from the messdeck, it really did look like a
scran-bag below decks...it would be days before we were shipshape
again!! We arrived at my cabin....Wilkins looked a little alarmed
when I dismissed him...however, knowing he would face problems if I
didn't obey the Captain's orders...I assured him I was here, in my
cabin, to stay....at least for a couple of hours! Reassured, he
saluted, turned and left....I entered our cabin...no sign of DG!!!
He must be staying in sick-bay!!
Gratefully, fully clothed I climbed, with much difficulty, into my
bunk...pulled the cover over me....and I think...in 30 seconds was
I awoke with a start...I had no idea of how long I had been
asleep...I started to rise, and the pain hit me again like a bolt of
lightning!!!...I groaned...held my head with my hands...."Slower you
fool!!"...I slowly clambered out...dishevelled I opened my cabin
door...and there stood the faithful Wilkins...standing guard after
all outside my door....I didn't stand a chance from the beginning!!!
"What time is it Wilkins? How long have I been asleep?"
"It's 3 bells in the Last Dog Sir!"
7.30 in the evening!!....I had been asleep a couple of
hours!!...What's happening on deck "Wilky"....He looked shocked at
my use of his nickname!...Then, with a smile, he said..."C'mon then
Sir! And I'll take you topside!"
"Who's got the watch now?" I remembered that I was supposed to have
the First Dog and First Watches....that meant that, ordinarily, I
would be going on watch in half an hour!!...I felt refreshed
enough!...The ship's movement had eased...." Cap'ns still up there
Sir! Been there all day!"
The Captain had been at the wheel almost continouusly for 7 or 8
hours...I had to relieve him!!..Or somebody had to!
We arrived on deck...the night was black...the seas were short and
sharp...."Revenge" was riding better, I could tell!!!...The huge
seas we had experienced earlier were now dropping away....I marched
(well almost!) to the Steering platform...saluted the Captain, who
looked at me re-eyed and weary...."Right Sir!! I have the watch!!"
"Are you sure Number One??"
"I'm sure Sir!" Then in a softer voice I whispered.."And thankyou
for taking my watch Sir!"
"OK Number One...If you're sure! And...The Admiral has asked to be
kept informed of your condition! She is ...Ahem...'sorting her cabin
"Quite so Sir! Must have caused quite a bit of a jumble back there!
Do you think she will need her steward to give her assistance Sir?"
"No I don't think so Allen! I think she can manage!!! Don't
you???...however, as I retire, I will call in and make sure she has
everything she needs, and inform her of your progress, and inform
her that you have the ship!"
"Aye Aye Sir!! Good Night!"
We saluted and he disappeared aft!....I tested the wind....gusting
to about a force 6 or 7 now....decreasing all the time....in an hour
I would get the Topmen up and we could set sail....hopefully I might
be able to get a star sight before then...I needed a break in the
cloud cover!!! If only I could get a sight of the North Star...I
could work out our Latitude...meanwhile I would keep her head to the
sea!!! ..."Aloft there!!"
"Potter Sir! Nothing to report! No lights sir!!"
"Very well Potter!....Keep you eyes peeled for lights from the
escorts...They could be anywhere!!"
"Aye Aye Sir!"
They could be anywhere indeed! ....Anywhere!!!!!
As 8 bells rang and I took over the watch officially, I was joined
by Harrington from the sick-bay..."DG is comfortable now Number One!
He has been sedated with rum, and his broken leg has been reset! It
was a clean break, and we have splinted it! But he will be on a
crutch for several weeks!"
"Right "Harry"!!... Will he be able to stand watches...what about if
we have to beat to quarters??? He's the Gunnery Officer!!"
"He has assured me he will be fit enough Sir! And wouldn't have it
any other way! I think he means it sir!"
Knowing DG, and his resilience, no doubt he would be there when the
action started!..."Just keep me informed will you "Harry"....Let me
know if there's any worsening of his situation! Though I pray there
won't be!!"
"Aye Sir! I will indeed!!...So I'll say Good Night Sir!"
"Good Night Harry!"
The wind had decreased quite substantially, it was now only gusting
about a force 5 or 6...Revenge was riding more easily, higher in the
water....the bucket brigade had worked their magic...that and the
pumps, had lifted her head up once more...I must get a report from
"Bosun's mate!! See if you can find Mr Jenkins! Give him my
compliments, and ask him to report our status to me directly!"
"Roger Sir! On my way!"
The night had really closed in...I had no idea where we were...I
really needed a star sighting!! ..."Potter!!!! Anything?"
"Nothing Sir! Not a flicker!"
"Very well! Keep eyes peeled!"
I wondered anxiously about our 2 escorts, they were well manned, by
very competent Officers and crew...they were well found ships...they
should have ridden the storm out quite well! But you could never
tell! I didn't believe in freak waves, or freak conditions...a life
at sea prepares one for all eventualities, they just need to be
taken into consideration that's all!!
At 2200, or just after (the chronometer was in the pilot house) I
was able to glimpse a break in the cloud cover...I rushed to the
Navigator's room....grabbed the sextant and chart...obtained a
sighting during a small gap in the cloud!!! We were at 30 degrees
North.....I could find Longitude tomorrow....but it was enough to
tell me we had covered a considerable distance during the
storm...all of it favourable!! 3 or 4 days and we'd be off the coast
of North Africa!!! Then the real fun would start!
"Deck There!!! Lights Sir!!!....Fine on the Port bow!!! About 10
miles I would estimate!" Potter was obviously one of our more
experienced lookouts!
"How many lights Potter?"
"Looks like 2 Sir!! Close together!"
I needed to see this for myself...so I ran for the glass, hopped
onto the gunwhale, into the shrouds, and headed for the
foretops.....Breathlessly I arrived at the area where Potter sat
crouched across a yard...."There Sir! Dead ahead!"
I raised the spyglass to my eye, twisting the focus, I could discern
two lights....as I watched they moved across our bow...from Port to
Starboard, a degree or two was all...but they moved in
unison!!!!....I shouted to Gillespie on the helm..."Helmsman! Are we
ranging at all or keeping a steady course?"....."Ranging a couple of
degrees sir! But nothing much...following a pretty steady 225
"Very well Gillespie! Thank you!"
Interesting!!...I raised the glass again....the two lights were
definitely moving together!!
"You estimate 10 miles Potter?"
"Yes indeed Sir...maybe a little less, but I would wager it's at
least 10 miles!"
"What's your opinion of what you see Potter? You can be frank!"
"Well Sir....If I were asked, which I am being, I would hazard a
guess that it's a single vessel, and those are her stern lights!"
"My thoughts too Potter! Thankyou!"
I raised the glass again...nothin much had changed, except for the
lights moving back across our bow...that could be our degree of
wander,......Mmmm!.....I shouted to the deck below...."Bosun!!! Dim
our stern lights!!! Douse the for'ard riding light if you will!"
"Aye Sir!! I heard orders being given....feet scampered aft to cover
the lights....Mmmm...I wonder!!!
I made my decision!!!! "Potter! I'm going to double the lookout!!!
Sharp lookout now if you please!!"
"Aye Sir! I'll report any change!"
Ten seconds and the drum beat began as I clambered down from aloft!!
Men began to tumble from hatchways leading below...."Come right to
255 degrees Gillespie!"
"Come right to 255 degrees! Aye Aye Sir!......Course 255 Sir!!"
I could feel the ship heel, hands were running to take in on the
stays and halyards...."Steady on Course 255!"
"Steady on course 255 Sir!!"
"How does she look now Potter?"
"Crossing from dead ahead to Port Sir!....Now about 20 degrees off
our Port bow!"
"Steer 225 Helsman!!"
"Steer 225! Aye Sir!"
"Port Battery!!....Out Tampions!! Open gun ports!!!
RUN-OUT!!!!....Full Broadside!!.....Load Carronades aft!!!! Who's on
the Guns Bosun?"
"Lieutenant Carstairs Sir!!!"
God!!! "Carry" Carstairs! If my hunch was right, and, this wasn't
one of our escorts....then he could have a bloody debut as acting
Gunnery Officer.....not like pushing a pen!!!
"Any movement or sound Potter?"
"Steady on our Port bow sir!! No sound!.. We aren't overhauling
"Very Well!"
She was moving at the same speed as us by the looks of things! Ok!!!
So...there wasn't need to risk life and limb just yet!!!....let's
just follow in her wake!! Until dawn..... if need be!.....Then we
would have light!!!
"Bosun!! Pass the word to the Gun Decks.....Remain closed up...but
stand easy!"
"Aye Aye Sir!"
So!.....Let's play cat and mouse!!!
"Furry" Firbank relieved me at the turn of the watch at
midnight....We had been shadowing the stranger for 2 hours now....in
all that time, there had been no change in her course, speed or
tacking pattern!
"I have the watch Number One! Go get your head down!!....I'll shake
you all out if anything changes!"
"Thanks Furry!....I am going below....shake out the Captain as well
if anything changes, especially if she changes course or speed!"
"Do you think we need to keep the ship closed up at action stations
"Affirmative! Yes I do! At any moment she could spot us or hear
us...we need to be ready if that happens!"
"Very good Sir!....So!...I have the watch...Goodnight Sir!"
"Goodnight Furry!
I went below to our cabin....There, I found DG, lying in the top
bunk, still groggy from the rum! He was moaning in his sobering
state! I knew he would feel a lot worse in the morning!!! I stripped
off my wet clothes, and after sluicing in the warm water of the jug
on the stand, clambered into my bunk, put my head on the pillow
(Made from itchy horse-hair) and was immediately asleep!!!
A hand shaking my shoulder woke me up...."Number One Sir...Wake up
"Who?....Whaat?....what is it?"
"Officer of the Watch wants you on deck sir!....Dawn's breaking!"
"Very well.....erm???"
"Gregory Sir....Able Seaman Gregory...Bosun's mate for the morning
"Very good Gregory! My compliments to the OOW...I'm on my way!"
He turned after saluting....I slipped back into my , still damp,
clothes and stumbled on deck.....I scurried aft to the conning
position...there Carstairs was on the Morning watch!
"Thought you should be here for this Number One!...Another half an
hour and she will be visible!!!...And so will we!
"Who's in the foretops Carry?"
"Miller Darbs!....A great set of eyes!"
"I think I'll join him!...Pass me that glass will you?"
He passed me the telescope, and jumping onto the locker, then onto
the gunwhale and into the shrouds, I hastily made my way aloft!
"'Morning Sir! She's not visible yet!! But she's maintained station
since 4am!"
"Well done Miller! You take the Port side...I'll take the
"Deck there....Beat to quarters! But quietly!!! Most of the watch
should be closed up anyway...but just to make certain!! And Carry?"
"Get us a hot drink sent up here will you? Miller is blue from the
"Aye Number One!"
We settled down to keep the horizon under scrutiny...I swept the
Horizon from ahead to our Starboard beam, then back again, only to
repeat the exercise over again....the night was slowly giving way to
the light...the sea had calmed, we were making about 5 knots with a
Northwester....the minutes ticked by!...She couldn't be one of our
escorts! She would have been waiting for us and would have spotted
us last night!! God knew we had made a spectacle of
ourselves...lights all aglow!!!
Fifteen or twenty minutes passed...gradually as the light improved,
I could see the horizon plainly! Nothing!....."There Sir!!! Fine on
the Port bow!! Nearly Dead ahead Sir!"...."She's hull
down....but....Just there Sir!"
I followed his finger...pointing nearly up and down the
ship!......Where???...I couldn't........Ah Yes!!..... There she
was!!...I focused the glass...and as the image became clear...I
could see that she was a big ship...a warship, there was no doubt
Dawn was breaking with a clear sky!....In the half light I could see
that the ship flew no colours....no marking to give away her
"What can you see Miller? What's your opinion...I think.. by her
rake...she's a Spaniard!!"
"I think you're right Sir!! See her high sterncastle! Yes! I think
she's Spanish!"
Our large battle ensign soared to the masthead...she would know who
we were at any rate!!!
"Keep me informed Miller! I'm going down!"
"Will do sir!!"
I shimmied down to the deck...crossed to the steering
positon..."Can't see who she is yet Carry!"....."I think she may be
a Spaniard!...Let's hope she's a stray, and not the welcoming
committee we expected to be 100 miles more Eastward!"
"Let's hope not Number One!! One we can beat, two we can cope with ,
7 and we will need a miracle!"
"I know! But let's ju........."
Was she? Was she indeed!....."Come right to 255 degrees
Helmsman!....We'll give her the full Port broadside! Steer to come
down her Port side!
"Aye Aye Sir!! Course 255 Sir!"
"Cleared for action Mr Carstairs??"
"Aye Sir...and Port battery run out!!!
"Where away now Miller?"
"She's 10 degrees on our Port bow Sir!...Range 7 miles about!"
"Very well!"....I sprinted for'ard, clambered out onto the spit
head.....raised the 'scope...sure enough!!..There she was!...and she
was cramming on sail too!! The bone between her teeth told it's own
tale!!! Our speed was about 12/13 knots and increasing...the gap was
closing fast!
I looked into her tops...and there, proudly flying, was the flag of
the King of Spain!......"Stand By Mr Carstairs! She's a Spaniard
sure enough! And a triple-deck 72 gunner if I'm not mistaken!!"
"Let's put our trust in our Gunners now shall we?"
"Aye Number One!!! We shall have to!!!"....With those words, I
noticed him crossing himself! He wasn't a Catholic person!....Just a
seaman that was putting his trust in his Gunners...and his God!!!!
With drums rolling their beat, the crew of "REVENGE" went about the
business of war!....They knew this could be their last few minutes
on earth, but they also knew that the ship and the crew needed them
to be efficient! Top of the bunch!!....I felt the usual butteflies
in my innards, would we be up to the mark???...the Guns crews had
exercised day and night for this moment! Now we would see if the
"Monkeys" were right...all shot had been placed to the right hand
side of the guns!
I sprinted to the fore deck....She was now about 3 miles
distant...."Everything cleared for action below Carry?"
"Yes Number One! Guns crew closed up!...Surgeon standing by, fire
buckets standing by, as to, are the sanding buckets!"
I hoped the sanding buckets would not be needed, we didn't want that
much blood spilled!
"Make your course 215 degrees helmsman!....Marines to the tops!"
"Course 215 it is Sir!"..A drum roll brought the marines in their
scarlet uniforms running up from below decks, they fanned out and
scampered into the rigging, dragging their muskets and powder horns
behind them!
A few moments and Jenkins arrived breathlessly alongside me! I could
see the sweat standing out on his forehead! Nervous no doubt, as we
all were!
"Jinks! I want "A" and "B" gun decks with the first Broadside! We'll
keep "C" deck until we pass!...That will give "A" and "B" time to
reload for another!"
"A and B! Aye Aye Sir!!" He ran back to the gun deck access...there
would be a gunner's mate listening at the hatch I knew!
A quick glance with the glass told me she was about 2 miles distant
now! The white bone beneath her prow told of her speed! Too fast!!
"Take in to'gallants, royals and stunsails Mr Carstairs! Get the way
off her! And send word to the Captain and the Admiral that we are
about to engage, Port side to!"
"Aye Aye Sir!"
I heard the appropriate orders being given, we would have to take
way off her....the Spaniard was making the mistake of too much
Range was now about one and a half miles, too early yet!
"We'll wait 'til she gets to within a thousand yards before we fire
"I shall go below to "A" gun deck now...join Mr Jenkins! You have
the watch...the captain and the Admiral will need briefing!"
"Very well Sir!"
I stripped off my jacket, looked aloft to the mass of crimson
uniformed marines in the rigging! Looked around the decks and
without thinking cried" Give 'em hell men! Send 'em to the devil!"
A cheer arose from around the upper decks, I looked at the faces,
worried, apprehensive...but proud!!! All were bristling with arms,
pistols blades, cutlasses, pikes....anything they could lay hands on
seemed to be the order of the day!!!
I climbed down the steep stairway to "A" gun deck, walking between
the cannon, I gave reassurance to scared faces! Trembling young
lads, powder men, were looking at me with worried expressions,
looking to me for leadership! If only they knew I was a scared as
they were!!
"Range 1200 yards Sir!"
"Very well....we'll fire at 1000yards Jinks!"
BBBOOOOOOM!!!!! I jumped over a 60 pounder and knelt in the open
port, laying along the muzzle....The Spaniard had fired a "24"!!!
She was wreathed in smoke!....We waited for the fall of
shot!!!....They fell harmlessly a quarter of a mile away!!! We
wouldn't be so lucky once she got the range!!
"Range 1100 Sir!
"Very well!"......"Stand by Revenge!!! Now the way had come of the
ship....we had come more upright...this gave the gunners a better
target...a more stable platform to shoot from!!
"Elevation 60 degrees Gun Captains!!" Jenkins was on the ball!
Higher the elevation...further the shot would travel!
"Range 1000 Yards Sir.....on my Mark!.....Mark!"
"Stand by men!.....On the upward roll!....Standby!...
The whole ship shuddered and shook as 24 guns roared out their
I was deafened despited the wadding in my ears! I choked on the
smoke and the reek of gunpowder...pandemonium broke out around
me.."RUN-IN!!!" Sponges were flailed around as the guns recoil was
arrested and the sponging out action cleared the barrel for the next
charge and shot!...I looked throught the port...just in time to see
fall of shot about 20 yards short...then a red streak...no two red
streaks!!! Two hits!!!
"Well done men! Two strikes!!!"......The guns were running out
again, in a continuous rumble....Then BOOOOM!...."C" gun deck fired
their shot!....I watched, mesmerised as gun flashes lit up the whole
side of the Spaniard....she had fired a complete broadside!! Every
gun port had fired!.....We waited with bated breath.....Jenkins
again "FIRE!!!!!"....the ship shook and shuddered again!! Then, with
a ripping, tearing sound, all hell broke loose! We took hits all
along the Port side!!....Splinters of steel and timber scythed
through the air in a whistling screaming hell! I saw a gunner's
mate, standing with a ramrod in hand, lose the complete top of his
body, it tumbled and rolled to a stop by a gun carriage!...I could
hear the cries and screams of men on deck!!! "Keep eyes for the job
in hand men!" ......"On the roll!! Wait 'til she
Once again the ship shook and shuddered....the stinking , choking
smoke blinded me...I was also deaf!! I dived for the open
gunport.....Where? Where will we hit!!.......A cheer went up from
below!...I couldn't see!!!....Then, as I darted to the other side of
the port...I could see! We had taken out her foremast!...It was in a
jumble over her Port gunwhale for'ard!!......BBOOOOOM!!!! Once again
"C" deck fired as we checked the recoil....sponged out, reloaded,
and ran out!!.......An answering return of fire from the Spaniard,
another full broadside....But we were firing faster, more
continuously!!!........"FIRE!!!!"....the ship shook again....but
there were also huge explosions aft! We had been hit again!....three
big explosions! I choked once again on the smoke and ran to Jenkin's
side..."I'm going topside Jinks!!!" "Keep this rate of fire going if
you can! We're out gunning them!!"
"Aye Aye Sir!"
I ran the length of the gun deck....up the ladder, out through the
door leading to the upper decks.....then stopped dead in my
tracks!!! Our after steering platform was gone! Along with the
Mizzen!....Both the Captain and the Admiral were helping jury-rig a
replacement wheel!!! The Admiral had a cutlass and other arms
strapped to her waist!! I looked across the port side....our enemy
was a mere 50 yards away...but passing us by now...ready to come
about and run back down on us!!! "Stand By Carronades!".....I looked
forlornly aft...no one there!......The Admiral looked at me!...left
the wheel and ran aft to a fallen gunner! Raising the slow-match
aloft...she indicated she was ready to fire...."Stand By!!!! Stand
By!!!......As we swing Ma'am!!!.....FIRE!"...with the carronades
already loaded from earlier hours, she nimbly ran from one to the
others....firing all four in a matter of seconds!!!!......."Stand by
to come about!"......Well done Ma'am!......Then I saw the fall of
shot!...A direct hit on the sterncastle of the Spaniard.....our
carronades had hit her stern!! Well done indeed Admiral!! Well done
indeed!!! I looked around me.....dozens of fallen men were crying,
groaning, screaming on the decks!!!! Was this sanity?????
"Get the wounded below to the Surgeon Carry!!"
"Aye Sir!...They're being taken care of !...Most serious first!"
"Right Carry!.....Sorry! It's just me! I fail to see what this war
is all about!!!.Young lives being squandered!!"
"I know Sir! It's criminal!!"
" Aye Aye Sir....course 120 Sir!"
Men that were able ran and heaved in on the sheets and
halyards....bringing us around on our new course! I intended to come
left in a tight circle, if the wind allowed, by the time the
Spaniard had come around after freeing her foremast and the jumble
of canvas, spars and rigging, we could be ducking around her counter
and hitting her Starboard side before she had chance to return
"Run-out Starboard side...full broadside! "A", "B" and "C"
gundecks....we'll fire as we swing! She won't be able to get her
guns to bear early enough"
"Aye Aye Sir Full battery Starboard side!"
"Come left Helmsman!!! Make your course 100 degrees! Keep her as
tight to the wind as we dare!!"
"Aye Aye Sir....Course 100 Sir!"
"Very well!"
I glanced over to see the Spaniard desperately trying to free her
fallen foremast! Then I noticed she was maintaining course away from
"Glass if you please Bosun!"
The Bosun of the watch passed me the telescope! Several men were
gathered on the Spanish ship's stern....I could see???........YES! I
could see that her pintle was damaged!...Her steering was locked!
She wasn't able to steer!!
"Deck there!! Sail Ho!!! Two of 'em sir!! Hull down dead astern of
I swung the glass! there....Bright as new babies, were Indigent and
Infatigable!!! Who's late this time????
"Belay the last order Helmsman!!! Come left to 170 degrees!"
"Aye Aye Sir.....Course 170 degrees"
I thought he was probably saying "I wish he'd make up his mind!"
"Set to'gallants!"
We would need speed to catch up to the Spaniard if she was to make
away from us!
As Revenge swung her head to line up parallel with the Spanish
ship...I thought..."You're mine Senor!! You're mine!" ........Now
where was the Admiral.......when we boarded I wanted her to be by my
I spotted the Admiral, standing in a blown-apart piece of the
quarter-deck, standing on what was left of a superstructure
beam...looking down at what remained of her cabin!! The place was a
wreck ...very little of any value left unsmashed! I walked to her
side...."I take great exception to this Number One! Great exception
indeed!!!....firstly they smash my new ship...then they smash my new
cabin!....then, to top it off...they have smashed my new China
"Sorry Ma'am....but it is a war!....I don't think they will be too
happy either!"
"Beside the point Number One! mere trivia!!!...So!...Let's at 'em!"
"Aye Aye Ma'am!" The business end of a cutlass whistled through the
air, I momentarily felt for my vitals!! I just hoped to witness her
fervour taken out on the Spanish, not my person!!
I looked across our bow...on the starboard bow fine, the Spanish
ship was struggling to change her course! All efforts were being put
into rigging a jury rig....her foremast was being cut away as I
looked...we needed more speed really, but another 5 minutes and she
would be in range..we would have to watch for her carronades if
there were any left on her damaged sternc's'le....Time ticked by...I
could count the seconds as we all waited.....suddenly...her foremast
and the jumble of rigging and sail was cut free....would she now be
able to manouvre???
We waited with bated breath.....there had been a little shift in her
course, she was now coming slightly around to Starboard....but, I
put that down to the lack of drag from the wreckage!!! Stand by
"Jenkins Sir Gunnery Officer!! Standby with full broadside still
"Full Starboard battery Mr Jenkins if you please....all 36!"
"All 36!! Aye Aye Sir!"
"YEOMAN!!!! Hoist another battle ensign!! That one looks a bit
worn!" Indeed...our battle ensign had holes blown in it by
shrapnel....I'd be damned if I was going into a fight with these
Spanish gentlemen without a new one being hoisted!
As I watched...the old colours were struck and new ones flying from
the main!! "That's better Number One! Let's not show 'em our dirty
"No Ma'am!!"....."Standby for a ranging shot Mr Jenkins!"
"Ranging shot Aye Sir!...Estimate the range at 900 yards!"
So....She was in range now!!! "Fire at will Guns!"
BBBOOOOOMMM!!! The echo of the gun firing the shot drummed against
my ears! Smoke wafted aft making the Admiral utter a choking curse!
I raised the glass to my eye!.....50 yards short....."Elevate Mr
Jenkins! Elevate!"
"Aye Sir....up 5 degrees!!"...I heard the order echoing below on the
other gun decks!! "All guns ready Sir Elevated 5 degrees!"
"Very Good Jinks!! Fire at will!"
"Wait for the order lads!!! On the rise....wait for it....here it
The ship was nearly lifted from the water with the power of the full
broadside!!! My ears sang, black and white smoke blocked all view,
we coughed our way through it...God!!! What power...I blessed the
wonderful people who had built this ship in Chatham of good solid
English oak...It must have taken a forest...but she was solid, I
felt good about her! A solid ship and a solid crew!!! What more
could any man ask for?
At last the smoke cleared!!! "All guns ready Sir!!".......NEVER????
Surely???.... the speed must have been about a minute or just
over...and the full battery had been reloaded!!! Well done
men!!!...."Stand by Mr Jenkins!"
There!!! The first falls of shot were just short.....but
then....fire erupted midships and aft on the Spaniard! Some shot
also fell wide, some over the target.....but..we had several hits!
Being unable to manouvre, she was unable to bring all but her after
guns to bear...their forlorn reply splashed harmlessly off our Port
bow! "Standing By Sir!"
"Fire at will Jenkins!"
"Fire at will! Aye Aye Sir!....Steady men! let her
dip...steady...now as she rises...wait for
Another huge shockwave as the cannon rang out their message
again...below me somewhere, I heard glass or crockery
smashing!!..."Watch for fall of shot!!! We should straddle her
properly this time"!
Cheers erupted around the decks as I witnessed shot after shot
hitting home...all along the enemy decks came the explosions, that I
knew would be scything men down like a grass mower...men losing
limbs...losing eyes...losing heads!!! Bloody War!! Who were the
lunatics who gave the orders, but never their blood!!... I wondered
futile thoughts!!!
"Stand by boarders! Have your grapples ready Mr Carstairs!"
"All ready Sir!.....Message from Indigent
"Reply....We're having Spanish Omelette for Hors D'oeuvre!! But you
are a little late!" If you will yeoman!!"
"Aye Aye Sir!"
"The Captain had appeared on deck astern with us now! "Good shooting
eh Number One?"
"Aye Sir Very good! Jenkins did well Sir!" I thought I would give
our junior Officer his due credit...."We....ll...with a little help
from me Number One! With a little help from me!!! But we reloaded
and ran out in a minute and a quarter!!"
"Very Impresive Sir! Good shooting......!"
"SIR! SIR!!! she's striking her colours! She's afire Sir!!"
Sure enough she was well alight...and she had struck her colours!!
"Well Ma'am! looks like we won't be needing the cutlass or dirk!"
I saw brief dismay cross the Admiral's features, then a wreathed
"But Number One we will have to see what she contains firstly eh?"
Bloodthirsty now was our Admiral....ready for the fray!..I smiled
inwardly....the Spanish and French needed to fear when we had
Englishwomen like her around!
We were now coming up onto the wreckage of the Spanish ship on her
Port side...Men were jumping over the side...they must have given
the order to abandon ship! "Tell Indigent to pick up survivors
I could see her stern lettering now partly obliterated by the ruined
pintle of her rudder...it had sheered and in the blast, had jammed
her steering gear in about 2 or 3 degrees of wheel!!! Her name????
"EL DIABLO"!!!! So!!!! Here was one of the reported blockading
ships!!! "The Devil" Indeed!!!!...We might soon find out a little
more about the rest of her compatriots, and, if enough pressure was
brought to bear, where they were...maybe we had struck lucky after
all!!!....The Admiral looked at me with a wry smile....unsheathed
her dirk...then replaced it slowly!!! I got the message Ma'am!!!! I
certainly got the message! By hook or by dirk we would find out
where they were hiding......!
(To be cont...........)
A New Commission (Part Four)
I was aware of light...I was aware of sound....I was aware of pain!!
I fought for consciousness, I could hear voices, unintelligible! I
was lying on something hard, wood? Iron?....where was I? I tried to
lift my head...pain shot through from my neck to my eyes!!!
"He's Coming to Sir!!"...The voice was close at hand...the voice I
knew...the voice of???.....HARRINGTON!!! Our Sick Bay Attendant! Our
Surgeon's helper!! I WAS IN THE SICK QUARTERS!!!
"Where...am I?" "Is that you Harrington?"
"Aye Sir it is!....Now lie still!!! You have a severe
concussion!...You may have cracked your skull!!"
"Just help me up... will you??... dammit!"
I felt hands gently probing around by shoulders and back, suddenly
they lifted, and holding me in one position, they adjusted my head
rest....I opened my eyes...then wished I hadn't!!!...It hurt like
the fires of hell!!! I forced myself to keep my eyes open, and
gradually the pain and grittiness subsided, my eyes watered
"What's happening to the ship?"
"She's fine Sir! But Lt Firbank is waiting to tell you all about it!
Shall I send him in? Do you feel up to it?"
"Send him in please Harrington! And where's "Bones"..?"
"Tending to other wounded Sir!...He's looking at the Gunnery
Officer's leg!...We hope we don't have to amputate it!!...Have to
splint it and wait and see!"
"Ah! I see!....Don't disturb him then...send in Lt Firbank if you
would please!"
A few moments passed...I could feel the ship's movements...they were
telling me we were now head onto the oncoming sea!..But "Revenge"
was sluggish in her reactions!! I could hear the sloshing of water
coming from below! Probably all the water we had shipped, now in the
bilges!! The steady clank, clank....clank, clank of the bilges pumps
told it's own story...tons of water must be bailed out of her to
make her more responsive!!
"Ah!! The walking wounded...or perhaps the lying down wounded!"
Firbank joined me, a smile on his face, but his eyes told a
different tale! He looked tired, drawn and worried!
"Right Furry!! What's been going on?? Fill me in! Quickly!"
"Well Sir! When you passed out...we knew we had to transfer some
weight aft, as you had ordered, so all off watch men were told to
muster aft...we then formed a human chain and shifted cannon shot,
cannon...in fact...anything heavy to the farthest sternmost point!!
This has lifted her head by about 2 feet...But we are still down by
the head by about 3 feet....so we need to shift more weight aft...at
present I have the sailmaker and the shipwright helping shift
anything not bolted down.... to aft!!"
"Well done Furry!!! Are the pumps holding it?"
"Job to tell Sir! We've got continuous pumping, with men taking
turns at the pumps! Time will tell, it's only been about half an
hour Sir!!"
Half an hour!!! Half an hour!!! I felt useless, I should have been
"Is she riding better Furry?"
"Aye Sir!! she's better than she was!! But......I wonder, if the
water in the bilge is what we shipped aboard...so I've got Jenkins
checking for'ard for any seepage or leaks in the timbers!"
"Good! How are the escorts faring?"
"Dunno Sir....can't see them in these conditions!"
"Get me up!! I must get on deck and oversee things! The ship is safe
for the moment! But only until the next big one...or the next slip
"But Sir!!...You're not fit to go on deck!...You could collapse
"I shall collapse where, and when I see fit!!! NOW!!!!.... GET ME
"Aye Aye SIR!!!"
The emphasis on the Sir was his way of giving me his opinion! In his
eyes I was an ungateful, stubborn, pig-headed so -and -so....But I
knew that this ship was dangerously overweight with water...and...we
needed to get rid of it! And fast!"
I clambered off the table I had been lying on, and, aided by
Firbank, stood upright....the room swayed..."Help me on deck Furry!"
"But Sir!!! It's foolhardy!"
"Help me on deck Dammit!!! And...Get a bucket chain started...enough
men below....start bailing from the bilges up through to the lower
gun deck!! As many buckets, pails, tubs...whatever you can
find...but get the chain formed...and keep it moving!! Well!! Get on
it man!"
"Aye Sir!"...He left my side and ran to give the required orders...I
held onto the Davenport back!!...A few minutes later and he was
back! Between us we managed to make our way painfully to the
companionway ladder....the climb upwards was pure torture...But we
arrived on deck...stepped out from behind the poop ladder...I
stopped dead! The upper decks were a sight of devastation...broken
timbers lay around, cordage washed across the deck, timber gratings
floated across as the swell lifted the ship, first one way, then the
other....I looked out to our Starboard side....the sea was an angry
black/grey/white moving mountain!! The swell must have been rising
and falling 40 feet!!...Now wonder we couldn't see any sign of the
"Bucket chain is being formed sir!.....we can dump the water over
the leeward side! Hopefully we won't ship any more!!"
"Not if we can keep her head to the weather Furry!!....Who's got the
"The Captain Sir! But he's helping with steerage....'tis taking two
men to man the wheel!"
"My compliments to the Captain Furry! Tell him about the bucket
chain!...Ask if there's a need for any more men to help with the
helm..or....keeping her into the swell?"
"Aye Aye Sir!"
"Furry" stumbled away aft...trying to keep one's feet with "Revenge"
behaving like a soggy biscuit was a difficult manouvre....A new
sound issued from below decks...the rattling of metal pails....the
chain was starting....hopefully it would soon help lower the water
level in the bilges!!! We had better start praying!!! We weren't out
of the woods yet! Not by a long chalk!!!
It seemed like hours before I was able to walk unaided without
feeling as if I might collapse at any moment! I managed to fight my
way to the conning position, and, reported to the Captain!
"Number One! You should be below decks in the sick bay!!! I forbade
them to bring you on deck...knowing the way you would react to our
"Well Sir! I'm fine now!...You have heard I have started a bucket
chain...I've got Jenkins in the forepeak checking for damage there
in the forends...he hasn't reported so far??"
"Yes Number One!!!....He has reported...she's as dry as a bone
for'ard....they're now checking the rest of the ship!...But as the
main thrust of the stress was for'ard...I think we've been bloody
"Aye Sir! That we have! As soon as the weather abates I will get a
damage control party to inspect her thoroughly, from stem to
stern!....Meanwhile Sir...is there anyone in the Foretops?"
"There is! Miller is up there!!!!...I have asked for a sighting
report on the escorts as soon as he spots them...but the light is
fading now! Might be morning before we sight them!"
"Right Sir! then with your permission...I will go below and rustle
Jenkins party to check the depth of the water in the bilges...see if
she's coping!"
"You will go below Number One! But only to your cabin....and.... to
your rest!!! WILKINS!!!"
"Aye Sir!" Wilkins the bosun's mate saluted and looked at the
Captain with a puzzled expression...."Escort the 1st Lieutenant to
his cabin....don't let him talk you out of it!!! And...If he won't
stay put!! Damn well lock him in it!!"
"Very Good Sir!!!!" He smiled a knowing smile, "Right Mr Allen Sir!
To your cabin it is!"
I grudgingly saluted the Captain, and, with ill grace, followed
painfully behind Wilkins as he dropped down the ladder leading to
the messdecks.
All around me I watched as men were mopping up and clearing the
broken crockery from the messdeck, it really did look like a
scran-bag below decks...it would be days before we were shipshape
again!! We arrived at my cabin....Wilkins looked a little alarmed
when I dismissed him...however, knowing he would face problems if I
didn't obey the Captain's orders...I assured him I was here, in my
cabin, to stay....at least for a couple of hours! Reassured, he
saluted, turned and left....I entered our cabin...no sign of DG!!!
He must be staying in sick-bay!!
Gratefully, fully clothed I climbed, with much difficulty, into my
bunk...pulled the cover over me....and I think...in 30 seconds was
I awoke with a start...I had no idea of how long I had been
asleep...I started to rise, and the pain hit me again like a bolt of
lightning!!!...I groaned...held my head with my hands...."Slower you
fool!!"...I slowly clambered out...dishevelled I opened my cabin
door...and there stood the faithful Wilkins...standing guard after
all outside my door....I didn't stand a chance from the beginning!!!
"What time is it Wilkins? How long have I been asleep?"
"It's 3 bells in the Last Dog Sir!"
7.30 in the evening!!....I had been asleep a couple of
hours!!...What's happening on deck "Wilky"....He looked shocked at
my use of his nickname!...Then, with a smile, he said..."C'mon then
Sir! And I'll take you topside!"
"Who's got the watch now?" I remembered that I was supposed to have
the First Dog and First Watches....that meant that, ordinarily, I
would be going on watch in half an hour!!...I felt refreshed
enough!...The ship's movement had eased...." Cap'ns still up there
Sir! Been there all day!"
The Captain had been at the wheel almost continouusly for 7 or 8
hours...I had to relieve him!!..Or somebody had to!
We arrived on deck...the night was black...the seas were short and
sharp...."Revenge" was riding better, I could tell!!!...The huge
seas we had experienced earlier were now dropping away....I marched
(well almost!) to the Steering platform...saluted the Captain, who
looked at me re-eyed and weary...."Right Sir!! I have the watch!!"
"Are you sure Number One??"
"I'm sure Sir!" Then in a softer voice I whispered.."And thankyou
for taking my watch Sir!"
"OK Number One...If you're sure! And...The Admiral has asked to be
kept informed of your condition! She is ...Ahem...'sorting her cabin
"Quite so Sir! Must have caused quite a bit of a jumble back there!
Do you think she will need her steward to give her assistance Sir?"
"No I don't think so Allen! I think she can manage!!! Don't
you???...however, as I retire, I will call in and make sure she has
everything she needs, and inform her of your progress, and inform
her that you have the ship!"
"Aye Aye Sir!! Good Night!"
We saluted and he disappeared aft!....I tested the wind....gusting
to about a force 6 or 7 now....decreasing all the time....in an hour
I would get the Topmen up and we could set sail....hopefully I might
be able to get a star sight before then...I needed a break in the
cloud cover!!! If only I could get a sight of the North Star...I
could work out our Latitude...meanwhile I would keep her head to the
sea!!! ..."Aloft there!!"
"Potter Sir! Nothing to report! No lights sir!!"
"Very well Potter!....Keep you eyes peeled for lights from the
escorts...They could be anywhere!!"
"Aye Aye Sir!"
They could be anywhere indeed! ....Anywhere!!!!!
As 8 bells rang and I took over the watch officially, I was joined
by Harrington from the sick-bay..."DG is comfortable now Number One!
He has been sedated with rum, and his broken leg has been reset! It
was a clean break, and we have splinted it! But he will be on a
crutch for several weeks!"
"Right "Harry"!!... Will he be able to stand watches...what about if
we have to beat to quarters??? He's the Gunnery Officer!!"
"He has assured me he will be fit enough Sir! And wouldn't have it
any other way! I think he means it sir!"
Knowing DG, and his resilience, no doubt he would be there when the
action started!..."Just keep me informed will you "Harry"....Let me
know if there's any worsening of his situation! Though I pray there
won't be!!"
"Aye Sir! I will indeed!!...So I'll say Good Night Sir!"
"Good Night Harry!"
The wind had decreased quite substantially, it was now only gusting
about a force 5 or 6...Revenge was riding more easily, higher in the
water....the bucket brigade had worked their magic...that and the
pumps, had lifted her head up once more...I must get a report from
"Bosun's mate!! See if you can find Mr Jenkins! Give him my
compliments, and ask him to report our status to me directly!"
"Roger Sir! On my way!"
The night had really closed in...I had no idea where we were...I
really needed a star sighting!! ..."Potter!!!! Anything?"
"Nothing Sir! Not a flicker!"
"Very well! Keep eyes peeled!"
I wondered anxiously about our 2 escorts, they were well manned, by
very competent Officers and crew...they were well found ships...they
should have ridden the storm out quite well! But you could never
tell! I didn't believe in freak waves, or freak conditions...a life
at sea prepares one for all eventualities, they just need to be
taken into consideration that's all!!
At 2200, or just after (the chronometer was in the pilot house) I
was able to glimpse a break in the cloud cover...I rushed to the
Navigator's room....grabbed the sextant and chart...obtained a
sighting during a small gap in the cloud!!! We were at 30 degrees
North.....I could find Longitude tomorrow....but it was enough to
tell me we had covered a considerable distance during the
storm...all of it favourable!! 3 or 4 days and we'd be off the coast
of North Africa!!! Then the real fun would start!
"Deck There!!! Lights Sir!!!....Fine on the Port bow!!! About 10
miles I would estimate!" Potter was obviously one of our more
experienced lookouts!
"How many lights Potter?"
"Looks like 2 Sir!! Close together!"
I needed to see this for myself...so I ran for the glass, hopped
onto the gunwhale, into the shrouds, and headed for the
foretops.....Breathlessly I arrived at the area where Potter sat
crouched across a yard...."There Sir! Dead ahead!"
I raised the spyglass to my eye, twisting the focus, I could discern
two lights....as I watched they moved across our bow...from Port to
Starboard, a degree or two was all...but they moved in
unison!!!!....I shouted to Gillespie on the helm..."Helmsman! Are we
ranging at all or keeping a steady course?"....."Ranging a couple of
degrees sir! But nothing much...following a pretty steady 225
"Very well Gillespie! Thank you!"
Interesting!!...I raised the glass again....the two lights were
definitely moving together!!
"You estimate 10 miles Potter?"
"Yes indeed Sir...maybe a little less, but I would wager it's at
least 10 miles!"
"What's your opinion of what you see Potter? You can be frank!"
"Well Sir....If I were asked, which I am being, I would hazard a
guess that it's a single vessel, and those are her stern lights!"
"My thoughts too Potter! Thankyou!"
I raised the glass again...nothin much had changed, except for the
lights moving back across our bow...that could be our degree of
wander,......Mmmm!.....I shouted to the deck below...."Bosun!!! Dim
our stern lights!!! Douse the for'ard riding light if you will!"
"Aye Sir!! I heard orders being given....feet scampered aft to cover
the lights....Mmmm...I wonder!!!
I made my decision!!!! "Potter! I'm going to double the lookout!!!
Sharp lookout now if you please!!"
"Aye Sir! I'll report any change!"
Ten seconds and the drum beat began as I clambered down from aloft!!
Men began to tumble from hatchways leading below...."Come right to
255 degrees Gillespie!"
"Come right to 255 degrees! Aye Aye Sir!......Course 255 Sir!!"
I could feel the ship heel, hands were running to take in on the
stays and halyards...."Steady on Course 255!"
"Steady on course 255 Sir!!"
"How does she look now Potter?"
"Crossing from dead ahead to Port Sir!....Now about 20 degrees off
our Port bow!"
"Steer 225 Helsman!!"
"Steer 225! Aye Sir!"
"Port Battery!!....Out Tampions!! Open gun ports!!!
RUN-OUT!!!!....Full Broadside!!.....Load Carronades aft!!!! Who's on
the Guns Bosun?"
"Lieutenant Carstairs Sir!!!"
God!!! "Carry" Carstairs! If my hunch was right, and, this wasn't
one of our escorts....then he could have a bloody debut as acting
Gunnery Officer.....not like pushing a pen!!!
"Any movement or sound Potter?"
"Steady on our Port bow sir!! No sound!.. We aren't overhauling
"Very Well!"
She was moving at the same speed as us by the looks of things! Ok!!!
So...there wasn't need to risk life and limb just yet!!!....let's
just follow in her wake!! Until dawn..... if need be!.....Then we
would have light!!!
"Bosun!! Pass the word to the Gun Decks.....Remain closed up...but
stand easy!"
"Aye Aye Sir!"
So!.....Let's play cat and mouse!!!
"Furry" Firbank relieved me at the turn of the watch at
midnight....We had been shadowing the stranger for 2 hours now....in
all that time, there had been no change in her course, speed or
tacking pattern!
"I have the watch Number One! Go get your head down!!....I'll shake
you all out if anything changes!"
"Thanks Furry!....I am going below....shake out the Captain as well
if anything changes, especially if she changes course or speed!"
"Do you think we need to keep the ship closed up at action stations
"Affirmative! Yes I do! At any moment she could spot us or hear
us...we need to be ready if that happens!"
"Very good Sir!....So!...I have the watch...Goodnight Sir!"
"Goodnight Furry!
I went below to our cabin....There, I found DG, lying in the top
bunk, still groggy from the rum! He was moaning in his sobering
state! I knew he would feel a lot worse in the morning!!! I stripped
off my wet clothes, and after sluicing in the warm water of the jug
on the stand, clambered into my bunk, put my head on the pillow
(Made from itchy horse-hair) and was immediately asleep!!!
A hand shaking my shoulder woke me up...."Number One Sir...Wake up
"Who?....Whaat?....what is it?"
"Officer of the Watch wants you on deck sir!....Dawn's breaking!"
"Very well.....erm???"
"Gregory Sir....Able Seaman Gregory...Bosun's mate for the morning
"Very good Gregory! My compliments to the OOW...I'm on my way!"
He turned after saluting....I slipped back into my , still damp,
clothes and stumbled on deck.....I scurried aft to the conning
position...there Carstairs was on the Morning watch!
"Thought you should be here for this Number One!...Another half an
hour and she will be visible!!!...And so will we!
"Who's in the foretops Carry?"
"Miller Darbs!....A great set of eyes!"
"I think I'll join him!...Pass me that glass will you?"
He passed me the telescope, and jumping onto the locker, then onto
the gunwhale and into the shrouds, I hastily made my way aloft!
"'Morning Sir! She's not visible yet!! But she's maintained station
since 4am!"
"Well done Miller! You take the Port side...I'll take the
"Deck there....Beat to quarters! But quietly!!! Most of the watch
should be closed up anyway...but just to make certain!! And Carry?"
"Get us a hot drink sent up here will you? Miller is blue from the
"Aye Number One!"
We settled down to keep the horizon under scrutiny...I swept the
Horizon from ahead to our Starboard beam, then back again, only to
repeat the exercise over again....the night was slowly giving way to
the light...the sea had calmed, we were making about 5 knots with a
Northwester....the minutes ticked by!...She couldn't be one of our
escorts! She would have been waiting for us and would have spotted
us last night!! God knew we had made a spectacle of
ourselves...lights all aglow!!!
Fifteen or twenty minutes passed...gradually as the light improved,
I could see the horizon plainly! Nothing!....."There Sir!!! Fine on
the Port bow!! Nearly Dead ahead Sir!"...."She's hull
down....but....Just there Sir!"
I followed his finger...pointing nearly up and down the
ship!......Where???...I couldn't........Ah Yes!!..... There she
was!!...I focused the glass...and as the image became clear...I
could see that she was a big ship...a warship, there was no doubt
Dawn was breaking with a clear sky!....In the half light I could see
that the ship flew no colours....no marking to give away her
"What can you see Miller? What's your opinion...I think.. by her
rake...she's a Spaniard!!"
"I think you're right Sir!! See her high sterncastle! Yes! I think
she's Spanish!"
Our large battle ensign soared to the masthead...she would know who
we were at any rate!!!
"Keep me informed Miller! I'm going down!"
"Will do sir!!"
I shimmied down to the deck...crossed to the steering
positon..."Can't see who she is yet Carry!"....."I think she may be
a Spaniard!...Let's hope she's a stray, and not the welcoming
committee we expected to be 100 miles more Eastward!"
"Let's hope not Number One!! One we can beat, two we can cope with ,
7 and we will need a miracle!"
"I know! But let's ju........."
Was she? Was she indeed!....."Come right to 255 degrees
Helmsman!....We'll give her the full Port broadside! Steer to come
down her Port side!
"Aye Aye Sir!! Course 255 Sir!"
"Cleared for action Mr Carstairs??"
"Aye Sir...and Port battery run out!!!
"Where away now Miller?"
"She's 10 degrees on our Port bow Sir!...Range 7 miles about!"
"Very well!"....I sprinted for'ard, clambered out onto the spit
head.....raised the 'scope...sure enough!!..There she was!...and she
was cramming on sail too!! The bone between her teeth told it's own
tale!!! Our speed was about 12/13 knots and increasing...the gap was
closing fast!
I looked into her tops...and there, proudly flying, was the flag of
the King of Spain!......"Stand By Mr Carstairs! She's a Spaniard
sure enough! And a triple-deck 72 gunner if I'm not mistaken!!"
"Let's put our trust in our Gunners now shall we?"
"Aye Number One!!! We shall have to!!!"....With those words, I
noticed him crossing himself! He wasn't a Catholic person!....Just a
seaman that was putting his trust in his Gunners...and his God!!!!
With drums rolling their beat, the crew of "REVENGE" went about the
business of war!....They knew this could be their last few minutes
on earth, but they also knew that the ship and the crew needed them
to be efficient! Top of the bunch!!....I felt the usual butteflies
in my innards, would we be up to the mark???...the Guns crews had
exercised day and night for this moment! Now we would see if the
"Monkeys" were right...all shot had been placed to the right hand
side of the guns!
I sprinted to the fore deck....She was now about 3 miles
distant...."Everything cleared for action below Carry?"
"Yes Number One! Guns crew closed up!...Surgeon standing by, fire
buckets standing by, as to, are the sanding buckets!"
I hoped the sanding buckets would not be needed, we didn't want that
much blood spilled!
"Make your course 215 degrees helmsman!....Marines to the tops!"
"Course 215 it is Sir!"..A drum roll brought the marines in their
scarlet uniforms running up from below decks, they fanned out and
scampered into the rigging, dragging their muskets and powder horns
behind them!
A few moments and Jenkins arrived breathlessly alongside me! I could
see the sweat standing out on his forehead! Nervous no doubt, as we
all were!
"Jinks! I want "A" and "B" gun decks with the first Broadside! We'll
keep "C" deck until we pass!...That will give "A" and "B" time to
reload for another!"
"A and B! Aye Aye Sir!!" He ran back to the gun deck access...there
would be a gunner's mate listening at the hatch I knew!
A quick glance with the glass told me she was about 2 miles distant
now! The white bone beneath her prow told of her speed! Too fast!!
"Take in to'gallants, royals and stunsails Mr Carstairs! Get the way
off her! And send word to the Captain and the Admiral that we are
about to engage, Port side to!"
"Aye Aye Sir!"
I heard the appropriate orders being given, we would have to take
way off her....the Spaniard was making the mistake of too much
Range was now about one and a half miles, too early yet!
"We'll wait 'til she gets to within a thousand yards before we fire
"I shall go below to "A" gun deck now...join Mr Jenkins! You have
the watch...the captain and the Admiral will need briefing!"
"Very well Sir!"
I stripped off my jacket, looked aloft to the mass of crimson
uniformed marines in the rigging! Looked around the decks and
without thinking cried" Give 'em hell men! Send 'em to the devil!"
A cheer arose from around the upper decks, I looked at the faces,
worried, apprehensive...but proud!!! All were bristling with arms,
pistols blades, cutlasses, pikes....anything they could lay hands on
seemed to be the order of the day!!!
I climbed down the steep stairway to "A" gun deck, walking between
the cannon, I gave reassurance to scared faces! Trembling young
lads, powder men, were looking at me with worried expressions,
looking to me for leadership! If only they knew I was a scared as
they were!!
"Range 1200 yards Sir!"
"Very well....we'll fire at 1000yards Jinks!"
BBBOOOOOOM!!!!! I jumped over a 60 pounder and knelt in the open
port, laying along the muzzle....The Spaniard had fired a "24"!!!
She was wreathed in smoke!....We waited for the fall of
shot!!!....They fell harmlessly a quarter of a mile away!!! We
wouldn't be so lucky once she got the range!!
"Range 1100 Sir!
"Very well!"......"Stand by Revenge!!! Now the way had come of the
ship....we had come more upright...this gave the gunners a better
target...a more stable platform to shoot from!!
"Elevation 60 degrees Gun Captains!!" Jenkins was on the ball!
Higher the elevation...further the shot would travel!
"Range 1000 Yards Sir.....on my Mark!.....Mark!"
"Stand by men!.....On the upward roll!....Standby!...
The whole ship shuddered and shook as 24 guns roared out their
I was deafened despited the wadding in my ears! I choked on the
smoke and the reek of gunpowder...pandemonium broke out around
me.."RUN-IN!!!" Sponges were flailed around as the guns recoil was
arrested and the sponging out action cleared the barrel for the next
charge and shot!...I looked throught the port...just in time to see
fall of shot about 20 yards short...then a red streak...no two red
streaks!!! Two hits!!!
"Well done men! Two strikes!!!"......The guns were running out
again, in a continuous rumble....Then BOOOOM!...."C" gun deck fired
their shot!....I watched, mesmerised as gun flashes lit up the whole
side of the Spaniard....she had fired a complete broadside!! Every
gun port had fired!.....We waited with bated breath.....Jenkins
again "FIRE!!!!!"....the ship shook and shuddered again!! Then, with
a ripping, tearing sound, all hell broke loose! We took hits all
along the Port side!!....Splinters of steel and timber scythed
through the air in a whistling screaming hell! I saw a gunner's
mate, standing with a ramrod in hand, lose the complete top of his
body, it tumbled and rolled to a stop by a gun carriage!...I could
hear the cries and screams of men on deck!!! "Keep eyes for the job
in hand men!" ......"On the roll!! Wait 'til she
Once again the ship shook and shuddered....the stinking , choking
smoke blinded me...I was also deaf!! I dived for the open
gunport.....Where? Where will we hit!!.......A cheer went up from
below!...I couldn't see!!!....Then, as I darted to the other side of
the port...I could see! We had taken out her foremast!...It was in a
jumble over her Port gunwhale for'ard!!......BBOOOOOM!!!! Once again
"C" deck fired as we checked the recoil....sponged out, reloaded,
and ran out!!.......An answering return of fire from the Spaniard,
another full broadside....But we were firing faster, more
continuously!!!........"FIRE!!!!"....the ship shook again....but
there were also huge explosions aft! We had been hit again!....three
big explosions! I choked once again on the smoke and ran to Jenkin's
side..."I'm going topside Jinks!!!" "Keep this rate of fire going if
you can! We're out gunning them!!"
"Aye Aye Sir!"
I ran the length of the gun deck....up the ladder, out through the
door leading to the upper decks.....then stopped dead in my
tracks!!! Our after steering platform was gone! Along with the
Mizzen!....Both the Captain and the Admiral were helping jury-rig a
replacement wheel!!! The Admiral had a cutlass and other arms
strapped to her waist!! I looked across the port side....our enemy
was a mere 50 yards away...but passing us by now...ready to come
about and run back down on us!!! "Stand By Carronades!".....I looked
forlornly aft...no one there!......The Admiral looked at me!...left
the wheel and ran aft to a fallen gunner! Raising the slow-match
aloft...she indicated she was ready to fire...."Stand By!!!! Stand
By!!!......As we swing Ma'am!!!.....FIRE!"...with the carronades
already loaded from earlier hours, she nimbly ran from one to the
others....firing all four in a matter of seconds!!!!......."Stand by
to come about!"......Well done Ma'am!......Then I saw the fall of
shot!...A direct hit on the sterncastle of the Spaniard.....our
carronades had hit her stern!! Well done indeed Admiral!! Well done
indeed!!! I looked around me.....dozens of fallen men were crying,
groaning, screaming on the decks!!!! Was this sanity?????
"Get the wounded below to the Surgeon Carry!!"
"Aye Sir!...They're being taken care of !...Most serious first!"
"Right Carry!.....Sorry! It's just me! I fail to see what this war
is all about!!!.Young lives being squandered!!"
"I know Sir! It's criminal!!"
" Aye Aye Sir....course 120 Sir!"
Men that were able ran and heaved in on the sheets and
halyards....bringing us around on our new course! I intended to come
left in a tight circle, if the wind allowed, by the time the
Spaniard had come around after freeing her foremast and the jumble
of canvas, spars and rigging, we could be ducking around her counter
and hitting her Starboard side before she had chance to return
"Run-out Starboard side...full broadside! "A", "B" and "C"
gundecks....we'll fire as we swing! She won't be able to get her
guns to bear early enough"
"Aye Aye Sir Full battery Starboard side!"
"Come left Helmsman!!! Make your course 100 degrees! Keep her as
tight to the wind as we dare!!"
"Aye Aye Sir....Course 100 Sir!"
"Very well!"
I glanced over to see the Spaniard desperately trying to free her
fallen foremast! Then I noticed she was maintaining course away from
"Glass if you please Bosun!"
The Bosun of the watch passed me the telescope! Several men were
gathered on the Spanish ship's stern....I could see???........YES! I
could see that her pintle was damaged!...Her steering was locked!
She wasn't able to steer!!
"Deck there!! Sail Ho!!! Two of 'em sir!! Hull down dead astern of
I swung the glass! there....Bright as new babies, were Indigent and
Infatigable!!! Who's late this time????
"Belay the last order Helmsman!!! Come left to 170 degrees!"
"Aye Aye Sir.....Course 170 degrees"
I thought he was probably saying "I wish he'd make up his mind!"
"Set to'gallants!"
We would need speed to catch up to the Spaniard if she was to make
away from us!
As Revenge swung her head to line up parallel with the Spanish
ship...I thought..."You're mine Senor!! You're mine!" ........Now
where was the Admiral.......when we boarded I wanted her to be by my
I spotted the Admiral, standing in a blown-apart piece of the
quarter-deck, standing on what was left of a superstructure
beam...looking down at what remained of her cabin!! The place was a
wreck ...very little of any value left unsmashed! I walked to her
side...."I take great exception to this Number One! Great exception
indeed!!!....firstly they smash my new ship...then they smash my new
cabin!....then, to top it off...they have smashed my new China
"Sorry Ma'am....but it is a war!....I don't think they will be too
happy either!"
"Beside the point Number One! mere trivia!!!...So!...Let's at 'em!"
"Aye Aye Ma'am!" The business end of a cutlass whistled through the
air, I momentarily felt for my vitals!! I just hoped to witness her
fervour taken out on the Spanish, not my person!!
I looked across our bow...on the starboard bow fine, the Spanish
ship was struggling to change her course! All efforts were being put
into rigging a jury rig....her foremast was being cut away as I
looked...we needed more speed really, but another 5 minutes and she
would be in range..we would have to watch for her carronades if
there were any left on her damaged sternc's'le....Time ticked by...I
could count the seconds as we all waited.....suddenly...her foremast
and the jumble of rigging and sail was cut free....would she now be
able to manouvre???
We waited with bated breath.....there had been a little shift in her
course, she was now coming slightly around to Starboard....but, I
put that down to the lack of drag from the wreckage!!! Stand by
"Jenkins Sir Gunnery Officer!! Standby with full broadside still
"Full Starboard battery Mr Jenkins if you please....all 36!"
"All 36!! Aye Aye Sir!"
"YEOMAN!!!! Hoist another battle ensign!! That one looks a bit
worn!" Indeed...our battle ensign had holes blown in it by
shrapnel....I'd be damned if I was going into a fight with these
Spanish gentlemen without a new one being hoisted!
As I watched...the old colours were struck and new ones flying from
the main!! "That's better Number One! Let's not show 'em our dirty
"No Ma'am!!"....."Standby for a ranging shot Mr Jenkins!"
"Ranging shot Aye Sir!...Estimate the range at 900 yards!"
So....She was in range now!!! "Fire at will Guns!"
BBBOOOOOMMM!!! The echo of the gun firing the shot drummed against
my ears! Smoke wafted aft making the Admiral utter a choking curse!
I raised the glass to my eye!.....50 yards short....."Elevate Mr
Jenkins! Elevate!"
"Aye Sir....up 5 degrees!!"...I heard the order echoing below on the
other gun decks!! "All guns ready Sir Elevated 5 degrees!"
"Very Good Jinks!! Fire at will!"
"Wait for the order lads!!! On the rise....wait for it....here it
The ship was nearly lifted from the water with the power of the full
broadside!!! My ears sang, black and white smoke blocked all view,
we coughed our way through it...God!!! What power...I blessed the
wonderful people who had built this ship in Chatham of good solid
English oak...It must have taken a forest...but she was solid, I
felt good about her! A solid ship and a solid crew!!! What more
could any man ask for?
At last the smoke cleared!!! "All guns ready Sir!!".......NEVER????
Surely???.... the speed must have been about a minute or just
over...and the full battery had been reloaded!!! Well done
men!!!...."Stand by Mr Jenkins!"
There!!! The first falls of shot were just short.....but
then....fire erupted midships and aft on the Spaniard! Some shot
also fell wide, some over the target.....but..we had several hits!
Being unable to manouvre, she was unable to bring all but her after
guns to bear...their forlorn reply splashed harmlessly off our Port
bow! "Standing By Sir!"
"Fire at will Jenkins!"
"Fire at will! Aye Aye Sir!....Steady men! let her
dip...steady...now as she rises...wait for
Another huge shockwave as the cannon rang out their message
again...below me somewhere, I heard glass or crockery
smashing!!..."Watch for fall of shot!!! We should straddle her
properly this time"!
Cheers erupted around the decks as I witnessed shot after shot
hitting home...all along the enemy decks came the explosions, that I
knew would be scything men down like a grass mower...men losing
limbs...losing eyes...losing heads!!! Bloody War!! Who were the
lunatics who gave the orders, but never their blood!!... I wondered
futile thoughts!!!
"Stand by boarders! Have your grapples ready Mr Carstairs!"
"All ready Sir!.....Message from Indigent
"Reply....We're having Spanish Omelette for Hors D'oeuvre!! But you
are a little late!" If you will yeoman!!"
"Aye Aye Sir!"
"The Captain had appeared on deck astern with us now! "Good shooting
eh Number One?"
"Aye Sir Very good! Jenkins did well Sir!" I thought I would give
our junior Officer his due credit...."We....ll...with a little help
from me Number One! With a little help from me!!! But we reloaded
and ran out in a minute and a quarter!!"
"Very Impresive Sir! Good shooting......!"
"SIR! SIR!!! she's striking her colours! She's afire Sir!!"
Sure enough she was well alight...and she had struck her colours!!
"Well Ma'am! looks like we won't be needing the cutlass or dirk!"
I saw brief dismay cross the Admiral's features, then a wreathed
"But Number One we will have to see what she contains firstly eh?"
Bloodthirsty now was our Admiral....ready for the fray!..I smiled
inwardly....the Spanish and French needed to fear when we had
Englishwomen like her around!
We were now coming up onto the wreckage of the Spanish ship on her
Port side...Men were jumping over the side...they must have given
the order to abandon ship! "Tell Indigent to pick up survivors
I could see her stern lettering now partly obliterated by the ruined
pintle of her rudder...it had sheered and in the blast, had jammed
her steering gear in about 2 or 3 degrees of wheel!!! Her name????
"EL DIABLO"!!!! So!!!! Here was one of the reported blockading
ships!!! "The Devil" Indeed!!!!...We might soon find out a little
more about the rest of her compatriots, and, if enough pressure was
brought to bear, where they were...maybe we had struck lucky after
all!!!....The Admiral looked at me with a wry smile....unsheathed
her dirk...then replaced it slowly!!! I got the message Ma'am!!!! I
certainly got the message! By hook or by dirk we would find out
where they were hiding......!
(To be cont...........)
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