Ten More Baby Jesus Poems (and last of them)
By shoebox
- 1158 reads
The Baby knew what each one needed
First thing was a bath!
Raindrops filled an outdoor tub
Then Joseph stripped to scrub.
Three strange men finely dressed
Came to offer gifts
They were wise and from the East
Wasn't one a priest?
Mary didn't thank God
She knew just who her child was
With its tiny fingers and tiny toes
Every day it put on shows.
The stars twinkled their very best
The moon's mood was good
The sun asked to shine a bit more
The swaddled Babe said it could.
Mary said to bearded Joseph
The Baby needed broth
"Go and catch some river fish,
I'll make a tasty dish.
This newborn Babe wasn't black
Neither was He white
His skin was sort of greenish-tan”
A black olive light?
Joseph, with his gentle arms,
Lifted the newborn Lad
Down the road the wee One's arms
Would gently lift the dad.
A blue and yellow butterfly alighted
On the Savior's naked knee
The soft tickle made Him start
Then smile at the familiar butterfly art.
Winds and rain roared outside
The walls of the stable shook
The candle flame's erratic dance
Gave each face a ghostly look.
The angel said the name Jesus meant Savior
He would save His people from sin
Joseph was happy and married Mary
With God he was guaranteed a win.
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