Day 14 - Lovesong
By Jack Cade
- 860 reads
You didn't kiss me
You didn't swim with me in the chilled white wine
of the pool, too early in the day
for everyone else
You didn't let me win at ping pong
My victory was due to my superior ability
You didn't yank my hair
You didn't fight me for your thieved shoes,
both of us ending up streaked with lawn-burns
like comets
You didn't show me the slippers
you really, really wanted
You didn't pick the grasshopper out of my hair
You didn't stumble and land in my lap,
p'toohing your own hair out of your mouth
or hiss, "I don't trust him"
when I was in plain earshot
You didn't let me look down your top
You didn't fish the last pieces of apple
from the salad bowl, slippery as eyes,
and feed them to me
from the end of the fork you ate from
but I wear like a ring
the nick you gave me with your nails
when I lunged for the controls,
sent us spinning into an asteroid
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