Debian Orphanage - Chapter 3
By LeighCole
- 555 reads
Sinclair lay down a fresh sheet of Ascribable oak on the black lab table, and an ancient ink release mechanism played out parts between his fingertips. He would take down various notes, not really minutes but just things to think about, gaps in the knowledge.
Callum embraced an Explanatory Corneal Scribe that was clipped onto one of the main nerves in the eye to record the meeting as a visual whole and not miss an emotion or heartbeat. She felt generations would look back on this debate and gain insightful knowledge of the passing of information and grand design.
Arch kept his hands hidden beneath the table. All this was situated in the grandest of the labs. The Opaire Laboratory was named after the last victim of the Knight Trials and it seemed on fitting they should prepare the statements of the future on the blood of the past.
“Where can we begin?” Sinclair announced as Callum’s machine hummed into action.
“Saturn. Titan. A new beginning.”
“Seems satisfactory enough, we have the go ahead in funds for space travel and the means to do so from an industrial point of view.”
“How much are they levering?”
“Around the billion mark. The labour would be cheaper than the actual cost of materials and what will the current influx of foreign interest due to the work force disability scale in this country I should see no problem.”
“Now Saturn has forty six moons as an estimated total?”
“True. Satellite recording have covered that Titan seems the most plausible to be inhabited by said countrymen.”
“Why Titan? Most other countries are looking at the means to stay here? Swim here? Change the views on how we encompass all minerals.”
“Titan is the future. For one it is the only planet with a dense enough atmosphere other than Earth. During the satalitte missions there they discovered lakes of hydrocarbon, which again, is the only other stable body of liquid to exist in the solar system.”
“Seems too much time will be wasted on preparing for this.”
“Well the means are there as we speak. The open source community has gathered enough intelligence on the subject to fill a thousand edu-scribes.”
“But relying on them could be foot hardy. They’re not exactly funded and there could be gaps that we do not know about.”
“The gaps have been filled trust me. I have researched this long and hard.”
“Is it perfect for life?”
“Yes. That’s a definite yes. It is going through a birthing period similar to Earths early years at the moment but can sustain life.”
“How long will it take to get there?”
“How long it takes to travel anywhere depends on how far and how fast you want to go…”
“So a propulsion engine would be suitable in this case, maybe solar as well as compressed water pressure during mid freezing state?”
“…Yes I suppose but more to the point of the length of time would approximately be around 3 years in the correct window.”
“That doesn’t leave us with any real window of opportunity regarding the rising tide.”
“As you covered with the propulsion engine, solar would be a great help but pressure would be the main issue. The best solution would be to implement the old Gravitational Handshake that the satellites use. Hopefully no stops would be taken on the way.”
“I agree, as we know space is renowned for the slowing down more than the speed.
“Callum mark down this as the end of the habitat chapter as, Saturn, Titan, and three years destination approximation.”
“Right, that’s done.”
“Let us broach the method of travel.”
“A Ship surely?”
“To be honest I don’t think a ship could be as formidable as a human being.”
“A human being?”
“Well the idea has been haunting me since the Quality Fusion Experiments around four years ago.”
“The Stem Cell Felony?”
“Yes. More so to the fact of the discovery of the Fusion Delay Genome.”
“I’m lost? The Great Dig? That cost more lives than saved, foolhardy in purity!”
“Technically yes, technically no. What Baker discovered with his Great Dig was the Fusion gap between all cellular structures. When he finally reached the centre of the earth he found a think substance around forty metres thick that seemed to separate the earths core from the earth itself. This substance was fused at both ends, one fusing the earth with the core, but was transparent in between. The dig stopped there, this substance was the barrier between the cores. They took samples, enough for it to be replicated in a lab synthetically and have the same effect. They discovered that is was a symbiotic, a living tool that spliced matter as one whilst holding the same laws and principles held in both objects.
“And of course this was abused with the attempted splicing of animal and human foetuses to create a minor army for war.”
“The splicing worked let me tell you, I saw the result, I also saw that result inside an incinerator with the paper work to follow.”
“So what is this side of it then?”
“We create a lab orientated humanoid that can survive in space as a whole. With a functioning system that can survive the horrors of space as well as long term travel through slow metabolism.”
“A fusion of what? Man and metal?”
“We have no precedents to follow this up on? We have no paperwork and probably or symbiotic earth splice tools?”
“We do. Of course we do. In fact hidden away in these vaults in the cure.”
“So the human vehicle would be what? How does this come into contact with the essence and form?”
“We find someone with no living relatives and splice the essence with a humanoid grown from their DNA.”
“Sounds to close to Frankenstein to imagine.”
“Of course but this is the only way. The DNA grown humanoid would be of human DNA as well as merged with a substantial metal that could survive in space. A polymerisation would take place. Of course we could perfect add-ons such as power supply, weaponry and nutritional diffusion at a later date.”
“Hesitantly I agree. We will see in time.”
Callum marks it down as the chapter end.
“The main rocket enters space, splits into two, then four, and then our genetic mod enters space, using propulsion by...”
“We could fit the mod with a solar flare device. The device acts as a convertor of light into electricity. But condenses the electrical usage into bursts of energy. Electromagnetic propulsion at hand.”
“Good idea but the device would be bulky for the mod.”
“Integrate it into the mod then. A thin layer of Photovoltaic cells across the front side of the mod, sparing the face, chest and main organ areas, use the body a semi conductor and the reverse side as the electromagnetic emitter.”
“Heat issues?”
“We could situate tap causeways at the elbows edges on the mod. This would cause a slight displacement on heat...beside the coldness of space should suffice.”
“The heat of the sun would singe the mod slightly.”
“Who goes without tan nowadays anyway?”
“Yes...but not radioactive tan?”
“Then let the mod live the shadows of the sun.”
“Discuss the mod itself. Biologically how could it survive?”
“Survival is space is simple. Fine there is no oxygen. Yes there is no protective blanket from the sun. But other than those two points the mod can survive in space.”
“Internally speaking?”
“Well starting with the nervous system it is of no worry. We can twist the genes of the mod to how we want it. I would prefer have the mod closer to a humanoid with various robotic parts...but that’s just me.”
“What parts would be of said points?”
“For the essence to transfer fully we will have to be careful. Deploying a happy medium between the mechanical and the biological will be tricky.”
“Perhaps the spine should become the epicentre of all communication transmissions between the two.”
“I agree. We can split the brain into a further two halves, replace all unusable normal everyday functions like the occipital lobe...”
“You’re removing movement, perception and orientation with that slice of the blade...”
“Granted but replace those with the mechanical. A simple read write drive plate will suffice...we can do away with parts of the temporal lobe as well as sections of the frontal lobe.”
“It has been tried and tested but only in lab rats...”
“The brain need not even be there just the ability to transmit messages from one part the body to the other via a ganglion thread, to be read by a central processing unit and all actions carried out by the body.”
“I am still at war with myself about the essence transference...”
“The structure of the form?”
“The skeletal basis of the form will have a very modest bone structure. More like a hydrostatic system.”
“Go on…”
“The mod’s muscle will contract around conductive liquid pouches, creating pressure and allowing the mod a movement skin to a slug or earthworm.”
“So it will survive on its belly?”
“Not necessarily, judging by Titans gravity the mod should be able to stand, and walk with the greatest of ease…even float.”
“Breathing in space?”
“Not really needed. A hindrance here on earth!”
“I agree, we could use a pacemaker strapped to the heart to commit flow to the mod’s form.”
“I suggest an adrenaline drip for energy.”
“I agree, perhaps data packets can be sent via this channel also.”
“Zeroes and ones in the blood?”
“Why not? Altering the levels of iron in the blood at certain intervals would surfice for a zero and one situation.”
“Maybe. So iron are the data packets, the brain accepts these packets, processes through the mechanical functions and passes this data to the spinal cord.”
“I don’t see why not.”
“God speak is a charm.”
“The mod will not urinate or defecate.”
“So how will it pass waste?”
“Technically we can get away with it not eating. We have two choices, filter feeding through space travel picking up space debris and filtering out the good from the bad.”
“Or we attach enough nutrient bags to suffice the trip.”
“Filter feeding it is. We cannot have the mod carrying to much weight.”
“How will bad blood become removed?”
“Recycling can take care of that, along with filter feeding as a replacement setting.”
“The endocrine system versus depression.”
“Well know fact that time alone can cause cabin fever.”
“Well timed bursts of serotonin at random events can overcome all of that.”
“We could program dreams into the mix to give the mod a hope mechanism.”
“Filter images of Titan as a utopia then. A hope street to strive for.”
“This will only be used in times of extreme stress though.”
“It could backfire when it reaches Titan and it isn’t all it has dreamed about.”
“At that point there should be a massive burst of serotonin.”
“To cover all tracks.”
“Why not use a rocket to propel the mod through space?”
“There aren’t enough minerals and metals left on this planet to not only use but obtain. Everything has be used structurally in housing the billions, most traces of oil have been burnt out. We have come to the end of the usage cycle. Even with recycling products it is not enough.”
“So its mod transport or nothing?”
“I’m worried about the god mode factors that insist on breaking through the moulds.”
“To create something living is not such a burden as much as creating something inanimate.”
“But this living this has so much more of a consequence to life.”
“Yes. All our lives. As a whole. We must set aside all factors that make us even human for the coming months. There will be aspects that will test our very centres.”
“I’m sure when the time comes you will see not only your own points, but mine also.”
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