Marta and Gallanol In The Modern Age

My Marta and Gallanol writings are about an alternative world in which the madness of modern economic life has reached its logical conclusion and life has become very dull indeed. The characters have a desire to change that situation and improve the quality of life!
The Martan Empire and the continent of Gallanol has a long and complex history, but this collection concerns the modern age.
I may try to publish these writings in book form at some time.

Vera's Day In Space : Part 1 ( Marta & Gallanol Ch. 3 )

She had been about to depart from the space station which was her world on a small space craft, bound for a planet which she had discovered in a dream within a dream.

Calban At Home ( Marta & Gallanol Ch.5)

Calban returns home to find refuge from his dull work routine, and struggles to find direction

Calban In Marta City : Part 1 ( Marta and Gallanol Ch. 2)

Lonely Calban attempts to escape from work at the end of a long shift.

Calban In Marta City : Part 2 ( Marta and Gallanol Ch.2 )

Calban travels home on the tram, considering his life in Marta City.

Calban Visits His Parents : Part 1 (Marta & Gallanol Ch.8)

Calban travels south through Marta City to visit his career orientated parents in hope of sympathy.

Calban Visits His Parents : Part 2 : Ancient Castles and the Demise of the Weekend (Ch.8)

Calban returns to the district of his parents and contemplates modern changes to the appreciation of history and the survival of leisure industries!

Calban Visits His Parents : Part 3 : Mother (Ch.8)

Calban arrives at his parents' house, meeting his mother again after a long period, and enduring her unnecessary scientific speculations.

Calban Visits His Parents : Part 4 : Mother's Passions (Ch.8)

Calban endures his mother's passions and different outlook, in this futuristic city, which has much in common with our own times.

The Modern Age : The Martan Empire and Gallanol

An age when there had been awe-inspiring technological advance. The Martan Empire grew in strength, economic size, and technological and cultural ability.

Vera's First Day In Space (Part 1)

Vera signalled to her instructor through the reinforced Space Made Glass panel. Her hand was still free so she could still do that before they strapped it down for take off.

Vera's First Day In Space (Part 2)

A face appeared in front of her, an expression of subtly mocking superiority on a youthful and attractive face, which should have been angelic.

Vera's Day In Space : Part 2 :Friends (Marta & Gallanol Ch. 2)

Vera had counselled her at the time, setting out the options in a logical manner: ‘You could have an abortion and wait for a child when you have passed the next grade.

Vera's Day In Space : Part 3 : Morag (Marta & Gallanol Ch.3)

Vera, we will never finish. Don’t you realise? When we do it will be to retire and die soon afterwards.

Janus : Part 1 ( Marta & Gallanol Ch.4 )

Janus sat at his own special desk in a gigantic room where over one hundred individuals also worked.

Janus : Part 2 : Quality Of Life (Marta & Gallanol Ch.4)

Janus thought of the millions of people down on the planet below his high rise apartment window. How could they be saved from themselves?

Vera and Luvius : Part 1 : Breakfast Room ( Marta & Gallanol Ch.6 )

Work orientated Vera is caught off guard when a male colleague offers to sit next to her at breakfast in the space station.

Vera & Luvius : Part 2 : Targets & Friendship

Vera develops her new growing friendship while working under pressure at the space station.

Vera & Luvius : Part 3 : Luvius (Marta & Gallanol Ch. 6)

Two lonely, overworked souls finally find love on the Space Station.

Vera & Luvius : Part 4 : Vera's Appraisal

Vera's love affair is affecting the quality of her work and she is called to answer to her space station masters.

Janus The Recluse

Janus has given up work to concentrate on his lifelong writing and artistic projects.

Janus The Recluse (Part 2)

Janus strives to progress in his artistic and literary projects, considers the nature of Vidnet, reflects upon the evils of nationalism, and the new 'monster' of modernism.

Julia's Outburst : Part 1 : Opposites (ch.9)

Julia lives a soulless modern life. Her manager Relgol has an opposite attitude to life.

Julia's Outburst : Part 2 : Clash

Julia finally clashes with her immediate manager Relgol, feeling pushed to her limits.

Life Goes On (Vision of the Future) ch.10(a)

He adopted a philosophical approach to the pressure of work. It was the only way to survive, but like many people in the office it did get him down to the point where he hated most of his waking life.

Vision of the Future (Life Goes On Ch.10a, part2)

Calban dreams, disturbing dreams, reflecting the visions inside him; A world empty of people, where more efficient machines have replaced humanity.

Life Goes On (For Vera) (Ch.10b)

Vera is demoted and sent back down to Earth, punished for not keeping her mind on the Space Station job, and for daring to have a relationship.

Vera Returns To Marta City (Ch.11a) : Vera Talks To Her Father

Demoted back to Marta City from the space station, after daring to let her relationship affect her work, Vera at least gets some time off and is able to talk to her father.

Vera Returns To Marta City (Ch.11b) : Meeting Mother Again (Part 1)

Vera visits her Mother on her return to a home planet job. She has a deeper conversation with her mother than she has ever had before, and finds herself understanding her Mother's concerns and ideas better than before.

Vera Returns To Marta City (Ch.11b) : Meeting Mother Again (Part 2)

Vera visits her Mother on her return to a home planet job. She has a deeper conversation with her than she has ever had before and finds herself understanding her Mother's concerns and ideas better than before. (Part 2)

Vera Returns To Marta City (Ch.11c) : Love From A Distance

Vera was back in Marta City working in ground maintenance and engineering at the MIOST headquarters in the north side of Marta City. Her seperation from the only real love she had ever experienced caused her great misery.

Vera Returns To Marta City (Ch.11d) : Vera Attend A Maneddonist Meeting

Vera attends a Maneddonist meeting with her Mother, who is a believer, and meets another young woman who is also questioning her world.

Janus' Thoughts Develop (Ch.12a) : Books

Janus has left normal employment to write his books, particularly his histories, and make his art, but starts to believe he needs to do something else to spread his ideas. Alternative Futuristic World.

Lifestylers : Janus' Thoughts Develop (Ch.12d)

Janus goes among the young Lifestylers, the current social and musical movement affecting some of the young, which purports to offer them an alternative to the grey world of study and work.

Janus' Thoughts Develop (Ch.12e) :Meeting Lifestylers

Impressed by the music and the promise of the rebellious Lifestylers, Janus tries to talk to some of them to find out more. Alternative futuristic world.

Janus' Thoughts Develop (Ch.12f) :Meeting More Lifestylers

Disappointed with the shallow and age prejudiced youths he spoke to at the gig, he finds some much more pleasant young ladies who follow the Lifestyle movement. Alternative Futuristic World.

Realpolitiks : The Age Of Democratic Empire and Economic Control (Ch.13a)

Janus looks back to the history of how Marta and Gallanol developed to the present Modern Age of so called Perfection. Alternative Futuristic World.

The History Of The World (Ch.13b)

Janus comes to a 'dead end' in his attempts to influence people through the Vidbase computer network, finding his histories are not being noticed by many, and his efforts seem quite pointless. Alternative Futuristic World.

Is Space The Final Frontier? Who Will The Man Of The Future Be? (Ch.13c)

Janus ponders these questions. Despite improvements in human life the system has become a dull grey computer and money driven world. Could a man or woman of culture ever be the future?

History Of The Creadds (Ch.13d)

Janus recounts the publishing of his first history, about the ancient movement towards freedom and improved quality of life in the earlier history of Gallanol. He models many of his recommendations for the improvement of life in the grey work driven modern society of Marta and Gallanol on them.

Publishing House Xiomondis (Ch.13e : Part1)

Janus travels to the offices of a Vidnet publisher, who has shown an interest in some of his scripts, to negotiate a publishing deal, and is pleased by the interest the publisher shows. An alternate futuristic world : Marta and Gallanol In The Modern Age.

Publishing House Xiomondis (Ch.13e : Part 2)

Xiomondis the publisher thinks there is a place for the history books of Janus on the Vidnet. They both agree that academic works seem rather sterile, and Xiomondis praises Janus' detachment from the present consensus. Set in an alternate futuristic world - Marta and Gallanol In The Modern Age.

Publishing House Xiomondis (Ch.13e : Part 3)

Janus finds that his new publisher had similar ideas in the past, but was held back from spreading them effectively. He is encouraged by the publisher's support. Set in an alternative futuristic world - Marta and Gallanol In The Modern Age.

Lonely Resistance (Ch.13f : Part 1)

The decline of reading and the expansion of work. Janus searches for conversation and companionship, and the way forward. Set in an alternate futuristic world - Marta and Gallanol In The Modern Age.

New Ways Forward and Publication (Ch.13f : Part 2)

Janus plans to make contact with colleagues from earlier life and create a movement of discussion and action. Meanwhile more of his writing, outlining his views and ideas for society are published onto the Vidnet. Set in an alternative futuristic world of Marta and Gallanol In The Modern Age.

The Neo Creadds Are Born (Ch.14a) : Remus

Janus begins his formation of a movement of social discussion and action by contacting old friends and contacts. Set in the alternative futuristic world of Marta and Gallanol In The Modern Age.

The Neo Creadds Are Born (Ch.14b) : Luvian

Janus makes progress in his formation of a movement of social discussion and action, involving old friends and contacts. Set in the alternative futuristic world of Marta and Gallanol In The Modern Age.

The Neo Creadds Are Born (Ch.14c) : The Meeting Of Two Groups

Janus makes contact with a similar group of social discussion and action who also appear to want to reform society. Set in the alternative futuristic world of Marta and Gallanol.

The Neo Creadds Are Born (Ch.14d) : Jairis

Jairis, the leader of a growing political and economic discussion group, considers whether he can commit himself to work to reform society. Set in the alternative futuristic world of Marta and Gallanol in the modern age.

Time : The Neo Creadds Are Born (Ch.14e)

It is the next major revolution in our society:- The Time Revolution! It is what everyone wants now. Set in the alternative futuristic world of Marta and Gallanol In The Modern Age.

Teachers : The Neo Creadds Are Born (Ch.14f)

The Neo Creadds go out onto the Vidnet and into lecture halls to get their messages across and stimulate debate about the grey society which has developed. Avoiding comedy they begin to enter politics. Set in the alternative futuristic world of Marta and Gallanol In The Modern Age.

The Neo Creadds Are Born (Ch.14g) : Discussion Group (Part 1)

Calban is persuaded by Vera to attend the Neo Creadd discussion group for the first time. Can he overcome his shyness and his work oppressed social insecurities? Set in the alternative futuristic world of Marta and Gallanol In The Modern Age.

The Neo Creadds Are Born (Ch.14g): Discussion Group (Part 2 - Section 1)

Shy Calban attends his first Neo Creadd discussion group and hears theories of how society can be changed for the better. Could the people regain the freedom of leisure time? Set in the alternative futuristic world of Marta and Gallanol In The Modern Age. Please read Section 2 to finish this Part 2 to follow.

The Neo Creadds Are Born (Ch.14g): Discussion Group (Part 2 -Section 2)

Shy Calban attends his first Neo Creadd discussion group and hears theories of how society can be changed for the better. Could the people regain the freedom of leisure time? Set in the alternative futuristic world of Marta and Gallanol In The Modern Age. Please read Section 1 first. This Section 2 of Part 2 is to finish.

Pontius (Ch.15): Part 1

Pontius, the Supreme Director of MIOST (Martan Imperial Outer Space Technologies) is ready to leave his offices in the HQ and to enjoy well deserved relaxation, but his staff and workers are not quite so perfect. Set in the alternative futuristic world of Marta and Gallanol In The Modern Age.

Pontius (Ch.15) : Part 2

Pontius, the Supreme Director of MIOST (Martan Imperial Outer Space Technologies) has left his offices in the HQ to enjoy well deserved relaxation. He goes to the roof to take his flycar, but finds mechanics working there. He cannot resist making himself known. Set in the alternative futuristic world of Marta and Gallanol in the Modern Age.

Pontius (Ch.15) : Part 3 Flycars

Pontius, the Supreme Director of MIOST, has left his HQ to enjoy well deserved relaxation. He surveys the huge complex of MIOST from above, and considers his privilege to be driving his Flycar, long after they were banned for ordinary citizens. Set in the alternative futuristic world of Marta and Gallanol in the Modern Age.

Pontius (Ch.15) : Part 4 Jocarna

Pontius, the Supreme Director of MIOST has some time to relax. He decides not to fly home in his flycar, but to call upon one of his mistresses in the suburbs of Marta City. His power and fortune has brought him certain benefits to make up for his nagging and less than warm wife. Set in the alternative futuristic world of Marta and Gallanol in the Modern Age.

The Decline of Civilisation (Ch.16a)

Quotations from the book 'The Decline of Civilisation' by Janus Apinus. He writes of the development and then the decline of the consumer market economy in the Martan Empire and Gallanol, of the competition and efficiency which grew, stifling consumption and making the actual lives of the people miserable in the process. He mentions the development of new technologies, including Vidnet and the foodshute delivery systems to the blocks of apartments. A warning for our own world perhaps as our own economies 'develop'?

The Decline of Civilisation (Ch.16b) : Management Science

Management Science became an art, prized by all who entered the business race. Students were taught about it in colleges, universities and all places of higher and further education, even though many of them would not later enter positions which would ever give them much management control or influence. More of the Decline of Civilisation in the Martan Empire and Gallanol in the the Modern Age.

The Decline of Civilisation (Ch.16c) : Modern Capitalism and Democracy

Janus questions whether all the modern economy is necessary or worthwhile, explores the different directions it has taken, and the enslavement of the worker. Set in the Martan Empire and Gallanol in the Modern Age.

Creative Media and Sales : Ch.16d The Decline of Civilisation

Janus browsed on the vidnet. He was looking for material for another book he was slowly working on. He was in the job adverts section, under Creative Media and Sales. He wondered what was meant by 'creative media' in this world of work. ...

The Decline of Civilisation (Ch.16e) : Democracy of Managers

Democracy of Managers : Ch.16e 26/3/00 The modern world had become inseparable from free democracy. Every citizen exercised a vote for public...

The Decline of Civilisation (Ch.16f) : Population

World population was in decline. The decline was particularly noticeable in the continent of Gallanol, the richest and most efficient part of the...

Calban Attends A Concert : A Night Out (Ch.17) Part 1

Calban, who has recently joined the Neo Creadd discussion/ political group, is persuaded to go for a social night out at a Lifestyler concert, where he sees the musical and cultural underground for the first time in person. He is attracted to the women, but shy of them, relaxed by the alcohol, and excited by the possibilities. This is set in Marta City in the continent of Gallanol, in the Modern Age.

Calban Attends A Concert : A Night Out (Ch.17) Part 2

Calban has gone to a Lifestyler music concert for the first time, with his new friends from the Neo Creadd discussion/ political group. He marvels at the numbers of people who are able to persue some kind of alternative life. He attempts to dance for the first time. This is set in Marta City, in the continent of Gallanol, in the Modern Age.

Calban Attends A Concert : A Night Out (Ch.17) Part 3

Calban meets a lawyer and group member named Clarella at the concert, and to his surprise finds she is interested to talk to him. Quickly this becomes the most memorable evening of his life. He looks forward to hopefully meeting her at the next group event. This is set in Marta City, in the continent of Gallanol, in the Modern Age.

Calban Attends A Concert : A Night Out (Ch.17) Part 4

Calban's interest in Clarella, the lawyer, is detected by Vera, his mentor, who encourages him to be more confident. This is set in Marta City, in the continent of Gallanol, where long hours of work and an overdeveloped economy have made life very dull indeed. The Neo Creadds hope to encourage change in society, and an improvement in the quality of life. until now Calban has been a victim of society.

Calban Attends A concert : A Night Out (Ch.17) Part 5

The woman of Calban's dreams, Clarella the lawyer, seems to be available suddenly, but the moment is soon lost and he is left in confusion. This is set in Marta City, in the continent of Gallanol, where long hours of work and an overdeveloped economy have made life very dull indeed. The Neo Creadds hope to encourage change in society and an improvement in the quality of life.

Calban Attends A Concert: A Night Out (Ch.17) Part 6 : Clarella's Search

Clarella the lawyer, the object of Calban's desire, explains something of her situation. Her previous boyfriend Demus was not understanding of her Neo Creadd sympathies and ambitions so she had finally let him go, increasing her Neo Creadd contacts, partly in the hope of finding someone more suitable. This is my continuation of my Martainian Empire and the continent of Gallanol novel in the Modern Age, where the dullness of modern work life is breeding the roots of personal freedom and social change.

Calban Attempts To Experience Life More Fully (Ch.18) Part 1

Calban feels desperation about his inability to find female companionship. Membership of the Neo Creadd group does present opportunitiy to meet women at least, but he feels resentment towards women in his workplace. This is the continuation of my 'Marta and Gallanol In The Modern Age' novel, set in a futuristic period, in a world quite similar to our own.

Calban Attempts To Experience Life More Fully (Ch.18): Part 2

Calban journeys across the City to a semi dark area, in need of economic regeneration. Unable to find female companionship he has come here searching for other ways forward. This is part of my 'Marta City and Gallanol In The Modern Age' novel, set in a futuristic period, in a world quite similar to our own.

Calban Attempts To Experience Life More Fully (Ch.18): Part 3: Section 1

Calban has journeyed across the City to this dark and less inhabited area, where he hopes to find companionship and solutions to some of his problems. He needs courage to go where he has never been before. This is part of my 'Marta City and Gallanol In The Modern Age' novel, set in a futuristic period, in a world quite similar to our own. Section 2 will follow soon.

Calban Attempts To Experience Life More Fully (Ch.18): Part 3: Section 2

Calban has journeyed across the City to this dark and less inhabited area, where he hopes to find companionship and solutions to some of his problems. He needs courage to go where he has never been before. This is part of my 'Marta City and Gallanol In The Modern Age' novel, set in a futuristic world quite similar to our own. This is the second section of this part, describing the outcome of his expedition.

Ch.19 :Campaigns : Part 1 (Marta and Gallanol In The Modern Age)

A huge tunnel rail system has been announced for the offshore islands of the Martan Empire, linking with the mainland. A new company called Martatunnel is to be floated and investors are needed. The Neo Creadd group are not too impressed by this unnecessary economic expansion, viewing it as a waste of human effort and potential. This is set in a futuristic period, in a world quite similar to our own.

Ch.19 : Campaigns : Part 2 (Marta and Gallanol In The Modern Age)

Pontius, the Cheif Executive of MIOST breakfasts alone in his suburban home, watching news reports of new demonstrations against the new (unnecessary?) massive tunnel project to the islands. He cannot understand the demonstrators, or their purpose. They present 'common sense' arguments against the projects, which seem so alien to someone so driven by the concepts of economic expansion and growth. This is set in the Modern Age of the Martan Empire and Gallanol.