Back To School Time
By mcscraic
- 936 reads
So tell me what was school like today ?
Was it bad dude or real cool .
Yeah at times school can be a cool place , other times it can be like an abyss of boredome .
I can recall one day when school was cool .
It all began so innocently
In The Front Office
When I got to school today I saw the front office window was broken . There was a line-up of kids outside the principals office .
It reminds me of a police show on TV as they all face the head masters glare . As the day went on the whole wrath of the teaching staff was not able to bring forward the culprit .
Nobody ever gets caught for breaking windows at our school .
The person who broke it is always protected . We all stick together at our school . That why its so cool . There was a lot happened today at school .
In The Playground
Today in the playground somebody brought a football and we all joined in for a game of touch football . As soon as the ball was sent up in the air it was on . Like there was at least two hundred of us playing this crazy mixed up free for all game where anything goes . Whoever has the ball gets rid of it real quick if you don't you get tackled big time . It's a pity about Ginger he never got rid of the ball fast enough and was hit by twenty five tackles that led to his nose bleed and carrying off .
We watched him disappear into the front office where he would have to sit in the sick room until the whistle blew . I think Ginger should learn to pass the ball or wear some padding . Touch football in the playground is real sick . Nobody wins .
In The Library
Today was year 5's library day . I think library days are Brill .
Outside our school library is a big sign that says Please Keep Silent .
In very small writing DJ the cool dude in our class wrote the words
only on weekends.
Our school our library has ten computers ,huge posters and Mrs T .
Sometimes if we ask Mrs T she allows us to use the computers to do research for the project of the day . I can always get a computer .
Over the years I found that giving her an apple works or what Mrs T really likes is flowers . I usually pick a bunch on the way to school from different gardens in our street . Once I give Mrs T the flowers I know
the computer is mine .
Today on the whiteboard Mrs T the librarian wrote the heading
Red Indians in red texture . So our project was to find out about red Indians . Our class split up into 10 groups of 3 and we all begin to do research gathering information from the books in the library .
I got on to the computer first and sat there in front of the computer screen deep in thought and pretending to do research but I was really playing games and sending emails to my buddies .
My buddies all have their own email addresses and library day is when I catch up with the business on cyberspace . I answer my emails and check out the hot sites of the week .
DJ the cool dude got bored and started to practice some of his new scratch rap noises . Mrs T sent him outside for ten minutes .
I watched him through the window . He makes me laugh . I had to keep myself from bursting out in giggles when he made his stretchy lip face.
Sometimes I think his lips must be made of elastic . He can turn his bottom lip up and his upper lip in and like a camel he starts to suck his thumb . I nearly got sprung when Mrs T came over to the computer .
Just then I logged of and joined my group .
The project on red Indians is still not finished .
Mrs T has given us until the end of the month to complete it .
No problem .
In The Classroom
Usually when it rains someone wears a raincoat . At our school if you wear a raincoat you got bashed . Most people in our school think getting wet is cool and it is . Wet hair rules . Wet shirts rule .
On rainy days we have to stay in our classroom for lunch .
Today was one of those days .
It was wet and Stinky Finky the teachers pet came to school wearing a raincoat and got bashed . It was extra boring today in the class room
We never got out to play and at lunch when the teacher left the classroom Dickie Dwyer called Stinky Finky a name that made us all laugh . Stinky got red in the face and was so mad he threw a wooden block at Dickie that knocked the hell out of him . He was knocked out cold and there was blood running from the side of his head like a running water tap . The teacher ran into the class room and we felt the floor shaking under her heavy footsteps . She ran over to Dickie and we all pointed our finger at Stinky Finky . The tecahers pet was dragged out by the collar to the principles office screaming his head off .
Dickie went home with a bandage round his head .
We all had a good laugh when Dickies Dad rushed into the classroom
With Dickies raincoat in his hand .
When the teacher was talking to Dickies Dad Spamer threw Stinkys raincoat out the window . We all tried hard not to laugh when Dickies had to put on his raincoat .
At the end of the day it was still raining and I went home .
Do you or did you ever keep a dairy ?
Maybe you're too old for school .
As we get older , it is difficult to recall the things we did at school . Teachers names become vague and memories can fade .
It is always useful if we can use mental prompts or keys to unlock these childhood memories .
Here are a few for you to ponder .
Unlocking Your Schooldays
· Do you remember your first day at school ? Where you nervous ?
· What did your school look like from outside or inside your classroom ?
· Did you have home work ? How many hours did it take you to do it ?
· How well did you do in exams ?
· Did you play up in school ? What did you do ? Were you punished ?
· Was there a teacher who made a difference to your life ? How ?
· What was school excursion did you like most ?
· What playground games did you play ? With who ?
· Were you a school prefect or captain ?
Did you enjoy the role ?
· Did you have good teachers ?
· How did you get to school ? Walk , bus , bicycle , car ?
· Did you like you school uniform ?
· Did you get stars in your book for good work ?
Our school days can be a real treasure of events .
Try and unlock some of your childhood memories .
You too may discover that school was in fact pretty cool .
By Paul McCann
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