By seannelson
- 852 reads
Now we have a pink sun-set
and I'm feeling ballsy...
this morning I was scared fuck-less
about not very much at all
But that devil, devil, devil...
call him Beezlebub, Satan, or Lucifer,
of fascination with him
I don't wanna be cured,
though I won't pretend that
statement's quite sincere,
but he's the one these superstitious fucks fear
Hear, I want the DOW to plummet
and the NASDAQ to crack:
No, I don't think it's funny,
I just want us all to lose money;
Yeah, until you've legalized prostitution,
political dissident, "vagrancy" and hippie-hay,
I love Satan toying with your 401K.
No, I don't hate commies
enjoy silicon Apple-pie, "free-enterprise" or foot-ball,
And maybe I'd like Chavez and Raoul on top
or maybe you wrecked my dreams
with your Ameri-Nazi lies
and I just want your stocks to drop
like a Christ-fucking lead balloon;
Even though my family would lose out, too
(How could I ever
explain what I'm feeling...
even as I type my fucking system's reeling
with twitching, writhing, burning pain
and righteous rage repressed
till to black hatred it turns)
So what else should I say?
"everyone is gay?"
the devil, the devil, the devil,
May he have his fun
in your Puritan cities and "market economies..."
or MAYBE he has already
Guess what?
we HATE your "dirty harry" SS cops,
(and in your justice (LOL) systems he seems
to rise easily to the top,
at the very least in Jackson County, Oregon)
We think your much heroized General Petraeus
is a cowardly "don't-tell" cock-sucker,
and We !!!WANT!!! your stocks to drop;
yeah, let's have plagues on capitalist crops
till your horrific wars stop:
that's right, set your tortured prisoners free
and offer the whole Middle-East an apology
(For putting children's lives well behind the DOW
and for mass desecrations of the Koran which are going on now,
according to a released BBC reporter, anyhow)
Afghanis WERE the terrorists when the twin towers fell
but yankee voters have now stood-by
while our military made Osama and company
look decent, humane and good
(And why is our government torturing people
in the inappropriate location
of socialist ??CUBA??, ya know;
Haven't they at least asked you imperialists
to leave their island by now?
Somehow, I'm guessing so)
Well, many readers doubtless don't understand
but there's a lot of grains that make up sand:
No, of course,
I don't believe in the two-horned devil
I have no use for superstitious sentiments
of Jesus, the long saintly America, or Eden:
I know damn well our cellular ancestors
were "created" by volcanic ocean vents,
that WWI and Vietnam were wicked shams,
and how the ancient aboriginal tree-shrew
was to all primates the true, DNA giving....
And "what else should I write?" -K.C.
I actually do have a right;
but really I have only to clarify:
It's best for Gaiia, civilization, enlightenment,
the planet and her workers and humanity entire,
if your capitalist markets dive
to somewhere near nothing... their genuine worth
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Good rant. I enjoyed it. My
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