The dreaming

By valiswaverider
- 1963 reads
The dreaming
Some years ago a group of wise men set forth on a rowing boat along the river of life, leaving the boat behind. They began to climb towards the top of Mount improbable
A telescope was used to look off into the distance, where they spied a huge rock, which filled the horizon
The Buddhist was the first to speak, saying this rock is Enlightenment. The transmutation of thought, which is the grounding of all being
The Hindu spoke next this rock is Brahma, the very grounding of reality
The Christian said this is proof of the design of the living god whose touches felt upon all things
The Marxist said, this rock is a property of all and no one can claim prior
ownership of it
The scientist said this rock is the arc of symmetry in which no law is
The aboriginal said, the rock is the dreaming, from which all forms spring
The materialist said, it’s just a bloody big rock, and it was decided not to
invite him next time.
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Good chuckle, soggy egg
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Nice! Made me laugh :L Miss
Miss Clefayree
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You've always got to have
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