Death of god part 4
By WillSimpson
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Cambell and Tuareg witnesss
“Come quick Tuareg, look yonder, over that hill we are close, take your eyes across to that small cravat in the hillside, do you see it?
“No brother I see nothing, just stillness shining in the sun,”
“Precisely, the stillness in the sunlight is the eternal law, one that can’t be broken, the sunlight will always find stillness, but look a little closer and you will see the shadows working in the stillness of the sunlight.”
“Have we came this far to stand and watch let us venture down and have this out at last, let Zues see our actions and come down and challenge us. Mighty Zues we are your cast away sons who have dishonoured your old reign with debauchery and sin, come now and cast your lightning bolt at us.”
“Well now what, nothing happened?”
“Come on lets go see whats down there”
Hell in the kingdom
Queen Alchemy
“Its been two days now and still no word from your great army of men, are you sure you got the message right, maybe its time you got up from your throne and actually engaged with the people to find out what is going on, or are you to far removed from the people now that you no longer know how?”
King Alchemy
“Be quiet women your infernal moaning is giving me a head ache, I have much to contemplate, my people are in peril and my servants are fleeing, my kingdom is in ruins and all I have is you going on and on and on, what am I to do, where is my saviour? Where is the lord our father in times of trouble?”
Queen Alchemy
“So now its religion you seek, what are you talking about man, you have never stepped foot in a church since the day you were crowned, and now you pronounce your self a Christian, well praise be to Jesus alleluia we have a convert. Pardon me dear but I think your losing your mind”
King Alchemy
“Get over yourself, my mind is fine, this whole rebellion is just taking its toll on me that’s all, what was this nonsense about a prophecy that you spoke of, tell me more now I am all ears”.
Queen Alchemy
“I really shouldn’t but since I love giving your mind things to think on, very well. An old prophet living in the villages has been keeper of a book, the locals take this all very seriously, in the book it states that the God will die and be reborn into the gods of ancient times, all very well in the book, but it also states that there will be a great war on earth and judgement upon us all, but as you know this is all just pagan superstition, although it does make it very clear in the book about the king sitting on the throne, how he uses deception and trickery to win the heart of the old king and then de throne him with bribery and back stabbing, but that was never proven was it my love.”
King Alchemy
“Now you listen here woman, I may be suffering from stress but I am still the king and talk like that could land you in bother with the justice system of my lands, but since you are my darling wife and I love thee, I will accept it as petty foolery on your behalf, would you now avail me of your grace and have a maid fetch me some water and a foot wash, I need time to think.”
Queen Alchemy
“very well your highness”
Back in the hospital
“Doctor can you come quick please, its been 2 days now and Mr Mandrake should have been waking up from the treatment, but for the last hour he has been struggling in his sleep, possibly suffering violent fits,”
“Can you describe these violent fits?”
“Well yes, its as if he is fighting someone, his fists are clenched and he is attempting to jump out of the bed with his entire body stiff as a board, somewhat similar to an epileptic fit, but all his monitors are running fine and there is no signs of stress on the system and his pulse and heart rate are running at normal levels”
“Well keep me informed, if his pulse rate quickens then page me and I will come straight away, he may just be taking a little longer to come round from the treatment, his dosage was higher than the usual”
“Yes doctor we will inform you straight away of any change”
4 horse men
Horseman 1
“Will you two stop this eternal fighting amongst each other, its like taking care of wild animals playing on a beach”
Horseman 3
“Well he starts it”
Horseman 2
“Give over it was you who wouldn’t share the last bit of nectar, all I wanted was a last taste, then you hit me”
Horseman 4
“This is petty, the castle is just over the hill, now is our time, are we going to stand here fighting amongst ourselves or are we gonna go destroy this kingdom of men and receive our eternal glory of the kingdom of sin?”
Horseman 1
“I here you brother let us ride on without this senselessness, the earth poisons our sights”
Back in the hospital
“Doctor come quick his pulse is quickening, he seems to be going into a state of excitement,
“Very good nurse, just try to make him comfortable, I will give him something to calm him down, he should be coming round from the treatment,
At that two uniformed men enter the patient’s room
“What is all this, you have no right to enter this room, this is a private hospital, explain yourself, nurse call security.”
Dark haired man
“There is no need for anything like that doctor, I’m sure you will know of Mr Mandrakes History before he entered the hospital.”
Light haired man
“We just have some unfinished business with Mr Mandrake, and if you knew what was good for you, you would leave us be”
“Im sorry but who in the world are you?”
Dark haired man
“How rude of us Doctor, my accomplice here is Professor Victor Trokevsky we have been asked by your financers to come down and make sure our asset Mr Mandrake is recovering well from your ground breaking treatment, there have been reports of some wonderful results from your treatment but we also heard of the complications with Mr Mandrake”
“Pardon me but you failed to mention who you are”
Light Haired man
“Well Doc that’s my accomplice you may have read about him,”
Dark haired man
“Professor C Dostoevsky, doctor pleased to meet you”
Light haired man
“You see Doctor, many years ago Mr Mandrake was a partner of ours involved in some highly classified medical research, fortunately for Mr Mandrake he is blessed with quite an extra ordinary imagination, in fact certain circles would regard him as a prophet, however we are not going to get into the theories of such abilities.
Dark haired Man
“Mr Mandrake became very confused during our time together, in fact so confused that he threatened to go public about our highly classified business”
Light haired man
“Now if your treatment is as good as the reports have been saying we would be very interested in to talking to the new and improved Mr Mandrake, hopefully Doc that would not be a problem, as you can see Doc our Identification’s are all in good order”
“Very well then, but as you can see, the patient, Mr Mandrake has still not come round from the treatment and seems to be having some sort of adjustment problems, I have just gave him a sedative to calm him down due to his excited state.
Nurse could you leave us alone for a few moments, I will call you when needed”
“yes doctor”
Nurse leaves the room
Dark Haired man
“Well trained staff you have there doctor, very pleasant on the eye,”
Light haired man
“I can see the Christmas parties being very entertaining on this ward hey doc,”
Dark haired man
“ok enough of the small talk, We have a problem Doctor, Mr Mandrake here has extreme visions of the end of the world, no doubt you will have observed these over the years, now what we are about to tell you Doctor is in the strictest confidence”
Light haired man
“And would have very harsh consequences if this was ever to leave these four walls, in fact Doc, for all purposes you should be signing an official secrets act, but since you’re a man of professional stature and I presume you understand how serious this would be if you did mention it to anyone, we will waiver that detail”
Dark haired man
“In another fact Doctor once this conversation is over it never happened, that is all you need to understand, do you understand doctor?
“Well this all a bit much but I think you have made yourself clear”
Light Haired man
“Perfectly clear Doc?”
“Perfectly clear”
Professor C Dostoevsky
“Professor Trokevsky would you be so kind as to begin,”
Professor T
“Very well, you see Doc, many years ago shortly after Mr Mandrake had graduated from medical school he was lucky enough to find himself a job in a top secret medical research department for the Ministry Of Defence, in fact you could say his destiny, During his university days Mr Mandrake stood out among other students for his remarkable insight into medical advances being made, he had written a paper called the delicacy of NLP, now at the time NLP was still very much only heard of by certain researchers and professors, yet at the time Mr Mandrake managed to write a highly detailed paper on possible problems arising with the complications of such a procedure,”
Professor D
“His paper was so well informed and well written that it was passed around certain circles until it came to the desk of the head of medical research at the MoD, obviously doctor for such a young and inexperienced student to have written such things certain questions were put forward to Mr Mandrake.”
Professor T
“He claims that he didn’t even remember writing it but when he read it back to himself it made sense and he did actually have very vauge knowledge of the research going on around NLP at the time, but nothing as insightful as he had written. At first it was thought that he was possibly lying and even a cheat, but doc, we have ways of clarifying things like this, Mr Mandrake was put through a few tests, anyway finally he was offered a place with the MoD.
Professor D
“At that time the Iranian US war was in its peak stages and there was quite a race to develop the next super weapon, once again Mr Mandrake came through with his visionary writing and delivered a paper to his superiors about a weapon being developed by the Iranians containing certain controlled bacteria capable of destroying whole populations in days of it being airborne.”
Professor T
“Such a weapon if it existed would be quite a political tool, obviously it would be a lot more affective than the threat of nuclear weapons, also more destructive to people in general, so Mr Mandrakes paper was scrutinised down to the last detail,”
Professor D
“That’s when he was assigned to us, it was thought at the time by certain people that he was in fact a spy, but even in those days the MoD used tags on all their employee’s in most cases without them knowing, and not once had Mr Mandrake shown any signs of being a double agent.
Professor T
“We were asked to investigate the possibility of some sort of prophetic ability that Mr Mandrake may have, at the same time the idea of such a weapon appeared interesting to certain people in the MoD, and another field of research was opened.”
“Mr Mandrakes file states that he was medically discharged from the Army at the age of 24, he began having terrible visions whilst serving with the 3rd Battalion Yorkshire Regiment, and that is how he came to the care of the hospital”
Professor T
“Yes well as you know certain things have to be kept secret. My Mandrake was actually closer to thirty when he was admitted, you will admit yourself even now he doesn’t look in his late forties”
Professor D
“As a dreadful twist of fate Mr Mandrake was actually assigned to the project of developing this super bacteria, however he wanted no part of such a thing, he began having doubts about his reasons for working for the MoD.”
Professor T
“He was assigned back into our care, Mr Mandrake showed clear abilities to see things that other minds could not grasp, to his downfall I might add. Due to circumstances beyond our control Mr Mandrake was becoming more paranoid and deluded until finally he was taken out of our care and the rest is history, he ended up in this place suffering his fate.”
“Mr Mandrake! I swear his eyes have just opened, sir can you here me”
Professor T
“He looks confused”
“Hello Mr mandrake, do you know where you are?”
Mr Mandrake
“Whats happened? Who are you, where is the kingdom?”
“I am a Doctor in the Calvelry pschyciatric hospital, you are my patient, you have been under going some treatment”
Professor D
“Hello Mr Mandrake, and how are you this morning”
Mr Mandrake
“Whats going on, where is my kingdom, why are you standing here”
“Calm down Mr Mandrake, you are just a bit disorientated, just relax and let yourself soak in the surroundings everything is going to be fine”
Mr Mandrake
“This cant be, I escaped this place, I was there, I made it, an army of a thousand men, we rode on through the night, we were the kingdom, I was the king, I was the queen, I am the air the army breathed, the light in the day and the dark of the night.”
Professor T
“Well Doc, looks like he’s back and in working order, hey Mandrake, remember me?”
Mr Mandrake
“But you, your dead, I saw you die in the cave, your heart was ripped out, how can this be, where is my kingdom”
“Gentlemen would you be so kind as to leave me with my patient for a few moments so I can try to calm him down”
Professor D
“Come on lets go for a walk”
“Thank you gentlemen”
They leave the room
“Now Mr Mandrake, everything is fine, your body will feel a bit limp but that’s nothing to worry about you should become able very soon, you have been unconscious for a long time, any memories you have of the last 48 hours are dreams you have been seeing”
Mr Mandrake
“No it cant be, it was to real, this is the dream, any minute now I am going to wake up”
“No Mr mandrake, this is real, I am real, you are real”
Mr Mandrake
“But what about the 4 horsemen? and the cast away sons, who is going to save the kingdom, I was the kingdom, now it is no longer, I demand to be sent back, if I’m not there it will cease to exist.”
“These are just images of your imagination, simple dreams brought on by the treatment”
Mr Mandrake
“I refuse to accept your diagnosis doctor, you are just trying to deceive me, you are the enemy of the kingdom, lies doctor, that’s all you are just lies, a man of mirrors who wants to poison my mind, it is real, I think therefore it exists, my kingdom needs me, the world is in me, if I cease to believe then my world ceases to exist, I cannot allow that.”
“And this, this room, this bed, is this not real, is someone thinking and therefore this room exists? And if they stop does it cease to exist? Tell me Mr Mandrake, what was your role in the kingdom?”
Mr Mandrake
“I was the kingdom, I was the sons of Zues, I was the 4 horsemen and the people they destroyed, I was the tree and the angel, I was the army of Zion and his faithful general, this world was me and now I am just one man, there I was Abraxam the everything and you doctor have taken this away from me, you murderous bastard, how can you deceive me with this real room and this real bed when I was everything, how do you have this power? In there I was the sky and space and the stars, I was the king and queen and the love they didn’t have, I was the past and the present and the future tragedy, but here I am one, one man, one body, there I was god watching everything”
“Are you no longer God Mr Mandrake, do you no longer hold these ties?”
Mr Mandrake
“I believe they have been robbed of me, stolen by you the Doctor, the empty one called Doctor, and what do you know of being God, does divinity rest in you, can you create the kingdom of alchemy?”
Mr Mandrake
“Alchemy damn it, the kingdom I was, the world I bestowed upon the people of alchemy, the present I gave them, and now it has been destroyed”
“I am sorry Mr Mandrake but this was all a figment of your imagination, none of it was real”
Mr Mandrake
“Oh believe me Doctor it was as real as me and you are now, maybe not for you but it was real for me, and you man of reality have taken that away from me, and for what? Come on, tell me, for what?”
“Please rest Mr Mandrake, there are two gentlemen outside who would like to speak to you regarding your previous employment before you came to the hospital”
Mr Mandrake
“Oh I know all about those two minions, I saw them destroyed, but here I am awake and real and here they are back to life, I know all about there little inquiry, I have seen the future, I know of the burden I carry, believe me Doctor, you will all see soon enough, this world has destroyed my kingdom, but my kingdom was made by Abraxham, something you cannot comprehend, it may be destroyed but it will be reborn in this world. They can’t control what they made, they inflicted this upon me and now they have come back to finish what they started”
“Very well”
The Doctor leaves the room and goes to find the two professors,
Mr Mandrake drifts off asleep.
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