Unicorn Dell
By spicerlife
- 915 reads
This is a story, which, I swear actually happened. But I will leave you to make up your own mind.
I worked on a Manor Estate that bordered onto Dartmoor. This apparently meant that owner also owned and managed the patch of moorland within a mile of the border.
Myself and three others, who were working on the estate at the time, were given the task of clearing the tall gorse bushes on this bit of moorland. This was a job that had to be done every year, although, having been there three years myself, this my first time. Myself and Ernie were trained chainsaw operators. We had both though it odd when the estate had offered to renew our chainsaw certificates, now we knew why. So, we set to cutting down everything that was over six feet tall, or two metres in new money. The other two followed and piled up the resulting branches ready for burning, when it was safe. By mutual consent, I went one way and Ernie went the other. It was back breaking work, because you needed to get low under very prickly branches, in order to get to the main trunk, and cut it a low as possible. That and the weight of the chainsaw, the fact that we were wearing full chainsaw safety gear, of helmet/visor, gloves and heavy trousers, it got very hot, very quickly. By the time of our mid-day break I was ready for it. I ached everywhere didn't know I had places. I found myself handy slope away from the others, the sun was right above me, I took off my gloves and helmet and settles down to eat my sandwiches and enjoy my flask of tea. I was munching away when I noticed that the slope I was on, went down to a natural amphitheatre. In the bowl at the bottom there were about a dozen trees, mainly Willow, and through the middle of this was a small stream. Hmmmm I thought this is nice, I couldn't have picked a more perfect spot. Just the right sort of atmosphere I liked, it wa so peaceful, especially after the noise of the chainsaws. Only a few yards away, people were strolling across the moors or taking their dogs for walks, and they could easily pass this place without knowing it was there. I leaned back on my elbows and drank my tea, and as I looked up from filling my cup again, I could see a dozen or more different coloured ponies appearing from behind the Willows. Now, Dartmoor ponies are all over the place, so I didn't think, how strange, they just added to the whole atmosphere of the place. Two or three of them were looking up towards me, suddenly a very stocky individual came towards me and stopped about 20 feet away. His head, he was obviously male, (if you know what I mean), nodded up and down and he snorted a couple of times, I immediately got the impression he was warning me to stay where I was, I put my hands up automatically, saying, "it's ok matey I'm staying put." He nodded again a couple of times, then turned broadside to me, and baring his teeth, he made that noise in his throat that only horses and ponies could make, and is impossible to put into writing. Anyway, thinking he was reassuring his herd about me, I looked down into the dell to see their reaction, they carried on drinking the water or tearing at the lush grass around the stream. Then two new animals appeared. One minute they weren't there, then they were, without the puff of smoke, that would normally precede something so quick. A ray of sunshine seemed to shoot into the bottom of the dell, and was almost reflected back from the two pure white ponies. Their coats seemed almost part of the suns' rays. Then I noticed that each animal had a horn that was on their foreheads, in between their eyes, level with their ears. This seemed to radiate a rainbow shimmer of it's own, like oil in a puddle, only this was no puddle. I must have been sitting there with my mouth open for quite a while, because the tea in my cup was stone cold, when I remembered it. The two fantastic animals didn't do anything spectacular, nothing magical, just grazed and drank like all the other ponies, and all the time, the stallion stayed in his place, seemingly guarding his herd.
Suddenly they all looked up and slowly drifted away, when I looked up myself, I could see coming over from his area. "Everything alright? I couldn't hear your chainsaw, I thought you might have had a breakdown." I assured him that all was well. When I looked at my watch, I had gone over my lunchbreak by half an hour. I just looked guilty and said I must have dozed off in the sun. He shrugged and went back to where he had been working. I looked around and there was no sign of the ponies, just the peaceful dell. I felt privaliged to have seen, the two Unicorns, and how they were living side by side with the other ponies.
I haven't told anyone this before, but I know what I saw, to me it was as real as I am sitting here, writing this.
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an endearing tale. Beautiful
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I've moved in right beside
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