Footsteps in the Dark
By Richard L. Provencher
- 1084 reads
Finally, Christmas Eve! Moonlight is like a flashlight beam across the sky.
Colin hopped with excitement, one foot tripping over the other. His eyes roamed the sky. Where is Santa’s sleigh?
He also wishes to give a gift to Jason, his best friend. Colin didn’t have any money, so it was soon time to put his plan into action.
Colin worked hard to be good all year. As Christmas came quicker than a train engine, he was even more helpful.
“Yup, finished” he answered dad about his house chores today.
“Did you also check the cat’s food bowl?” mom asked.
“Yup,” he replied.
“Take the garbage out, sport?” dad asked.
It’s sort of a test to see if his parents could find new things for him to do. Because of this Colin hoped Santa was going to be especially good to him this year.
As Colin lay anxiously in bed, the wall clock showed 2 AM. Were those hooves on the roof? Chilled feet slowly slid into a pair of rabbit shaped slippers.
Superman PJ’s kept him warm. Colin stepped into the hallway. Parent snores drifted from a bedroom nearby.
Curtains flapped in his sister’s room. Colin almost stepped on the cat following his feet.
Shadows made creepy shapes as he rested at the top of the stairs. Shivers danced along his back.
His hands scraped against the walls. And the stairs creaked as he tried to move quietly downstairs. Sounds came from the chimney in the living room.
His heart began to pound. Could that be Santa?
Colin moved silently as a bat. He was sure he heard reindeer snorting on the roof.
Someone had turned on the Christmas tree lights. Decorated gifts in all sizes and color spilled from beneath branches. The scent of balsam needles filled the air.
Colin’s “OOH’s” and “AAH’s puffed like a gust of wind across the living room. His eyes were huge like balloons.
So many gifts had his name on them.
Colin took a long time before selecting a special wrapped one. This was to be his gift for Jason. His friend would never know it was from a huge pile Santa brought him.
Colin knew he could share at least one gift.
The stairs creaked even more as scary shadows followed him upstairs. Dad’s ZZZ’s sounded quite noisy. This time the cat screeched as Colin stepped on its tail.
The boy dashed into his room, then dived under the covers.
Sleep was suddenly interrupted when everyone joined in to wake him. They tried singing, yelling then finally shaking him.
“Sleeping in on Christmas morning?” his sister asked. Her open mouth looked like a question mark.
Colin thumped downstairs. He soon wiggled into a good spot and began opening parcels.
Blue and red pieces of wrapping paper flew in all directions. Other presents were covered in green with yellow ribbon. Some of the gifts had purple and red bows.
The pile of paper showed scenes of Santa and his reindeer, even mouse trains pulling parcels. A picture of snowmen, trees, and holly leaves joined the floor pile.
After all the presents were opened, there was a hush in the room. Was something else supposed to take place?
Colin wondered if it had to do with the missing present. No one else knew it was tucked safely under his bed.
He planned on bringing it to Jason later today.
Mom and dad kept making finger signals to each other. Shaking their heads, they searched under the tree and around the room.
They knew something was missing. So did Colin. He now remembered his super cool request from Santa? It was at the top of his Christmas list.
Colin wanted a yellow caboose for his N scale train set. He had received it for his birthday.
Oh…no. Could that be the gift he picked for Jason? Maybe he could give his friend two gifts instead of one.
Too late, all of them were already opened.
He received a red Fire Truck, a model jet plane, a puzzle of Disneyland, new crayons and a Canadian stamp book.
But, he had no yellow caboose.
He tried putting on a happy face. After all, it was Christmas morning. When Colin told his parents what happened, they too were sad.
“That must have been hard to do, son,” said dad.
Mom looked at her boy, with a special smile. “We love you eight more times!” she said.
After breakfast Colin placed a new name on the wrapped ‘caboose’ gift. It said, “For Jason, from your friend, Colin.”
Later, mom and dad waited on the sidewalk as he pressed the buzzer. Jason answered the door and Colin said, “Merry Christmas!” then gave him his gift.
Colin’s parents walked proudly beside their son as they returned home. Yes, thought Colin. Today has been a great Christmas.
© Richard & Esther Provencher
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