Ailoa and Aurora
By Moous
- 638 reads
Ailoa is fae folk; small, petite and graceful. She is blessed with silken auburn hair that touches the tops of her toned thighs, beautiful sapphire eyes set in a small heart shaped face, her skin is porcelain and delicate.
She is married to Michael. He is quiet, handsome and aloof. A warrior among his kind he hunts and protects the fae world from the vicious, cold humans that hate the fae folk.
She lives in a small cottage at the border – where the fae world meets the human world. She lives with her mate, Michael and a variety of pets. One of which is Aurora – small, petulant and outrageously fa- um fluffy.
The small, fluffy, pure-white cat wound around her Ailoas legs. Ailoa glanced down and felt Auroras purr vibrate against her leg. The sound was rich and deep in timbre. Ailoa spoke softly; her voice parting her deep scarlet lips, the sound was sweet like honey, lyrical and pretty.
“Well, hello Miss Aurora; how is my favourite kitty today?”
Auroras emerald eyes gleamed; she had a devilish streak in her and was prone to get into mischief. Ailoa spent the better part of her days rescuing the mischievous cat from various self-made dilemmas. After interpreting the look in the cats’ eyes correctly, Ailoas voice turned stern.
“Just what have you been up to now, my pretty kitty?”
Auroras only response was to adopt a very cat like expression. Ears flickered back against her head, and her tail started twitching like a snake; back and forth it went against the hard wood floor of the living room. She had adopted her defensive pose. It seemed to say ‘I’ve done something very bad, but I do not wish to tell you’.
Ailoa had lived with the petulant little cat for a long time. Aurora had turned up on Ailoas door step a few years back and Ailoa knew her mannerisms as well as she knew her own. She leaned down and scooped the defensive little cat within her arms. She held her tight with one arm and chucked her under the chin; they were now eye to eye.
Aurora had the grace to look slightly ashamed; and Ailoa knew that something was up. She examined Aurora’s maw with a critical eye.
“Is that blood I see, Miss Aurora?”
This earned her a hiss. The cat was difficult and complicated; much like herself; this was part of the reason Aurora had adopted her Ailoa supposed. The cat had recognised similar characteristics and figured she was easier to train than any other Owner.
‘Pffft’ Ailoa thought ‘That’s what she thinks’.
“You better stop that squirming right now, Aurora, or no dinner for you tonight!”
She had hit a nerve. The cat was smart; she knew what side her bread was buttered on, or in her case what can her salmon came from. Aurora lay still in her Owners arms, her expression one of pure innocence. If any a cat was devious – this was the one. Ailoa knew how to get what she wanted though. Any information could be brought from the cat with a few carefully chosen words. Her full lips curved into a sly smile and she walked with gracefully soft steps to the food cupboard; using one hand she opened it and revealed a cupboard filled with delicate delights of salmon and tuna.
Aurora’s eyes widened. Her purr started from deep within her belly like a rumbling motor. Ailoa had her where she wanted now.
“Sweet, pretty kitty wants a treat doesn’t she?” She cooed.
Aurora meow-fed, her eyes trained upon the cans. The humans opened these with handy little metal things. Ailoa carefully placed her upon the floor.
“Is Miss Aurora going to show me what she has been doing this afternoon then?”
Aurora wound around Ailoas legs, before padding softly out of the kitchen. Ailoa bit her lip to prevent a giggle spilling forth. The cat was insatiable but oh so easy to read.
Following her from the room she was just in time to see Aurora’s pudgy haunch disappear out of the lounge room door.
‘Ahhh’ Ailoa thought, ‘She’s been outside today’
She moved quickly, walking on pointed toes out into the garden. In her haste she had forgotten to put on some foot wear. The garden was still damp from the light summer rain that had fallen that morning. She stopped for a moment to breathe in the delicious scents, wet grass and flowers peeking out, the garden was positively flourishing.
She noticed Aurora was at the end of the garden path. Her bright green eyes were watching Ailoa with that calculated intelligence all cats have. She was twitching her tail once more; her impatience at her Owner clearly showing.
Ailoa clucked her tongue at her, her mutter being heard only by the butterflies resting on the grass near to her,
“Rude little minx, has the gall to get impatient with me... Why I never..”
Never the less she hurried down the garden path, her light footsteps slowing when she was a mere few feet away from the cat.
The cat disappeared around the corner and stopped just in front of a large hedge. Its deep jade foliage was thick and lush. Aurora dropped down on her stomach in front of it and proceeded to begin a thorough inspection of her paws. Ailoa cast a glance at the hedge then looked down at her cat.
“I hope you don’t think I’m rummaging around in there, who knows what you have stashed there”
Her eyes widened as she seen the look in Auroras eyes. The cat looked like that was exactly what she did think. Ailoa huffed, her temper beginning to fray at the edges. Muttering to herself about nasty cat habits she dropped down with all the grace of a ballet dancer next to the cat,
“Aurora, you are in a whole bucket load of trouble Miss”
Aurora rolled onto her back, paws splayed in the air, wriggling upon her back in the moss near the hedge, her eyes were closed and her purr was rumbling.
“Little witch. You just wait till you Father arrives home”
Ailoa leant forward, parting the foliage. Her eyes adjusted to the dim light slowly and what she seen caused her temper to erupt. Cross, one of their faerie friends had a bad habit of leaving his human kills under the hedge for Aurora to find.
“I told them you were on a diet! What was Cross thinking!? A fresh human!? Does he realise what this does to your waist line!?”
Aurora darted into the hedge after Ailoa, scooped up a finger in her mouth before turning tail and running back up the garden path. In a flash of white fluff she had disappeared into the house.
Ailoa stood slowly. Michael was going to hear about this; that cat was getting far too... fluffy... around the edges. Their friends had to learn not to spoil Aurora with human treats; Aurora loved the taste of humans and with the carnage that was happening lately between the humans and the faerie folk it was too easy for Aurora to use her feline charm to get more food.
She walked slowly back into the house contemplating a punishment for the little cat – A bath perhaps – that would fix her.
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I better take it easy when
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