Small Wonder

By Silver Spun Sand
Fri, 26 Aug 2011
- 2382 reads
Forty years have flown
since you arrived;
born at home...
the midwife
more intent
on talking football
with your dad
than counting minutes
between contractions.
Then out you came –
making your presence
noisily known
before you even saw
the light of day,
at 3.00 a.m. precisely.
The cord – cut,
but the bond
firmly tied.
Bewildered –
you were.
So very small...
about as small
as I felt then;
out of my depth
in this ‘parenting thing’.
The flutter
of your eyelids,
like butterfly kisses
on my cheek...
as you nuzzled
at my breast.
It took nine
whole months
to give you life,
yet, overnight,
you created a mother,
with your very first breath.
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This is really sweet Tina, a
Permalink Submitted by the unfolding head on
This is really sweet Tina, a nice ending too. Very good!
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So good to have that clear
So good to have that clear memory, and to be able to tell it so clearly and simply. Thank you!
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All mothers will relate to
All mothers will relate to this Tina. I loved it...I also lived in Rainham for short time but then I've lived everywhere!!
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Hi Tina, like coral said,
Permalink Submitted by skinner_jennifer on
Hi Tina,
like coral said, you really brought all those
memories back to me with this beautiful poem,
it seems like only yesterday.
Thankyou for the memory and a great read.
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Permalink Submitted by Cavalcader on
new Silver-Spun-Sand
Tina,many congrats; on the cherries!
A really beautiful poem on memoirs and
preciousness, of babies birth. Much enjoyed.
Always knew she would be a girl, was. Mum with six said "if all round front girl, and back boy right!
Such memories. Waters broke twice. Mine think was 5lb 4oz or 5lb8oz.
Bigger than me, though nappies hung down. Know one states this in books. My legs put in like stirrups up high,possibly as knocked over under shop shade, on way to work then 7 months. Made her two weeks early. Check up mid-wife singing "Knock three times on the ceiling if you want me"? I wondered what was going on?
Blowy breezy day rain and sun in between.
Have a good day
julie xx
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