The Day Before Yesterday, Thirty Years From Tomorrow (Entry 6)
By paulbrec
- 467 reads
I ventured down into the basement of the Faculty of Medicine to investigate the light.
The entire basement of this facility had been converted from a storage area, to a huge laboratory.
There was power to the campus, because about 20 years ago, the university disconnected from the grid, and built their own solar/wind plant. They actually made money selling extra electricity back to the utility company.
In the middle of the room was a long panel with computers, lights, buttons, knobs and switches. At the back of the room were three aluminum chambers that looked like wardrobes.
Two nerdy-looking people, one male and a female, were standing behind the panel as I walked in.
They turned, and the female said, "Hi. A visitor. Welcome."
"Ummmm...hello.", I said, not sure what to think.
"Would you help us?", The woman said politely.
"Ahhhhhh, maybe...that depends..."
"We need to test our invention. All you have to do is step into the middle chamber."
"Okay, what is going to happen? Is this thing going to make another arm grow out of my chest?"
Then the man spoke, "Well you know how every person really has two personalities? We have a good side and an evil side. This device will use DNA to replicate your body into two different physical people. Then split your personality between the two physical bodies. There would be a Nice You and an Evil You."
"What is the purpose of this?"
"Well, we were hoping that if we can extract the evil from every person, we would only have nice people."
"That makes sense, but why me? Can one of you not do it?"
"It takes both of us to run the machine."
I was really not sure what to think, but so far these two seemed harmless, and their machine made sense.
"Okay", I said, I will try your little invention.
They seemed excited, maybe a bit too excited,"Oh, good. Step into the middle chamber."
I stepped into the wardrobe, as the two began playing with a bunch of controls on the panel.
After a few seconds, the machine began to hum, and then there was a bright light, then nothing. I had lost all senses.
After what seemed like only a few seconds, but was actually 93 minutes, my senses returned, and I found myself looking out from the chamber at the two scientists.
I stepped out, and they did not look happy.
"What happened?", I asked.
"You are still here", she said.
"Well, your duplicates are there, but so are you. Your original should be gone.", he said.
"Excuse me? Thanks a lot!", I said firmly. That was kind of an offensive statement.
I turned to look at the other chambers. On the left was apparently Good Me, and the right was Evil Me, who had apparently disappeared.
"Oh, no", the male scientist said, "Evil You is gone."
"Great, so I guess I have to find him?"
Both looked at me as if to say, 'Yes'.
Crap. I had a feeling this was going to be an interesting night.
I began wandering through the tunnels beneath the university, looking for my evil double. In the meantime, Good Me also decided to wander off.
I spent the majority of the night looking for Me's. This is something nobody ever dreams would happen. Spending a whole night looking for yourself, times two.
I heard some screaming, so I found the stairs, and went up into a room full of dentist chairs. There, strapped to one of the chairs, was Good Me. Evil Me was finding new ways to use a dentist's drill.
Evil Me saw me walk in, and immediately dropped the drill, and took off into the hall.
I ran to Good Me to offer assistance, "Are you okay?"
Good me said, "Oh, yes Brother. I am fine. Brother Evil wanted to learn how to be a dentist and I was helping him. He really is a nice guy. He had a problem will the drill. He accidentally drilled into my face. Then he accidentally drilled into my kneecap. Bless him.
"Oh.", I said in a disappointed voice.
"Are you not going to release me from here, Brother?", Good Me said.
"Ummmmmmmm...No.", I said, and headed for the door after Evil.
"Oh, Bless you Brother. I know you are busy right now, but you will come back later. Thank you, Brother.", Good Me was saying as I left the room.
By this time, it was starting to get light out, as I went chasing Evil throughout the campus.
The deserted halls really echoed a lot of sounds, so I could hear Evil's footsteps. I chased him for a few minutes, until the footsteps suddenly stopped. That meant that once again guessing where he was.
I ran, as fast as I could, through an empty hallway, until it ended at a huge lobby.
This lobby had all white walls, they used to be. There was a reception desk, and an office at the far end. Above, on the wall was a sign painted directly on the wall. The paint was fading and peeling, so it was hard to read. I could barely make out, "FACULTY OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION & ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE".
There was a double glass door leading to the left and another off of the right. Oh, no, which one? I decided to go left.
I burst through the doors, and the first thing I noticed was another set of double doors that were open, and I saw through the doors an Olympic-sized pool. It was full of a rather gross green water. It looked like some kind of moss floating on it. Beyond the abandoned pool, I heard some rustling. That must be Evil Me!
I ran through the pool area, through a janitor's room, and out the other side to a hallway with classrooms on either side.
I heard a rustling in the classroom just ahead to the left. I approached carefully, then peeked carefully around the open door. There was a classroom with high counters and stools, and a bunch of different posters on the wall depicting the different muscle groups of the human body.
There, sitting on one of the counters was Evil Me. He had his hand in a black plastic container. The label on the container had the chemical compound symbol "C4H9N3O2."
It was a purple powder, and he was eating it raw right out of the container. He was chewing it, and purple dust emitted from his mouth with every chew.
He saw me, and dropped the container, as purple powder spilled all over. He then reached back and grabbed another full container, and threw it at me. Then another, and another. I attempted to block the attack with my arms, and by crouching behind the desks and stools. There was a whole stack of these containers, and the assault continued, until I decided to charge him. He then picked up a full bucket of protein powder, and threw that. It bounced off a table, and onto the floor. Then he ran out the back door into another hallway behind the classroom.
I was once again chasing Evil Me through this maze of hallways.
I ran to near the end of the hall, where there was painted on the wall in red on white background, the word "COMBAT" with two pictograms, one of a boxer and one of a wrestler. Then a long red arrow pointing to a broken glass door at the very end of the hall.
I reard a 'ratta-tap-ratta-tap-ratta-tap' coming from that room, so I went to investigate.
I climbed through the broken door, and scanned the room. There were wrestling mats, and various wrestling and boxing gear scattered on the floor. A couple of of heavy bags, and then near the back, a boxing ring. Next to the ring was a speed bag that was still swinging.
Crap. He's in here.
I walked towards the ring, and then looked around the area of the speed bag.
Suddenly I heard a sound from behind me. I spun around, and there was Evil Me with boxing gloves on. He said with evil laughter, "Sucker punch!"
He nailed me on the chin. After that everything went black...
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