Forging Words of the Soul: An Explanation of Free-Writing
By Chinobus
- 552 reads
If no one has noticed or taken a few punches at my work when it comes to my editing finesse, it is quite ascertained that a majority of my works were written on the fly; loaded in a game of russian roleutte. Sometimes I think my work is genius while you may think its moronic. Then it shifts the other way when you think its outstanding and I find it pitiful. Free-writing is a dangerous form of writing when you reach into the furnace of your own being and or personality then splattering those words onto the page for the whole world to see in its white hot glory. Maybe it will be a masterfully crafted prose or maybe it will be a half assed poem or two. Life is like writing, you place your day in but usually get jack shit from it afterwards unless you luck out and win the lottery. When I write in free-writing mode all that I am is in it to win it. The good, bad, emotional, or cynical hatred mixes into my work and creates an original piece that loses its shine if tampered with too much. It is a really hard skill to learn and even harder to practice since the inner voice in my head is always ranting about going this way instead of that way and yet some of the greatest revelations have manifested themselves when I look back at it all. Everything I write is not just about me. It is all about how I perceive the moment and existence itself as it revolves infinitely around me. What is experienced in a day, in a week, or a lifetime all contributes to the prose at hand so it gives the reader a chance to interperate itself in its own ways and hows. You can't get gold from alchemy and money definitely does not grow on trees unless its printed by the mint. My writing is a statement, a gift to the readers to take my work as a gift to share with oneself or anyone who needs to walk a mile in somones shoes. These stories are the height of reality and personal/public experiences I have accumulated over a long period of time. Take what you can, absorb the meaning, and forget the rest writing friends.
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