Home Read Write Forums Blogs Larry and Mick Become Architectural Archaeologists in Antarctica By pepsoidTue, 19 Feb 2013 450 reads "Keep digging!" said Larry. "Keep your hair on," said Mick. They dug beneath the snow and revealed an interesting structural formation. "What is it?" said Larry. "An ancient karzy," said Mick. "Keep digging," said Larry. [ fin ] Certificate UStoryTales of Larry and MickHumour Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments
Larry and Mick Become Architectural Archaeologists in Antarctica By pepsoidTue, 19 Feb 2013 450 reads "Keep digging!" said Larry. "Keep your hair on," said Mick. They dug beneath the snow and revealed an interesting structural formation. "What is it?" said Larry. "An ancient karzy," said Mick. "Keep digging," said Larry. [ fin ] Certificate UStoryTales of Larry and MickHumour Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments