Not THIS again .. !
By denni1
- 1117 reads
What a dilemma. I am absolutely stuck. It's doing my nut in, actually.
I managed to entice Accident Andy out of his reclusivity, lying about me desperate for a top quality paint job l know he's more than capable of. If you remember, he disappeared out of my life last August and l quickly realised just how clingy and needy l'd become. Remember?
So after a few rebound dates here an' there, then me deciding l'll be a celibate old maid, l found myself racking my brain how to get in touch, without seeming stalkery-like.
Right, get this bloomin' house sorted out, big Andy style.
Dyu know what it reminds me of? All that dropping of the hankie, showing the ankles and swooning with the smelling salts in hand.
To cut a long story an' all that, we've progressed swimmingly. He's trapped stuck in quicksand with his PTSD, grieving, living in the time before his accident. l know l can't push, however it's hard to see someone you love withering away, but still big and gorgeous. l could weep at how much of a waste this debilitating illness has robbed him the majority of his senses.
We are bombing around B@Q, discussing new door nobs and flappy-out-or-tucky-in letterbox styles, matt gloss, or satin non drip or wotever they're calling it these days. What's our relationship called these days, hmm?
l'm going to hing aboot as he is definitely changed, a changling. I can see that those six months or so apart have helped out. He's got no job, no dough, so what the hell have l put up with for all these years? I keep hoping his love tank will pop back to his heart.
Or maybe it's ME that's changing ..
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Really like this Denni, you
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I'll keep my fingers crossed
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I quite like it apart from
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Lovely piece, cocka.
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I liked this Denni, your
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I hope things work out,
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I'm the one who's
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