Dwellers of the New World Chapter Nine ( Pt 13 ) The Ocean People
By skinner_jennifer
- 2480 reads
There were only three small cottages in the bay, each one had a small area of land at the back, for growing food and keeping the horses, but it was mostly grass and rock, then the beach.
The horses grazed and were free to roam anywhere in the bay, though they never wandered far, preferring to stay where they felt safe, well fed and watered.
With all the commotion, the people from the other two cottages, came out to see what was going on, they were not used to seeing so many wagons parked up.
A tall burly man appeared from one of the other cottages, sauntering up to the two men. “What's going on Korben?” he enquired.
Korben turned to his neighbour. “Ah! Good day Vidarr...you remember Brad, don't you?”
“Yeah...sure I do,” said Vidarr, “you came out fishing with us, I remember you helped to catch many fish.” A grin crossed his face, pleased to see an old friend.
As the men were getting acquainted again, Vidarr's family appeared.
“Brad...you remember my wife Brenna and my daughter Anna?”
The child put her hand out, as Brad bent down and shook it. “Anna...you've really grown, how are you?”
Anna smiled, remembering Brad's voice, she touched his face for she was blind and could only make out sounds and touch. “I'm fine Brad,
ma...ma said you would come back to visit us one day, now here you are, it's good to see you.” She gave Brad a hug.
Another man and woman appeared from the third cottage, but Brad didn't recognise them.
Brad turned to Korben. “What happened to the old couple that lived there?”
Korben's face saddened. “I'm afraid Alaric and Hildy passed away two winters ago, I think the chill of the season became too much for them.
But this is Egill and Cecily, their daughter Neala and their four sons,
Daniel, Kegan, Quinn and Tomas.”
Brad always felt so welcomed by these people, he realised he'd left it far too long before visiting.
After all the introductions, Korben turned to his neighbours, who were stunned to see so many wagons, then he said. “Brad was wondering if we wouldn't mind him and his friends setting up camp here, just for today and tonight if it's okay with you all, I thought they could camp up just outside our cottages.”
Egill spoke to Korben, unsure of whether it was such a good idea. “We don't know these people, who are they...where do they come from?”
Korben assured Egill that Brad was a good man, any friends of Brad's
were friends of theirs. “I'm sure Brad wouldn't put us in any kind of danger, let's just give them a chance.”
Brad kept quiet about Cinnamon, not wishing to give them any reason to doubt what Korben said.
In the end Egill and Cecily agreed, on the condition that at the first signs of trouble they should leave.
Brad thanked them, saying their shouldn't be any trouble and that they just needed to rest.
Korben went with Brad to inform the travellers that they could stay, but with the conditions.
Rue rounded all the travellers together, even Cinnamon was awake and wanted to know what was going on.
Once they were assembled, Brad spoke. “Friends...I want you all first to know how much I appreciate your kindness towards me and my son.
This is my friend Korben, he has kindly agreed to let us stay in the bay. I've told him that you will all comply and have consideration for the people who live here and that all we want is a safe place to rest. I hope you will all respect the conditions.”
Everyone agreed and most said they just wanted to sleep, they were also desperate to get back to the forest.
So it was agreed. The families climbed back up on their wagons, driving the horses down to the front of the cottages, where they settled for the day.
Where's Cinnamon?
After staying the night at Ivan's and Meradith's because of the storm, Cinnamon's parents Lena, Jacob and the children, Rune, Brook and Daisy returned to their cabin the next morning.
They had presumed that Cinnamon had decided to stay at home
because of the storm, instead of coming over to Meradith's, but then finding the place empty and the fire nearly out, they started to think that maybe she'd already gone to work at the barracks.
“I wonder why Cinnamon's let the fire go down so far?” declared Lena. All that was left, were some weak embers, amongst the ashes.
“Perhaps she overslept and went straight to work.” answered Jacob.
They both set to work getting the cabin warm and cosy again. Jacob went out to collect some firewood, while Meradith lit some candles from the embers of the fire. Some she put in the windowsill, as it was still quite cloudy out and some she placed on the wooden table.
As soon as the fire was stoked up, Lena started to prepare the food for the day, there was much to do, first she started on making some bread,
while Jacob took the children out to feed the goats and chickens they kept.
It was Jacob's day off and he'd planned to take the children down to the river for some fishing, but the chores came first.
As the children were feeding the chickens, they had a visit from Rosa, Cinnamon's friend from the barracks. “Hi...is Cinnamon there?” she enquired of the children.
Brook was the first one to speak. “We ain't seen her, we've been away all night. Hang on...I'll just go get father.” Brook raced off around the back, where Jacob was milking the goats.
“Father Rosa's here...she wants to speak to Cinnamon.”
Jacob was surprised and slightly worried. He put down the bucket, wiping his hands and made his way round the side of the cabin.
“Hello Rosa...what can I do for you?” he asked.
Rosa looked confused and started to speak. “Well sir...I was just wondering where Cinnamon was, only she never turned up for work
this morning. Cook sent me to find out if she was ill, or something.”
“I don't understand...you mean you haven't seen her all morning?”
“No sir,” said Rosa, feeling slightly awkward.
Now Jacob was really worried. He quickly took the children and Rosa in doors and sat them down at the table. “Lena...we have a problem.”
“What is it?” exclaimed his wife, seeing Rosa.
“Cinnamon didn't turn up for work this morning and we don't have any idea where she is, which means some things happened to her.”
Lena sitting down at the table, was beside herself with worry. Jacob went and put his arm around her to give some comfort, but he knew until she was found, there was little he could do to make her feel better.
After telling Rosa to inform cook that their daughter wasn't at home and that they didn't know where she was, the girl left, with a cloud of depression hanging over her.
Jacob would have to go out and start looking. First thing he would need to do, was round up some of his neighbours, to help search for his
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Another enjoyable read
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Everybody's worst
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As jolono quite rightly
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New to me but the quality of
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I'm still on your tail, Jenny
I'm still on your tail, Jenny.,
Sorry not to comment on each one but I am desperately trying to catch up with everyone and I don't want you to get so far ahead that I think I will never catch up.
I'm loving this story and I think you should have the confidence to try to get it published. If not have you ever thought of going into business by listing new babies names. I can see teachers of the future calling register
'Vardon?' 'Present'
'Cinnamon?' 'Present'
'Rue?' 'Present'
'Kadlin?' Kadlin?'
'Corben?' Corben?'
' He's off sick, Miss.'
Keep it going, Jenny, I will get there,
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