Home Read Write Forums Blogs Mrs Muhulu and the Trumping Triffid of Truro By pepsoidTue, 01 Oct 2013 627 reads "Golly," said Mrs Muhulu, as the massive marauding magnolia paused, lifted a root and parped. (Too many pasties, thought Mrs Muhulu.) Certificate UStoryMysterious Moments of Mrs MuhuluHumour Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments
Mrs Muhulu and the Trumping Triffid of Truro By pepsoidTue, 01 Oct 2013 627 reads "Golly," said Mrs Muhulu, as the massive marauding magnolia paused, lifted a root and parped. (Too many pasties, thought Mrs Muhulu.) Certificate UStoryMysterious Moments of Mrs MuhuluHumour Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments