Dwellers of the New World Chapter Twelve ( Pt 8 ) In Shock

By skinner_jennifer
- 4721 reads
Varden lay motionless as the others surrounded him. Jay pushed his way through, telling them to give the boy some air.
“What can you do for him?” Whispered Bracus, worried that they would be heard by the creature.
“I'm a healer and the boy needs to breathe...everyone go back to your seats.” Jay loosened the boys clothing and brushed his hair out of his eyes.
The children returned crying and scared and wondering what fate had in store for them.
Very softly Jay shook the boy to bring him round. “Varden! Boy,” he murmured gently. “Can you hear me?”
Varden opened his eyes and stared at the man, a look of fear returning.
“Quick!” cried Jay. “Get some water for the boy.” Jay sat Varden up and rested him against the wall of the hull. “You've had a nasty shock and need to sit quietly.”
Ben brought the cup of water over and Varden drunk the cooling liquid which helped him, but then he remembered the incident and tears filled his eyes. “It was horrible...I've never seen anything like that before and never want to again.” Varden started to explain to Jay about the beast and the poor crew man.
As the ship carried on drifting with the waves throwing the Flying Fish forward, it began to rain heavily lashing the deck.
Below Bracus called for hush. “Shh! no one make a sound,” he muttered softly. The silence seemed never ending, even the children had stopped their crying.
As Bracus listened, worried that they had completely gone off course, the creature slithered on to the deck, listening for any vibrations that would let it know that there were more humans alive, even though they were not visible.
Bracus could sense the Drip Worm's presence as its powerful...slippery body glided across the roof of the hull.
The big man put his hand up, as his eyes adjusted to the dimness below. Putting his finger to his lips for absolute hush. No one moved, their bodies ridged with fear.
The Drip Worm became bored after a while, as heavy-eyed it slithered back into the water, drowsy with tiredness and a need to get back to the ocean bed. The night sky was now in full darkness, as still the wind whipped the waves up high.
It felt like the ship was cursed, as some of the occupants tried to sleep. Not daring to lift the door to the hull, they waited as the savage gales continued, it was like they were in a vortex. Cinnamon bit her bottom lip thinking that they would be sucked down onto the ocean bed.
As they waited and waited, eventually the rain eased off and the wind seemed to calm down slightly. Bracus was still not sure whether to go up on deck to check the damage. The creature could be waiting, but he also knew that the night time deterred the creature from staying awake for too long.
Feeling brave, Bracus boldly lifted the door slightly and peered out through a slight crack, not wishing to fully open it just in case. All seemed calm, apart from a slight breeze which was the end of the storm. It was still dark, though the murky blanket that had shrouded them had drifted away, a few stars could be seen between the cracks in the clouds.
Happy now that all was clear, he ordered his men to check out the damage. Some of the sails were torn and needed repairing, whilst the upper edge of the side of the ship where the creature had taken the crew member had been damaged, also the rail had cracked and part of it lay on the deck, but these were all minor repairs that could be fixed.
Bracus could see death rock in the far distance, leaving the acid zone far behind. If not for the one crew member being taken, they were all now safe.
Bracus rubbed his belly, then gave his order to Jason. “I'm hungry...tell cook to prepare some food for me and the others, all this commotion has given me an appetite...Oh and tell those two men Jay and Ben that I need to speak to them.”
“Yes Sir...right away Sir.” Jason rushed off back down into the hull, feeling glad of something to do, to take his mind off what had just happened. It upset him to think that his friend had been taken by the Drip Worm. One minute they had been talking and the next he was gone, it was all too distressing for Jason.
Cook was preparing some food in a huge pot, slicing in carrots, potatoes and onions. Although the men didn't eat that much hot food on board the ship, this was one occasion, where everyone was so distraught after loosing a member of crew, that food was a comfort at such a harrowing time.
“Peco! Peco!” Jason called out to cook, as he climbed back down into the hull.
“What's all panic about? You looks like yer about to bust a gasket.”
“It's a message from Bracus...he do want some food, like right now...was his orders.” Jason was out of breath as he spoke.
“Well...you tell the Master that food will be right up just as soon as it's ready. Now run along and let old Peco finish his cooking.”
Jason gazed over at Ben and Jay, realising that they'd both looked really worried and scared as they sat with Varden. “Hey you two!” He called out to the two men.
Both Ben and Jay looked up, wishing they were anywhere but on this ship and almost regretting their decision to sail.
“Yeah...what is it?” replied Ben nervously.
“Bracus wants to see you up on deck...he needs to talk to you, he don't seem too pleased either, so be prepared.”
“Well I wonder what the Master wants!” Ben and Jay stood up and walked over to the entrance, climbing the stairs to the deck.
Bracus was in his quarters sat at his table deep in thought, when the two men knocked. “Come in!” Called the big man, his fingers clasped together, fidgeting with his thumbs. As Ben and Jay entered, Bracus stared at the two men. “Ah...thank you for coming to see me. As you know I've lost a member of my crew...James was a good man and a hard worker, but now I've lost a healer.”
Both Ben and Jay stared at each other, wondering where this conversation was going.
Bracus spoke again. “I've heard on the grapevine that one of you is a Priest, which means that you are a healer too...is this true?”
Jay spoke up, hoping that he wouldn't be thrown over board, because he knew not everyone agreed with the Priest hood and their beliefs.
“Why do you want to know?” Enquired Jay.
Bracus tapped his fingers on the desk feeling agitated. “I would have thought it pretty obvious that now James has gone, I need another healer to take his place, so I'm asking if one of you will stand in for him on this journey?”
Jay felt a lot more comfortable knowing that he was needed and smiled at Bracus. “Of course I'll be the healer on your ship and yes, if you have what I need then I can heal people.”
“Good...good, that's sorted then,” declared Bracus. “I'll get one of the crew to show you where James keeps his medicines. There was a pause, then Bracus spoke again. “Just one more thing.”
“Yes what is it?” uttered Jay.
“Well it's like this, me leg's throbbing and swollen, it be making me irritable, what do you suggest?”
Jay asked to take a look at the big man's leg. As Bracus lifted his leg and placed it on the table, Jay removed his boot and lifted the material that covered his leg, It was inflamed and swollen. “I need to see what medicines James has got...if you can show me.”
Bracus immediately took his leg from the table and put his boot back on, getting up from his seat, he led the two men out and across the deck, to where his right hand man was at the helm. “Jason...take Jay here and show him where James kept the medicines.”
“Yes Sir...right away.” As Jason led the two men down below, Bracus took the wheel and wondered how long it would be before they would be at their destination. 'A couple of more days and we should be at Wild Whistling Isle...that's if we don't come up against any more unexpected problems.'
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Twelve ( Pt 9 ) A Healer is needed | ABCtales
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came to this a bit late Jenny
came to this a bit late Jenny. I'm assuming it's some sort of space ship? (modelled on sail ships of old)? Plenty of incidents to keep the reader ticking along. Hope to read more.
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A slightly calmer chapter
A slightly calmer chapter this one, Jenny, although I did begin to wonder at the start of it. Especially as the little room I sit in to do my work at the computer has a cupboard through which the wind is really howling this evening, so I was providing my own sound-effects, in a way
I shall so look forward to reading on, so I hope you don't make me wait too long.
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Just a couple of paragraphs
Just a couple of paragraphs of this story and I am right there (with Tina) on board feeling the wind and the air - with the nasty Drip worms. Good read as usual Jenny.
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Just popped back to say, well
Just popped back to say, well done on the more than deserved cherries, Jenny.
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Another great read that I
Another great read that I really enjoyed. I can't wait to make land and see what you have in store for us on Wild Whistiling Isle. Have you ever thought of writng holiday brochures? I wouldl love to read what you would say about Torquay!
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Nice turn
Well things are finally turning their way, bad times bring out the best in people, well plotted brings things right along in a logical fashion, well written good read, good job
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