Dwellers of the New World Chapter Twelve ( Pt 9 ) A Healer is needed
By skinner_jennifer
- 3945 reads
A huge wooden chest lay on the floor at the stern of the ship, carefully Jay lifted the heavy oak lid which read...'ship's apothecary,' inside he discovered some small wooden boxes, each one was inscribed with the name of the contents and had partitions. “Look at these Ben...there must be about a hundred different ingredients...it's a healers collection of treasures.”
Ben smiled knowing the idea of having so many ingredients at his disposal, was a dream come true for Jay. “So...do you think you can help Bracus?” Ben enquired studying the contents.
“For certain...I can help him.” Jay took out one of the boxes. On the side it read...Witch Hazel leaves. Taking some out, he placed them in a wooden bowl and took it over to where Peco was cooking. “Could I have some boiling water to pour on these leaves?” Jay enquired of the cook.
Peco looked at him strangely, scratching his head. “What you gonna do with those leaves then?” The cook did not realise that the man was a healer and a Priest.
Jay smiled and told Peco that he was going to make a rub for Bracus's leg which would bring down the swelling.
“You better be right...Bracus ain't one for pain, he takes it out on his crew.” Pecco lifted some of the water he was boiling and poured a small amount into the bowl of leaves.
When finally the water cooled down and was just at the right temperature, both men went back up on deck. Bracus shivered as he stared out to sea, the temperature had dropped and he was eager for some warm food. He saw the two men coming and called out to them. “Is that me food you be carrying in yer hands?”
“No sorry,” replied Jay. “But I've got some liquid to rub on your leg, which should bring the swelling down...hopefully.” Jay could not be absolutely sure how serious the leaders injured leg was.
Bracus called out to Jason who was busy up on the rigging tightening the ropes to the main sail.
Cupping his hands together, he yelled up to the man. “Jason me boy come down, I need you to steer the ship while I get me leg seen too.”
“Ain't there anyone else that can steer? I got me hands full,” he shouted back. Jason didn't like steering, he preferred to be doing something constructive and was quite high up the rigging enjoying the view and humming a tune.
Bracus looked around, turning his attention on Jason's brother Varg, who was sat at the stern filing some wooden spears. “Varg...stop what yer doing and come and take over the wheel,” he bellowed.
Varg was terrified of Bracus and didn't like the big man yelling at him. Quickly he put the spear down and rushed to attention, unlike his brother who couldn't really care less what the big man said.
Varg stared at the two men, wondering exactly who they were and why they were on board. Bracus ordered him to stay at the wheel until he returned.
Ben and Jay followed the leader back to his quarters, feeling how much the temperature had gone down, they wondered how much further it would be to Wild Whistling Isle. Bracus broke their chain of thought, as he enquired how Varden was doing?
“The boy's fine, but just needs to rest and eat something,” declared Jay. “He's had a nasty shock...I imagine he will be having nightmares of what happened for a while.”
“The boy's in good hands with you I'm sure,” Bracus remarked. “So...what's this concoction you have for my leg?” The big man eyed the bowl of liquid.
“I've boiled up some Witch Hazel leaves; which should ease the swelling and stop the inflammation.” Jay placed the bowl on the table, while Bracus took his boot off and rolled his trouser up. The leaves were cooling on his inflamed skin as Jay massaged the liquid in.
“So...how long have you been a healer?” The big man enquired as he sat in his chair, the cooling liquid pleasant on his skin.
“Well...to be honest I can't remember a time when I wasn't a healer, it's as if I've always been interested in nature and its healing gifts from the earth. We all have the gift, but some don't know how to channel their energy into healing.”
Jay paused and thought about Fern. “I think it all began when I was a boy...my sister was always telling me about the different flowers and their uses. We used to climb trees and she would know the names of each one, it was our Mother who taught my sister all she knew. Then I decided to follow the other Priests who were spreading the word of peace throughout the lands, I gave up everything to follow them and never looked back.”
Bracus wasn't sure he understood, not really knowing what Jay was talking about. His life had been at sea, he knew the ocean well, but the land was foreign to him and didn't really hold any connections.
“Well...I think that's all I can do for now,” Jay declared, bringing Bracus out of his thoughts. Just at that moment one of the crew members appeared in the doorway. “What is it Brigs?” enquire Bracus, annoyed that the man hadn't knocked first.
Brigs was tall and slim, with blonde hair that was swept back in a pony tail. He wore the usual sailing garb, of knee length breeches and a sacking top tied at the waist with some rope. He had been born on his father's sailing vessel and was named after his father's ship.
Brig's mother had been a stowaway, coming on board the ship dressed as a cabin boy. When his father discovered she was a girl and not a boy, he'd fallen in love with her, but she had been taken by the ocean in a bad storm and the boy had been brought up by his father, learning everything he needed to know. One day Brigs had visions of owning his own ship, but for now he worked on any vessel that would have him.
Brigs announced that Jason had seen land faintly in the distance, although it was still quite a way off. He also brought in a big bowl of stew, which he placed on the table.
Bracus couldn't believe it, “land already! no wonder it's getting colder, that 's good news and we're making good time too. Okay everyone out, let me eat this food while it's still hot, then we'll have to prepare for the next part of the journey.”
Jay, Ben and Brigs left Bracus to his stew and went back out on deck staring out to sea, but still unable to see land. “How come we can't see land?” Enquired Ben, inquisitive as to why he couldn't sight what Jason could see.
“It be the second sight,” replied Brigs. “Jason can see land before it comes into vision...he uses his senses, that's why Bracus lets him keep watch.”
The wind seemed to be with them carrying the ship to its destination. “We'll be making good time and as we get nearer to Wild Whistling Isle, the gales will pick up and will continue to blow...it's always bad weather on the Island, especially as Winter isn't far off.”
Brig's announcement gave Ben and Jay the shivers as to what to expect, but at least now they were closer to finding Evelyne and Nathen.
As the men carried on talking, they made their way below to where the smell of the food drifted throughout the hull, unaware that a really bad storm was heading towards them.
dwellers of the New World Chapter Twelve ( Pt 10 ) Sad Losses | ABCtales
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Jason didn't like steering
Jason didn't like steering [delete in shoud be unless he had to]. He preferred...
I'm just dipping in and out, but stick with it and bring everyone home.
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Another absorbing chapter,
Another absorbing chapter, Jenny.
Your mention of Witch Hazel brought back childhood memories for me, and as I sat here at my computer, I could almost smell it...in its little brown bottle. My mum always used to put some on my cuts and bruises when I was a kid, and I, in turn, used to treat my own children's knocks and scrapes with it too.
Shall look forward to the next chapter, to find out exactly how bad that storm in the offing turns out to be
Hope you have a peaceful Sunday evening.
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I am, thank you, Jenny...all
I am, thank you, Jenny...all the better with hearing from you
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Oh, I've gone off the idea of
Oh, I've gone off the idea of Wild Whistling Isle if the weather is always bad. I think we have had enough of that here. Have you not got a nice hot and sunny isle in your imagination that you could let us all enjoy? One that is so beautiful and makes us all so happy that Drip Worms won't go anywhere near. No? Okay I'll just have to wait and see what you have in store for us with the next instalment. So pleased I have at last caught up and I am also delighted that you let us all share your imagination.
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Bracus is lucky
So they want to heal Bracus, how nice for him, its a wonder they don't throw him over board, I'm sure the drip worms would love to have go at him, Well done, good dialogue.
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