
By Bee
- 25396 reads
When I started out on this site I noticed a few poets that I then tended to follow because I liked their styles. The first was Silver Spun Sand with her delicate details of unique description. There was Bear, whose poems often seemed to me, rather obscure and needed thinking about. I liked that and so I thought about them a lot and then made comments based on erroneous conclusions, which he graciously accepted without making me feel too foolish for having got it wrong. And then there was Rhiannon. I loved her heartfelt poems - especially those on the subject of nature, taking us with her on special outings to her local beauty spots. I found these trips really refreshing - and so I started to follow her, too.
At the same time as discovering and following the work of these and other writers on the site, I was also posting poems of my own and loving the comments I received. If truth be told, I also loved getting emails. And of course, you get loads - not only when someone comments on your poem, but replies to your comments on other writers work. And then there's the comments other writers make on the work you commented on, and so on. And so, the more you comment, the more emails you get. I read them all.
I noticed very quickly that Biggus posted three pieces every day. There was something sort of reliable about the fact that no matter what, he'd always be there, and so I started to follow him. And there was denni - she always cheered me with her fun and honesty. I started reading Linda Wigzell Cress, and guess what, I started following her too, along with Denzella, Jenny and jolono, Stan and celticman. Canonette and VeraClark, I couldn't miss, nor Parson Thru, the lovely hudsonmoon , Luigi and Elsie Katz. And scratch. Ed Crane has always been a favourite of mine. Where are you, by the way?
Last year, I attended my first abc meeting to listen to writers reading their work. It was a great evening and my husband, John and I were lucky enough to get to share table with RJF who was reading some of her work that night, and her friend, Julie who had come along to keep her company. So now I follow RJF who is currently posting chapters of her novel - a great story which I am enjoying immensely.
I always try to read the works of prettyrose who knows just how to make me smile and keep on writing, and more recently, Starfish Girl and JeanD. What has happened to the day? It seems to slip away without me noticing.
At first I tried to fit in all my reading, commenting and replying by getting up an hour early, or going to bed an hour later, and then both. I had to pack in my job in the end to allow myself more time to keep up - (well, I was going to quit the job in any case and take a break to try and write something, but to be honest, I don't really have the time to write much any more).
I hardly dare to look at the site incase I find something else - someone else I might be forced to follow. Like this morning, I read a piece by TJW, and was hooked. The same thing happened the other day - I started reading a piece by TFH and was blown away. If you haven't already discovered him, I recommend you look out and read his stories as soon as possible. He read at the last London meeting and it was a real treat. It was so great to hear everybody read their work and I was also happy because even though we were a little late arriving, we got to sit at the same table as RJF and friend again.
So what am I complaining about? Well, it's not that I want people to write less, or for less people to write. What I would like is for more people to write less interesting material so that I won't feel compelled to keep on reading it. And it's getting worse. By that, I mean it's getting better and better and I can't keep up. I'm now thinking of getting someone to take on half my reading load and perhaps comment for me, but it will be difficult to find someone convincing enough - with my ability to misconstrue and read too much into what normal people seem to understand without any trouble at all.
So please!!! Have a care and either cut back on the posting, or if that's not possible, make it less worthwhile. I can't take any more.
Bee x
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Bee, you are a lovely busy
Bee, you are a lovely busy Bee. Elsie
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How could you tell whether
How could you tell whether the material is less interesting unless you read it? The problem in my opinion lies with number of daily postings and I noticed that one of your pleas is to reduce them. I concur with that sentiment: the more the contributions, the less the chance of everything being read. I tend to post one piece at the time and not every day. To save time I ignore most of the prose, which is a pity as there are loads of brilliant prose writers on this site. To compound the problem I also follow another writers' website and unless I am glued to the PC all day long I cannot keep up. Could the length of comments be another cause for complaint? (Says he with tongue-in-cheek).
Best, Luigi
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Agreed on all of this Bee
Agreed on all of this Bee save Biggus.
By the way what happened to Julie? (Cavalcaderl?) She was such a treat an old darling, her writing was always very refreshing. Yes, some poets are kind of addictive hey? One follows them with a kind of grim fascination.
Keep well! Tom
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Thank you Bee, for follwoing me :)))))
Hi Bee, I hope you have managed to do something else today, and I do know what you mean Bee, I came on here over an hour and half ago, to put some little poems, and 'My Thought Of The moment' up and ended up reading and commenting lol. Which I always love to do, with so so many talented, and nice writiers here, but cannot always do and for long due to my darn rusty bones lol, i have been on and off 4 times and still not put my work up lol.
But if I were to complain hehe, it would be more a suggestion, is that it would be nice to have a 'instant' messaging service, so we could chat in real time about allsorts, one to one,only because I like to chat lol,' But please no one have a go, it was not a complaint.
And regarding my work, I appreciate you reading them and giving me a mention in your log above.
Take care
Keep Smiling
Keep Writing xxx
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I know Bee :))
I know Bee, and like Tina it made me smile straight from the start, its just me, I can write for England And go totally off track lol.
Take care
Trish x
Keep Smiling
Keep Writing xxx
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Good afternoon Bee
Good afternoon Bee
i know what you mean, I think I'll just read a few things but then get sidetracked. I do prefer prose but poetry is uaually shorter so I do get to read more of that. When you add on the need to read comments a good chunk of the day seems to have gone.
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Bee...this one really made me
Bee...this one really made me smile And as for Julie (Tom Brown was wondering where she had got to) I have noticed her logged in, occasionally, over the last few months, but as far as I can see she's not posting, nor commenting. It could be she is having problems with the new site layout, etc., so I do intend to drop her a line and make sure she is OK.
Oh, and Bee... If I was compiling such a list of addictive must reads, you'd be right up there at the top And thinking about it, so would Jenny...although I have rather missed her of late...I shall drop her a line, too. Make sure things are OK.
Well done on those cherries, by they way.
Hope you have a peaceful evening.
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Julie was at the Wheatsheaf
Julie (Calvercerdl) was at the Wheatsheaf on March 26th as a listener. White wavy hair, friendly manner, came in wearing a colourful jacket. It was great to put a person to the name Elsie
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A lovely post, Bee. I spoke with Julie at the Wheatsheaf, and she was indeed having troubles with the new website. I've just sent her an email explaining the basics, and hope that she will be back and posting again soon!
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Hi Bee,
Hi Bee,
What a busy bee you are. It makes me tired just reading about all the reading and writing you do.
Well done.
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Bee, it's like cake addiction
Bee, it's like cake addiction. You know you need to do something about it but you're powerless, cramming in all varieties, Have turned my email notifications off. This has made me smile, written with care and a strange sort of dark humour.
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Really pleased to hear about
Really pleased to hear about Julie, Elsie. Thanks for that
So much has come out of this post of yours, Bee, and thank you, of course, to your good self. Sunshine's the order of the day this morning, and I hope you have got some, too.
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Well, Bee, it just shows - I
Well, Bee, it just shows - I only just noticed this now, because I checked on you, as so often I mostly have a check of the new poetry. I too have a growing list of contributors, many of whom mostly do prose only, and see what I can follow. I've started rather late on JeanD's Polish connection series, and now you mention her new one … And as for you, this 'complaint' just seems to have generated a lot more reading for you! You will just have to be selective! for your family's sake, and pop around to others from time to time, or you will end up shutting off your computer as Elsie had to for a while, or rather she decided not to try to get it mended for a while.
As in all things, we can ask for wisdom. Rhiannon
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Great post, Bee. You've been
Great post, Bee. You've been very kind following the nonsense I post here. And you shame me with your prodigious reading habits. You're a wonder. So glad you're a big part of all this. Hugs to you.
Rich xx
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I forgot to mention how much
I forgot to mention how much fun it was to read your post, Bee. You've got a great sense of humor, and of yourself.
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Brilliant! Smiling massively,
Brilliant! Smiling massively, it's so lovely to see all those familiar names....
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