the cultural quarter pt 2
By pumadelta
- 1080 reads
The corners of the cultural quarter
Are bursting like tar soaked lungs.
Haemorrhaging empty fag packets
Lay strewn in rain washed streets.
Blind alleys refusing to be hidden
Cry for my attention like new born babes.
Streets saturate with busy footsteps
I leave quickly as to not leave my own.
Rain pours down in mid-summer
Hits hot tarmac, vapours soar
Evaporates into muggy air;
Mist appears on plate glass windows,
Moisture thickens like broth
Dilutes between pockets of polluted air;
Bleeding sirens echo like old memories
A fifty pence piece glistens like a jewel
On wetted slabs; I feel threatened by
Memories of my childhood
Buried like earth beneath sodden green leaves.
Cell phone chimes cut through the airwaves
Like sharpened knives through a cellophane membrane;
Women dressed in sarees and burkas embrace each other
Their bodies weave and fuse together like living cells.
Power dressed business men press hard flesh upon flesh
Dark grey and black suits silhouette against white washed archaic walls;
Silver batoned like railings meander like sleek, skinned snakes,
Their aim to Protect the unassuming
From metal monsters that curb our paths.
Seated side by side like sewing machine operatives
Late night bars and tenement buildings
Fight for pride of place.
Fag butts lie scattered like confetti in gutters,
Acid rain bleaches the tarmac, cascading down drain slats
Into secret river caves;
The church stands alone and is crumbling,
Holding names of an ancient past;
Unattended graves of dead men and president lie speechless;
Above are snarling oaks.
Gargoyles loom and threaten
Lonesome pedestrians,
Passing through the winding path to a place unknown;
Secular hall busy’s its self with art,
Metaphorical proses and rhetorical speeches
The face of Thomas Paine breaks contours
On a stone brushed wall.
His eyes blank, expressionless, like bare canvas,
Pours over the cities sidewalks and busying roads;
Watching and still waiting for equality and chivalry,
Warning the foot loose and fancy free,
Fighting for equal pay and racial harmony;
His age of reason reasoning
The plight of mankind and climate change;
The U.S have Benjamin franklin and the dollar.
We have rule Britannia and Simon Cowell.
In streets like these, we die like men with no vision
Or soar like eagles or transfigured saints.
Or hope of a brighter future
Drowned out by futilities strain;
and corporate lies.
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A bleak and well observed
A bleak and well observed cityscape. Makes me want to take a shower.
It does need a little TLC, business men is all one word (businessmen) as is white washed (whitewashed) for example. In the third last paragraph 'cities' should either be city's or cities'. I think that you are refering to a single city? If that is the case city's would be correct.
Worth spending some editing time on this, pumadelta.
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