Madam, Excuse me.
By pkroutray
- 328 reads
Madam, Excuse me.
P K Routray
Hey Gyatri madam!
Apology I beg from heart’s bottom
from you for this story
on your pre-marriage history
deliberated in lighter vein
not framed by this insane brain
but emanated from your hubby’s lip
rcorded here as it did slip.
I am only narrating upon
also heard by many of your companion
in your absence your consort’s proud pronunciation
in Hindi, Odia, English and symbolized version
to every body’s laughter and joy
each in heart of heart vying something to say..
Please add your side of premarital observation
to record it for elder and younger generation.
to tach a bridal and groom’s divinized negotiation
vanishing on motor bike ride as a driven and a pillion.
Our dear friend Brahma promised to remain unwed
as bachelorhood is more alluring than getting married
that to in an air force officers’ union
as an eligible bachelor and a RENGCOLIAN icon.
But his friend who promised with him broke the agreement
with marriage and proudly exhibiting the merriment.
Our friend earlier was evading the persuasion
to listen to participate any marriage negotiation
but he buldozed his vow and seized an opportunity
when his friend offered it
to meet your parents over a cup of tea
with prime intention to impress upon you under the plea.
On the way his mental and emotional agitation
we will wait to couple it with yours for the next publication.
With nurtured moustache at a beauty parlor
as a good boy serving the nation with calm composure
he reached the venue of his slaughter
at the hands of your father and mother.
In his search for you, them he faltered to answer.
Perhaps it was well taken “The groom is too meek to the elder”.
He searched you in all present and peeped from behind the curtain
and forgot you as he was enamored by all flowers then in the garden.
He got your parental high acclamation
as later he learnt that it, his moustache had won.
Hence he grew the other half of his moustache with care
to impress further your parents if for him some others they can spare.
Neither dame luck nor the dame lady in you could smile on my friend
He was persuaded to come again and with you sometimes he can spend.
The intervening period of my friend needs a poetic composition
The same was for you as confirmed over to our Brhma by you in person.
He was coached by experts in the field what to see in you
That partly Brhma could venture but for rest to your tact he found no clue.
This time his patience was put to acid taste
You arrived after his much impatient wait
again searching you in seven to seventy
as friends we did it then and even now in all the beauty.
To taste as to whether you were dumb or lame
he put you on run and dance over a shuttle game.
He played the game partnering your friend against you
physically fit you were it proved without much ado
To taste the sweetness and pitch of your voice
with courage he asked questions of his choice
Questions, if you reveal, we will have a separate session
as they are eloquent with sweetness of wine of Omarkhyam’s passion.
But you replied none raising his palpitation on your selection
doubting his eligibility befitting to your expectation.
You are all luckier than your in-laws poor
tasted not by groom but by groom’s aunties and mother
and they had to face questions much tougher.
No university, no coaching Center to day, them can offer
The ability of preparation of recipe of older version
suiting to function, tradition and the vagaries of religion,
taste of strength and stamina with well dimensioned figure,
sweetness of tone, humility and depth in the Himdu culture
were noted to test for long by keen spying observation.
Madam! You and your batch were lucky as of them you had none.
Chaki, Dhinki, Chita, Chitau, Muruz, Mala and tasty beetle they used to offer,
Hulu hulu, Bahuna and many others you killed forever.
Can you pass them ever? You will be surely a failure.
Accept our dear Brhma’s magnanimity and serve to him to cheer.
N. B - Sorry for the length.It is a spontaneous outburst. I could not curtail.
(Madam Gytri is the better half of my class mate friend Brhma. This is based on Mr Brahma’s light hearted deliberation of his meeting with Madam before forty years. In India before a marriage is finalized an interviews are taken for both bride and groom to find the suitability.
(Dhinki, Chaki, Chtau, Chitta Mala, muruja are odia words need long description to define them. They are used by ladies in a family.
Dhinki iasa mammoth wooden hammer for dedusking paddy to rice.
Chaki stone crusher for crushing corn.Chita The art on muddy wall. Muruj the art on the floor all these are handled by ladies.)
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