Mack and the Loch Boggart
By well-wisher
- 328 reads
There was once a boy named Mack and his mother was always telling him, "Now, Mack. Remember not to go near the edge of the lake. You might fall in or, even worse, the Loch Boggart might get you".
But Mack never did as he was told and, one day, while he was playing much too near to the edge of the lake a large, hairy loch boggart came up out of the lake and grabbed hold of him and, putting him into a big air tight sack, carried him to its house under the lake.
And because he couldn't breath underwater like a loch boggart, Mack couldn't escape the Boggarts house and was forced to be his servant.
But then, one day, when the boggart was out, Mack was tidying up his house when he realized that the reason he could breath inside the boggarts underwater house is because it had a chimney that was so tall that it reached up out of the lake just like a snorkel and so let fresh air into the house.
And no sooner had Mack realized this when he had a plan.
Filling the boggarts sack with treasure from the boggarts chest and putting a pretty seashell from the boggarts shelf in his pocket Mack started to climb up the inside of the chimney.
Unfortunately, as he was climbing up the chimney, the loch boggart came home and, looking up the chimney and seeing Mack he charted to climb up the chimney after him.
"You won't get away from me like that", said the boggart, climbing after him.
And as Mack was almost at the top of the chimney, he looked down and saw the Boggart right behind him and close enough to catch him with one of its clawed webbed hands.
So then, because there was nothing else Mack could do, he let go of the Boggarts heavy sack of treasure and, landing ontop of the boggart, it hit him right upon his green scaly head and the boggart fell down the chimney, landing at the bottom with a loud crash.
Fortunately then, peeping out of the top of the chimney that poked up from the lake, Mack saw a man rowing past in a boat and, shouting for help, he managed to attract the mans attention.
Then the man letting the boy into his boat, rowed him safely back to dry land and, from there, Mack went home to his mother.
And Macks mother was overjoyed to see him again because she had worried so much about him.
Infact the only sad thing, Mack thought, was that he hadn't been able to bring his mother the Boggarts treasure.
However, while Mack was taking off his coat he realised that he still had the boggarts seashell in his pocket and, when he turned the seashell upside down, a big pile of treasure fell out of it because it was a magic seashell that was always full of treasure.
And because of the magic seashell, Mack and his mother became rich and lived happily ever after.
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