A Tale Retold
By pkroutray
- 364 reads
A Tale Retold
P K Routray
A story from a master
to glorify that truth can harm never
even when caught in a tricky situation
to protect it, if the man is bent upon.
Thus goes the story
from the hazes of my memory.
A man turned saint
with mind spiritually bent.
Two promises he had made
“Never to tell a lie even compelled.”
“None he will ever harm in life>”
under dire duress or strife.
Without bout one may jolly well exist
if a second comes there always arises a conflict
These two promises once had a conflict
intelligently man could come out of the rift.
Once in a deep forest
the man was taking rest
under a tree with a shrub of many a creeper.
He saw a running frightened deer
running for life, hid itself there for shelter
After a while saw he an armed hunter
chasing and asking the location of the deer.
Neither lie nor harm were his promises.
His answer to hunter, to us brings a surprise
“That which has seen cannot speak,
that which can speak has not seen” was the reply quick
The hunter got perplexed and was misled
the life of the deer was thus spared.
His words are true, a lie it can never be
as eyes cannot speak, nor can’t mouth see.
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